Friday, December 30, 2011

An added piece
This is certainly no prediction of future success, but if I'm Mario Chalmers I might be looking over my shoulder. Fairly or unfairly a large amount of criticism was aimed at Chris Bosh last season. Despite the big three last year the point guard position was weak for the Heat and is still weak. Folks love to talk about the Lakers Derek Fisher being over the hill how about Mike Bibby? This team went through three point guards last season, from Chalmers to Arroyo and finally Bibby. Picking up Bibby in the middle of last season indicated the team had a problem at the point. This past Tuesday rookie Norris Cole came off the Heat bench and had a monster game. As mentioned the Heat have James, Wade and Bosh but they might have lost their game against the Celtics without Cole. He came off the bench scored 20 points had 3 steals and 4 assists. Point guard Cole matriculated at Cleveland State a member of the Horizon League. Butler and Valpo are probably more familiar conference members to most around the nation. "Cole was drafted by the Chicago Bulls in the first round of the 2011 NBA Draft as the 28th pick out of Cleveland State, but in a series of draft night deals, his rights were subsequently traded to the Minnesota Timberwolves, who then dealt them to the Miami Heat." (Wikipedia)

The mystery man
For a variety of reasons it seemed after Lon Kruger left K-State the school was in the basketball wilderness. The school had limited success under a number of coaches but none appeared able to sustain a winning program. K-State changed coaches like many of us change underwear, the head coaches office was a revolving door. The revolving door even caught Bob Huggins for a slightly different reason. Huggins left K-State when an opportunity to coach his alma mater West Virginia became available. Allow me to introduce you to the current head coach Frank Martin. The vast majority of us didn't know a great deal about Martin when he arrived on the scene. We knew he'd been Bob Huggins chief recruiter and served as his associate head coach but that's about all. Several of us were aware he had also been a successful high school coach. Many were unsure of coaching ability since he'd never coached at the collegiate level. Huggins surprised us went he left Kansas State after just one season, many (me included) thought the program might be in trouble again.  Looking back the key might have been Michel Beasley remaining at K-State, many thought he'd follow Huggins to West Virginia. Even more interesting watching Huggins patrol the sidelines that first year I thought the guy's head would explode. His demonstrative bombastic over-the-top coaching style was a sharp contrast to many of his coaching brethren. I went back to look at his K-State record, 21-12, 22-12, 29-8, 23-11 and 10-1 to date this season. That's 105-44 overall and 40-24 in the Big XII. Frank Martin is a winner, that's now clear to all of us.

Numbers don't often paint a true picture
I've made the statement before numbers don't often paint a true picture in basketball, the same is true in other sports as well. This certainly fits Mizzou's "little" point guard Phil Pressey. 5-10 Phil (Flip) Pressey is shooting an anemic .379 from the floor, .250 from the 3-point line and 9.4 per game scoring. Only in the area of free throw shooting (.786) his numbers are near average. The key of course the Tigers don't need this lighting quick guard to score, they need him to run the offense which he does magnificently. Currently Pressey is averaging 5.9 assists and 2.3 steals a game and his assists to turnover is a sparkling 3-1. Many thought he and brother Matt might follow "Uncle" Mike to Arkansas, they have a family connection. Their father was a teammate of former Mizzou coach Mike Anderson while the two played at Tulsa, Anderson had recruited the brothers to Mizzou.

Isn't this interesting
"As of last week, the league’s full-season-ticket renewal rate was running in the 80-plus percent range, about the same pace as at the start of last season, league officials said. The league was still compiling new season-ticket sales data, but the labor turmoil is expected to affect new full-season-tickets sales, and teams will be challenged to match last year’s sales of partial-season-ticket plans and group plans during its compressed 66-game season.To date, though, the NBA has 10 of its 30 teams with 10,000 or more full-season ticket plans, the same number as last year. While league officials would not disclose that list of teams, among the clubs reaching the 10,000 benchmark are Miami, Boston, Chicago, New York, New Orleans, and both the Los Angeles Clippers and Lakers." I guess folks who follow the NBA aren't too upset, you think so? We are unable to determine attendance on television due to the camera shooting the lower bowl, the majority of games I've watched seem to be primarily full. Any Lockout hangover seems to have dissipated at least in cities with NBA teams. (SportsBusinessJournal)

Jason come on, do you really think your that good?
I have avoided writing about the Syracuse University molestation cases. My reasoning is based on my belief the case will eventually be decided by a jury rather than a sports journalist. Despite my view columnist Jason Whitlock of Fox Sports has taken the opposite approach, he's already held a trial in his column. A couple of upfront points, I'm no fan of Gloria Allred, in the past she's appeared to me as an "ambulance" chasing attorney with her many high profile cases. She did indicate to Whitlock clients had sometimes sought her out to serve as their attorney. I've been a fan of Jim Boeheim but only to a point, when he's wrong he's wrong! Boeheim chose to proclaim the innocence of his assistant coach in a public forum (press conference). One of the alleged victims chose to sue Boehiem and the university for libel thus enters Ms Allread. Whitlock defended Boeheim's press conference regarding the sexual molestation claims, later Boeheim took back much of what he stated initially. Whitlock took the unusual stance of inviting the attorney for the alleged victims to a podcast interview. Whitlock conducted an almost 45 minute interview with Allred both individuals providing point counter point arguments. After Ms Allred concluded the telephone interview Whitlock begin discussing the podcast with his producer. He decided (along with the producer) the interview didn't allow for a listener to come to a conclusion. I happen to think Whitlock is no dummy however I think at times he allows his ego to be counter-productive. Jason I have a few questions for your response, Ms Allred is the attorney for the men how much could she really discuss detail over the airways prior to trial? Do you really think an attorney in her position would make any statement over the airways that might jeopardize the case in court? Prior to concluding the interview Whitlock asked Ms Allred if the two men would come on his program, my question might be why? Jason do you think you are skilled enough to trick either of these individuals into answering questions that validate your view? Come on Jason, do you really believe these two guys are going to appear on your program especially since you accused one of them of being a liar?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

O Canada
Kadeem Green will have a fellow countryman on the roster next year. Green a 6-8 210 pound redshirt freshman has worked his way into Coach Haith's rotation. This Toronto (ON) native has a 7-1 wingspan so a vertically challenged Mizzou team needs his help on the boards. Green was hurt all last season and although technically in his second year this is actually his first opportunity to exhibit his basketball skills. Canadian Negus Webster-Chan is on the way having signed a letter of intent in October, he is a 6-7 195 pound small forward/shooing guard. Webster-Chan hails from Scarborough Ontario, "is a dissolved municipality within the city of Toronto Ontario Canada." After the Tigers played Kennesaw State Green was chosen as the post game guest. The play by play announcer asked him pretty standard post game questions however he mentioned the fact Green was Canadian. He asked him about the Canadian basketball picture and this was his response, "more and more players are coming down here (U.S.) to play ball." Hopefully there are more Canadians in Mizzou's future.  NOTE:  I was in error, one more Canadian headed to Mizzou, 6-9 Stefan Janovic from Mississauga Ont, Canada.  My apologies young man.  (Wikipedia)

The Apocalypse is here now
Okay I exaggerate however reading some in the media I get the impression of an apocalyptic event for the Lakers. As this is written they are discussing my team has begun the season 0-2, it's panic time right? Hold on, allow me to point out a few facts:
a. Brief training camp due to Lockout.
b. New Coach in Mike Brown.
c. No Bynum due to suspension.
d. Kobe injury (and maybe divorce blues).
e. Chris Paul playing for the wrong L.A. team thanks to David Stern.
By the way the defending NBA Champ Mavs are 0-2 as well---is it panic time for them too?

Once upon a time
Back in the '60's and '70's the Missouri Valley Conference was one of the toughest basketball conferences in the nation, it's still tough today however it's somewhat unrecognized by the national sports media. It's unrecognized until one of it's schools "upsets" a national power such as Kansas. The Valley schools of that long ago time period were the equivalent of the ACC or Big East today, the Valley is now considered a mid major conference. As this is written Creighton is 9-1, Northern Iowa 10-2 while Indiana State and Wichita State are both 9-2. Mid-major number 9 seed Northern Iowa took out the mighty Kansas Jayhawks a number 1 in the 2010 NCAA tourney? In addition to successful teams the conference has turned out several outstanding NBA players. Yahoo Sports compiled a complete list, but I will profile a few. Larry Bird of Indiana State, anybody ever heard of him? How about Walt "Clyde" Frazier New York Knicks, he earned his defensive spurs at Southern Illinois University. Former Chicago Bull Chet Walker was a 2X first team All-American at Bradley University and member of the 1963 NBA Rookie Team. The Philadelphia 76ers coach Doug Collins had an outstanding NBA career, he honed his basketball skill at Illinois State University.

"The more things change the more they seem to remain the same"
I'm really unsure who to credit for that statement but it certainly fits the Wizards of Washington. The team rolled out their brand new uniforms for the 2011-12 season but wait just a minute. Those uniforms look kinda familiar where have I seen them before, they look remarkably close to the uniforms of Wes Unseld and Elvin Hayes? That's really an interesting move, rather then retro jerseys they had new uniforms modeled after the those of the 1970's. A little history for those who might not be aware, the team was originally known as the Bullets from it's founding. They became the Wizards in 1997, the late Abe Polin who owed the team at the time was concerned about the negative connotation of the name and the rising crime rate in Washington D.C. Wizards broadcaster Phil Chenier had an interesting comment on the uniforms. I thought Chenier's view was interesting because he was the point guard on those Unseld teams. He said, "they are similar but updated to what we wore." Phil you wore the uniform so your observation is probably better than mine but the unis look pretty similar to me.

Wonder where he's going
The nation's number one high school prospect Shabazz Muhammad remains uncommitted. Muhammad scored 42 points in a game, Bishop Gorman lost, less then 24 hours later he scored 28 points and grabbed 15 rebounds and Gorman won. Muhammad plays both ends of the court, the media fascination with his offense tends to over shadow his defensive efforts. This 6-6 215 guard has narrowed his list to six schools with four in the forefront. The leaders are the usual suspects, Duke, Kentucky, UCLA and UNLV. Kansas and Southern Cal are outside possibilities, he narrowed his list of schools he said "he was continuing to receive phone calls and offers from schools he had no interest in attending."

Monday, December 26, 2011

Ralph you missed the boat on this one
The NBA has been playing Christmas Day games every year since 1946. This is a response to Ralph Nader and his efforts to cancel NBA Games on Christmas. He made this suggestion but his reasoning is clearly flawed. Nader's past consumer efforts are to be applauded, he is one of the individuals most responsible for the safer automobiles many of us drive today. We truly appreciate your efforts to protect mankind, cancelling NBA games on Christmas is not a consumer protection issue!

"I don't get no respect!" "No respect, no respect at all...that's the story of my life."
For those unfamiliar with the phrase it was coined by the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield. During his stand up act at some point the audience knew he was going to drop that line. I think the line might fit for my Tigers, I've read several emails and listened to local talk radio and thought Mizzou needs a hug. If I landed on earth from another planet and read or heard many of the comments I would conclude Mizzou must have lost the game against Illinois. The national sports media seems to be more impressed with Mizzou than many in the Kansas City Metro. I must conclude most of the negative comments are coming from a westerly direction of my residence, you see I live about 3 miles east of State Line Road which divides the State of Missouri from that of Kansas. No team in the nation can sustain playing a a high level all the time, there are going to be games and periods of games where you don't play your best brand of basketball. I can admit Mizzou did not play it's best in the second half of the game. This is just a small sampling of several comments I read or heard since last Thursday. "They returned to Mike Anderson ball" or "Pressey (take your pick on which brother) didn't play well." "Ratliff has good hands, why did he not look for a guard rather than dribbling the ball himself?" In my best Dick Vitale impression, 12-0, "It's Awesome, baby! With a capital "A"!" Come on use your imagination please!

The good and the bad
I'm calling this to your attention due to my concern, my desire for Mizzou's basketball program to remain successful. Mizzou has recruited an apparent talent but an athlete of questionable character which concerns me. This is no intent to forecast doom and gloom just expressing a view. Jabari Brown a 6-4 205 pound shooting guard is headed for Mizzou next fall, that's the good. The bad, Brown left the University of Oregon after playing but two games this his freshman year. No official explanation was offered by coach Dana Altman for Brown leaving. His mom said "he made the decision to attend Oregon at 17," my response is "how does that weigh into his decision to leave after only two games?" That's only part of the problem, Brown attended three high schools before heading off to Oregon for this very brief stay. Brown is a talented guard from the Class of 2011 in fact Rivals gave him 5-stars.

Where are they
I didn't watch the program but the headline was interesting, "Where have all the big man gone"? That was the topic of discussion for an "Open Court" presentation on NBA TV. For a variety of reasons here are few who model their game after Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul Jabbar or Hakeem Olajuwon! In fact we might have been witness to the last dominant center with the retirement of Shaquille O' Neal. There is no one factor that's contributed to the lack of big men in today's game but rather a series of factors. One area is the Magic/MJ factor. In a the short period Magic Johnson and then Michael Jordan came into the NBA, both players were to dominate the game from the guard position. Dominate as both were key to a succession of championships for the Lakers and Bulls. The NBA has always had guards with leadership skills but none ever dominated the game from the backcourt as these two did. The nearest equivalent earlier might have been Oscar Robertson who once averaged a triple double for an entire season. The 3-point line might be another contributing factor, the shot certainly added a different element to the game. Someplace in the middle '80's, 6-10, 6-11 and 7 foot guys began drifting out toward that line. Talented as they are we have Dirk Nowitzki, Pau Gasol and other 7-footers now as power forwards rather than centers. In the late '70's or '80's any player above 6-10 was automatically deemed to play the center position, that view no longer holds universal validity. Finally the last factor there are no more or better yet few Pete Newell's around. For a significant number of years former Cal coach Pete Newell ran a "Big Man's Camp." Newell and his staff worked with big men, high school, collegiate and NBA players over the course of a summer. These big men were taught the finer points of play for the center position, one thing I'm sure Newell's staff had no one standing anyplace near the 3-point line taking shots.

What can "Brown" do for you
The new look Lakers will probably have an old look! Phil Jackson's triangle offense is no longer in place, at this point I'm unsure what the offense will resemble. Coach Mike Brown indicates he wants a speedier team on the court, I think we can conclude the defense will be raised slightly over that of last season. In addition there is an interesting change with Lamar Odom no longer around. Brown provided the Los Angeles Times with his preliminary lineup. Guess what, the usual suspects are in place with slight modifications. In place, Bryant, Bynum, Gasol and Fisher, substitute Matt Barnes, Luke Walton or 2nd year man Devin Ebanks at the small forward. The speedy Ebanks was the starting small forward for their first pre-season game, this would be a move Phil Jackson (who loved veterans) wouldn't have done. You ask where in the world is Metta World Peace a.k.a. Ron Artest? Brown indicates Peace or Artest whatever name you prefer will assume the role previously held by Lamar Odom, the role as leader of the second unit. Brown indicates he thinks a.k.a. will have more scoring opportunities with the second unit. Considering we are talking Steve Blake, Josh McRoberts and Jason Kapono it sounds reasonable. (12/15/11 Los Angeles Times)

Pac 12
What in the world has occurred with Pac 12 basketball? Maybe no once thing has caused the conference to slide ever so slowly into the Pacific Ocean. Maybe it's just coming back to earth, back in the mid '60's many often said the conference wasn't really that good. They said it was Wooden's UCLA teams and all the rest. To a degree that might have been fact, UCLA basketball certainly dominated the NCAA's winning it's first championship in 1964 and nine more through 1975. Beginning In the '80's as UCLA came down to earth other Pac 10 teams began to rise and flex their muscles. Arizona, Stanford, Oregon and Southern Cal had begin to experience success on the court the only problem none appeared sustaining it over a period of time. I'm not talking about a UCLA run of the '70's I'm talking Carolina, Kentucky type success. Coaching changes might have been a contributing factor, Mike Montgomery leaving Stanford, Jim Harrick at UCLA, Arizona's Lute Olson retiring. The almost constant revolving door at Southern Cal with it's program and eventual NCAA problems. It was almost painful to watch Kansas destroy Southern Cal, that Cal team might have problems with a good high school team. As indicated earlier it wasn't always this way, this is the same conference that once could boast it has sent the greatest number of players to the NBA. This is the conference that produced Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Gary Payton and Reggie Miller just to name a few.

Somebody else is upset too
You might have thought the Lakers were the only one's pissed at David Stern's dictatorship. Not so according to Royce Young of per the Houston Chronicle. The report indicates the Rockets particularly owner Leslie Alexander is totally pissed at David Stern. The report claims he will continue to voice his complaints to other NBA owners. If true report is true it confirms all is not well among all the NBA owners, Stern tried to make it clear he was acting in the "best interest" of the NBA. A better story might be David Stern was acting in the best interest of Dan Gilbert and perhaps a number of other unidentified owners. Another website claims David Stern wouldn't return a phone call from Alexander. You think the NBA has problems now, it was about to disappear from sight when Stern took over as commissioner. The NBA championship tape delayed broadcast because the league has reached such low esteem with the public. Drug problems, poor ownership and other issues were key to the general public ignoring the NBA. Along comes David Stern he instituted policy changes which affected change. He was added by Magic Johnson and Larry Bird coming into the league, many had followed their collegiate careers and were anxious to continue their careers. David Stern once saved the NBA but the time has come for him to step down as commissioner to save it again.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Whose your daddy?
Wednesday I wrote of 6-11 Willie Cauley of Olathe Northwest, Cauley has a talented teammate. Shavon Shields has game, he averaged 18 points a game during his junior year. Shields is a 6-6 215 pound forward/guard, his father former Chiefs lineman Will Shields. Despite his father's All-Pro NFL career the younger Shields indicates he's always focused on basketball. "Shavon Shields played football when he was in the seventh and eighth grades. I never really caught on, said Shields, the son of former Nebraska football All-American guard Will Shields. I've been playing basketball since I could walk." Although he failed to follow the sports path of his father he will attend his father's school the University of Nebraska. Shields is a true scholar-athlete with a sparkling 3.97 GPA in the classroom. (Husker Extra)

NBA League Pass
I've lost track of the number of years I've subscribed to League Pass. Currently I am debating with myself if I want to do this for the umpteenth year. The shortened NBA season versus cost of Pass, the price has not been substantially reduced. I've subscribed in the past for the privilege of viewing all the Laker games. This from a Laker fan, "just checked and 29 of 66 games are nationally televised (including NBA TV), which is about 44% of all their games." As a last resort I might consider the 1/2 season Pass which is more economically feasible. I'm not the only one complaining Matt Moore of wrote a similar column on this issue. All that has transpired with the NBA since July 1 it would seem the league office needs to work at rebuilding credibility with it's fan base before it erodes even further more.

The Good, the bad and the ugly
Mizzou won the annual Braggin' Rights Game versus Illinois, I haven't read or heard anything but I'm going out on a limb. I would bet money Illinois will continue this game despite Mizzou going to the SEC next season. Mizzou thoroughly outplayed Illinois in the first half of the game, the Illini came roaring back in the second half
of the game even leading for a short period. Illinois eventually succumbed 78-74 and Mizzou remained undefeated with a 12-0 record. Prior to the game a local sports talk show host said the "Tigers would be damn if they do, damn if they don't." He simply meant all season long their have been complaints regarding Mizzou's "soft schedule." If they win they are supposed to win, if they lose it would prove they are not that good. Never mind the fact Illinois was either number 24 or 25 depending on which poll you follow.

They are improved but are they really better
It's really funny, the Clippers now have become the "best" team in Los Angeles that line is being touted by various media sources. This will be no point-counter point, I'm only giving you my observations. No doubt here adding talented Chris Paul to a lineup of Caron Butler and Blake Griffin has raised the Clippers profile significantly. The balance of the starting five as this is written 35-year old Chauncey Billups at shooting guard and 23-year old DeAndre Jordan starting center. Will Billups adjust or even wish to play shooting guard after a career at the point? The talented Jordan has been somewhat inconsistent over his short NBA career, will he adjust to his role as the starting center over that of a backup? The media danger is to assume this "new" team will contend, remember the first year of the Heatles? The Clippers do have one distinct advantage over the Heatles, that team had no adequate point guard--the Clippers do. Dan Patrick had an interesting poll question on his program, "if season tickets were priced the same which team would you choose Lakers or Clippers?"

For NBA purposes the new collective bargaining agreement includes an amnesty clause. contains four definitions for the term amnesty and two are included here. "1. a general pardon of offenses 4. to grant amnesty to; pardon." I looked at the NBA's amnesty clause because I wanted to fully understand it's ramifications. It's a little more complicated than simply releasing a player, there are specific differences. The intent is to "level" the playing field and provide equality throughout the entire NBA. The following is from former ESPN basketball reporter Chris Sheridan " a player that is released by the amnesty clause cannot be picked up by a team that is over the salary cap. For example, if the Orlando Magic decided to waive Gilbert Arenas using the amnesty clause (which they later did), he would ultimately be put on “secondary waivers,” where teams that are not over the salary cap can add him to their team at a smaller pay scale than his initial monster-sized contract." My Lakers and several other teams who exceed the salary cap would most likely be unable to sign amnesty players.

I came up with an interesting twist, a recurring number is apparent in the NBA's history! Consider this, the Lockout season of 1998-99 the NBA was shortened to 50 games. The 2011-12 season will consist of 66 games, 16 more than the '98-'99 season. The 2011-12 season will be 16 short of a normal 82 game schedule, the NBA's recurring number would appear to be 16. I know it's really just coincidence.

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” - Michael Jordan

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

He's back on the basketball court
No word yet on Mizzou coach Haith yet however DeQuan Jones has been cleared. Last August Jones's was reported to have received money from Miami booster Nevin Shapiro in a Yahoo report.  The money exchange was to have taken place the year before Jones enrolled at Miami.  Former Miami coach Haith's name was included in the alleged improprieties, most involved the football program. This investigative story was first reported by Charles Robinson of Yahoo Sports.  Robinson conducted prison interviews with former booster Shapiro. The NCAA has completed it's investigation of Jones, he sat out Miami's first 10 games. It might be of interest Shapiro is in prison serving 20 years for his role in a $930 million dollar Ponzi scheme.

"A Different World"
It's only pre-season and one game, this is the box score for two rookie point guards. Ricky Rubio came off the Wolves bench, played 24 minutes, 1-4 from the floor with 6 points and 7 assists. In the Pacific Time Zone the "Jimmer" exhibited his work. Jimmer Fredette was a starter, played 35 minutes for the Kings, 7-11 from the floor with 21 points and 4 assists.

Wedding Cake

He plays football too
It's not uncommon for athletes to play football and basketball, the practice is less common at the collegiate level. LeBron James is probably the most recent name that comes to mind. James played both sports in high school but chose basketball as his professional choice. There is another high school player whose played both sports but will certainly chose the basketball path. Willie Cauley is a senior at Olathe Northwest (KS) a Kansas city metro high school. Cauley is a 6-11 215 pound wide receiver who towers over opposition defensive backs and linebackers, those who follow the NFL think of former receiver Harold Carmichael only two inches taller. John Calipari flew into Kansas City to sign Cauley and took in one of his football games one Friday evening. On Sunday Cauley sit down with his family to sign his letter of intent for Kentucky. His football days are over as he concentrates on playing center at the collegiate level. Thanks to the HBO documentary Prayer for a Perfect Season I have became acquainted with Michael Kidd-Gilchrist. The documentary followed Kidd-Gilchrist through his senior year including his signing with Kentucky. I have been following his progress via ESPN, now I'll have another Kentucky player (Cauley) to follow.

The headlines were almost funny if this matter were not so serious. One headline read, "Lakers sign Josh McRoberts to fill in for Lamar Odom." Another one read, "Josh McRoberts will make Lakers Forget Lamar Odom." This is another semi-strange move that's caused the Laker Nation to scratch it's head. McRoberts is younger (24) than Odom and actually carries more weight on his frame however Odom he's not. This former Dukee was drafted by Portland in the second round of the 2007 NBA Draft, he was traded to his hometown Pacers and has played their the last three years. I watched few Pacer games last season so I'm unsure exactly what he brings to the table. My best guess, the Lakers expect him be the second coming of former Laker Kurt Rambis. For those unfamiliar with the Rambis role on the '80's Showtime Lakers he was a "banger" a guy who did all the dirty work on the boards, set picks and scored occasionally. If my team doesn't compete this year I figure 30% of the blame can be laid at the feet of Laker management, the other 70% David Stern. The events (the Lockout) and other matters I think it's time for Mr. Stern to name his replacement, better yet allow the Board of Governors that duty. After I finished writing this piece I was viewing the Laker website and it suggested we might want to You Tube McRoberts dunks from last season. I did and I must admit I was impressed now only if he can transferred what I saw to the Lakers.

Single name
In a somewhat surprising move Nene Hilario remained with the Denver Nuggets, he recently signed a 5-year deal to remain with the Nuggets. This just proves we shouldn't listen to agent talk, his agent had most of believing his Rocky Mountain High was over. Both he and his agent were talking greener pastures for this native of Brazil. By the way did you notice I gave you Nene's first and last name? I'm unsure if he deserves first name identification only, there are few in life who are identified by their first name only. Madonna, Michael (Jackson & Jordan) and Jack (Nicholson) can be easily identified without their last name, Nene is there with the NBA community but probably few others.

"The only difference between a good shot and a bad shot is if it goes in or not." Charles Barkley

Monday, December 19, 2011

I hate to hear this
Player after player at Mizzou is voicing how different the team is structured this season. Flip Pressey indicated he knows his time period in a game is for an extended period. He's not the only one, Kim English and Marcus Denmon have both noted the change. Both have mentioned floor spacing and other areas of emphasis Frank Haith has preached. Unlike the last several seasons Haith has a "first eight" players who are on the floor for the majority of minutes. Anderson might play as many as eleven players during the course of a game, "the fastest 40 minutes in basketball" offense required more players to implement it. This change in coaching philosophy has provided proof to a local sports talk host "there was very little teaching under Mike Anderson." I have no method of disputing his theory however I doubt seriously that type of statement. All coaches teach it's just many are superior in communicating than others, at the same time how do we know if the "teaching" fell on deaf ears. The players could be taught but whether it's implemented by a team is another story. I'm reminded of a story, a coach indicated he'd draw up a play during timeouts and when the ball was inbound the first player touching it shot the ball! The point was you can design plays till the cows come home if your players don't implement them shame on the coach. Keep this in mind these are Mike Anderson's players, they could have transferred to Arkansas or to any number of schools. They stayed because they believed in the message Frank Haith discussed with them and maybe they believed in the university, if that's teaching so be it. I'll repeat my earlier statement, Mizzou ain't won nothing, conference play looms on the horizon that's the true test!

What happened
Are you like me, wondering how a player who played at a high or All-Star level and becomes a journeyman? I read Tracy McGrady will probably sign with the Hawks, I've lost track of what number team they will become. In an attempt to be fair McGrady has suffered a number of injuries which have contributed to his slow down. His cousin Vince Carter seems to have suffered the same fate. Once upon a time Carter was dubbed "Half man-half amazing" by Kenny the Jet. That Vince Carter was a high wire act who dominated the opposition, where has that Vince Carter gone? Of course I had already discussed Richard Jefferson who was supposed to have been rejected by the Spurs. This one I'm still trying to figure out, as I write this NBA TV has a Spurs game on and Jefferson is in the starting lineup. Finally we add Gilbert Arenas to the list who became an ordinary player. In Agent 0's defense his downfall had contributing factors, injury and surgery the Magic have used the amnesty clause and released him.

No such thing
I don't truly believe them when it's said "they are jinxed!" You've heard it too, earlier I mentioned the Sports Illustrated curse or jinx. Well this is a story you take at it's face value. What in the world is the problem in Portland? Star guard Brandon Roy at 27 is a medical retiree, it's still unclear if center Greg Oden will ever reach the heights projected for him as the 1st player picked in the 2007 draft. Injuries have kept Oden off the court for the bulk of his brief NBA career. The franchise has a history of drafting centers who can't play or who are injury prone. Number one pick LaRue Martin in 1972 failed and Sam Bowie number two pick in 1984 was injury prone. It's not been all doom and gloom for this Pacific Northwest team, there were the Clyde Drexler/Kevin Porter team's of the '90's. Those Blazer teams were very successful although never winning a championship. Earlier with Bill Walton at center and the late Maurice Lucas at power forward they won their one and only NBA Championship in 1977. That year they faced a talented 76er team of Dr. J. and George McGinnis but won the series 4-2. The "jail blazer" era came into prominence, they went downhill after much success in the late '90's. Various Blazer players were sometimes more visible in court as much as on the court, a house cleaning was required. Once this was completed the team began turning the corner toward success, the drafting of Roy and others the team became competitive again.

They are better
Defense is the name of the game, the Knicks have become better. These are two things unlike each other, the Knicks and defense can you say that in the same sentence? Tyson Chandler has made the Knicks better defensively, he doesn't need to score a single basket for them to become a superior team.  His defense alone will make better.  Carmelo Anthony and Amare Stoudemire will appear superior defensive players because Tyson will erase much of the matador defense both play at times. I have no idea if the playoffs are in the picture after all this is a D'Antoni team--offense first then defense. Mike D'Antoni wins at every stop it's just appears he doesn't emphasis the defensive side of the game much. The Knicks will be an improved team due to this one upgrade are they championship material? There are still holes to be filled for them to become an elite team. Completion of this story comes word the Knicks will sign point guard Baron Davis, if healthy Davis can certainly aid this franchise.

How much longer
The newness has worn off by now, we are a full year removed from "The Decision" yet some things remain the same. For reasons only ESPN knows they must maintain the Miami Heat in front of our faces. Every time we click on the website link immediately below is the "Heat Index." The Heat Index contains all the information you'd ever want to know on LeBron and crew. I admitted this in the recent past but it's worth repeating I was wrong, the Heat exceeded my expectations in competing for an for an NBA Championship in their first year. I'm still trying to come to grips with this over the top journalism effort by the Bristol Connecticut crew. Why must ESPN hang on to every word or utterance from the South Beach crew as if some revelation will come forth we might miss? I would assume when (if) they win an NBA Championship ESPN will no longer find it necessary for 24-7 coverage of the Heat.

There isn't a single professional sports season now that doesn't go on at least a month too long. Baseball starts in football weather, and football in baseball weather, and basketball overlaps them both. ~James Reston

Friday, December 16, 2011

What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is a-going on here?
The headline is probably not familiar to most of you, others will remember it from the movie, Blazing Saddles. It was the character Taggart's response to what he thought was a bunch of silly behavior exhibited. Now that's out of the way allow me to see if I can connect the silliness of that movie to the NBA. David Stern, Dan Gilbert approve the trade of Chris Paul to the Clippers but disallowed the same player being traded to the Lakers. The silliness of the NBA owning a franchise, Hornets General Manager Dell Demps "thought" the trade was good. Not so according to the aforementioned folks, later Michael Jordan chimed in with his disapproval to the original trade as well. "We are going to ensure Kobe doesn't tie Michael Jordan and the Laker team fails to tie the Celtics for most championship wins." I don't believe in conspiracies but on the other hand?

I confess, I'm hooked on the ESPN family of networks especially the collegiate and NBA basketball coverage. With the disclaimer issued up front allow me to question the sometimes plain dumb broadcasting decisions. According to the Kansas City Star the world wide leader has hired fired Chiefs coach Todd Haley as a guest "analysis" for an upcoming program. "An ESPN communications executive described the show as having a viewer-controlled format, allowing the analysts to answer questions." I guess a person might not be able to call in and ask Haley why he was such a terrible coach.

All the years I've followed the NBA I don't ever remember this much player movement. The new collective bargaining agreement is probably responsible for much of it. amnesty, free agency and plain old fashioned trades are in the NBA news everyday. I would be afraid to detail most of it for fear of omitted a story. During the course of a normal season there is a "dead-period" when teams are not allowed trades. A shortened NBA season might create movement through even this period, stay tuned.

Nobody cares anymore
Our usual custom at the barber shop is to discuss basketball. During a portion of several conversations my barber said: "UMKC should drop back down to the NAIA!" After research I discovered the words of Brad Porter Metro Sports Anchor which headline this story. This was his response to a question posed to him regarding UMKC basketball. The initials are probably not familiar to most, it's the University of Missouri at Kansas City. The university in Kansas City is one of four campuses spread throughout the state. A brief history, after a significant number of years the basketball program was resurrected in the 1970's. The school competed at the NAIA level from that point to 1989. 1989 was the year the school began playing Division One basketball, they played an independent schedule. When time came to choose a conference many thought they might look at the Missouri Valley Conference. That story turned out to be just that as story, they chose the Summit League which has contributed to their invisibility. From 1989 on it's been mostly downhill since then, a succession of athletic directors and basketball coaches and no, I repeat no stability. A former athletic director fired a coach and the hand-picked replacement coach left 1-year later to become an assistant coach with the Sonics. 1989 I had visions of a highly successful basketball program similar to a UCLA, St. John's or DePaul. Unfortunately the results on the court have become a nightmare for me and others. UMKC continuous play at a low level has caused even local sports media to ignore them. A winning streak has brought them to a 6-5 record, 1-1 in conference play. My hopes (and I'm sure others) never came to fruition, maybe my barber is correct. They should consider dropping back to the NAIA level, Oral Roberts University once did this. "The Titans began play as independent team in 1965. In 1971, the Titans moved up to Division I. From 1979 until 1987, the Titans were a member of the Midwestern Collegiate Conference. In 1989, they became an NAIA school, in 1991, they returned to Division I." (courtesy Wikipedia)

I'm guilty
Ricky Rubio receives a limited "get out of jail" free card from me, I have been rather critical in the past of him---I admit it. The hype machine worked overtime for this teen as a 16-year old. We were led to believe this guy was a combination of Magic Johnson and Pete Maravich by many. The problem for us in the United States all we saw was video tape of fast-break passes of all descriptions, behind the back and between the legs. The 2009 NBA Draft would prove to be crucial, Rubio was drafted by the Wolves but then chose to remain in Spain. There were so many stories circulating why he remained in his native country they are too numerous to report. In the meantime media reports we received here indicated his game had regressed instead of getting better. Finally Rubio arrived in Minneapolis this year indicating he's ready to try on the NBA and see if it fits. The Wolves will be patient with him, Rick Adelman and staff will teach him how to play point guard in the NBA. The Wolves are not depended on the youngster for shooting, the key for him is demonstrating his leadership skills and ability to run the team. I'll be watching along with other NBA fans to see how Rubio's game develops, no more negative comments from Larry Larry for now. .

Damn the geography, full speed ahead
Please excuse me I took liberty with the headline quote altering it slightly. Over the next few years the collegiate basketball landscape will have changed drastically thanks in part to football. BCS qualification will have caused major changes across the nation never mind the geography distances. Boise State and San Diego State both western schools will become Big East schools. Due to the numbers I decided to print in bold type for you to appreciate the ramifications of schools and conferences involved. Pitt and Syracuse leaving the Big East for the ACC. Mizzou, Texas A&M leaving the Big XII for the SEC. West Virginia and Texas Christian University leaving the Big East and Mountain West Conference for the Big XII. Boise State, San Diego State, Southern Methodist, The University of Central Florida and Houston will joining the Big East. There is confusion as the story is being reported conflicting reports as to which schools are joining the Big East for football only. Confused, so am I and I wrote the story.

"The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team."
John Wooden

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bits n Pieces
I will revisit this story briefly, I will cover it in more detail later. Isn't it interesting we heard nothing from Kobe when Odom and Gasol where headed elsewhere for Chris Paul? Once Odom was traded for draft choices it's a problem for him (and others).

Consumer advocate Ralph Nader has decided David Stern is the Grinch who stole Christmas. Nader's written a letter to the commish asking him to cancel the Christmas day and evening games. His reasoning, "players and fans want to be home with their families." Players have no choice but how much time are we talking 5-6 hours total? Arena personal are working too but after missing games due to the Lockout do you think many would complain about working Christmas? As for fans they actually have a choice either they stay home or chose the games. Even funnier Nader seems to think a Christmas night NFL game is okay, "most of the days activities are over" he states. Hopefully you figure out what Nader is attempting? I sure can't and my memory says this is the second time Nader has interjected himself as a "consumer" advocate into the NBA. As of this date there's been no response from the NBA offices or the commish.

I read on "Mid-Major report", exactly what is a mid-major report? Mid-major is the term applied to "smaller" Division I teams, everyone who follows basketball under the age of 40 is familiar with the term. My point, once upon a time there was no such thing you simply competed. Example, Wichita State has a student enrollment of nearly 15,000 but is considered mid-major, the number is larger than the population of many towns in this nation. Once upon a time only NAIA schools by definition were considered "small."

Michael Jordan's former agent David Falk was on CNBC recently. Falk was interviewed on Darrin Rovell's program and made several interesting comments. Chief comment of note, "superstar players such as Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and Dwayne Wade are underpaid!" It's his view they and other superstars are underpaid based on the amount of NBA revenue attributed to their appearances. You can debate that one among each other, no comment from this corner of the room.

I hope ESPN's Jay Bilas isn't the human version of the Sports Illustrated jinx. For those unfamiliar with the story teams and individuals appearing on the cover of the magazine have had future misfortune. In years past Bilas has always been complimentary on Mizzou basketball but I never remember him stating he thought it was outstanding. He now states on "Mizzou can win the Big XII."

"A setback is a setup for a comeback" Pastor T.D. Jakes. The quote of Jakes certainly applies to Richard J. "DickieV" Vitale. After the NBA Pistons fired him he was talked into working for a fledgling cable sports network. After being fired he wanted the Rutgers job and had applied for the position of head coach. Fast forward to the present, December 5, 2011 the University of Detroit dedicated the "Dick Vitale Court" prior to a scheduled game. His collegiate success at the university had led him to be hired as head coach of the NBA Pistons in 1978. Unfortunately his collegiate success did not follow him into the NBA, about a month after he was fired December 5, 1979 to be exact Vitale began working as a basketball analysis for a new cable network with the initials ESPN. I think we can all state with conviction working for ESPN has gained him more notoriety than his past two coaching stops.

Do you remember
The line from Forrest Gump, "life's like a box of chocolates you never know what you gonna get." This 6-8 240 pound forward arrived on the campus of the University of Missouri after two seasons at Central Florida Community College so he was no fuzzy faced kid. Most nights Ricardo Ratliffe is matched up against the oppositions center, this due to lack of size and depth in the middle. December 7 Ratliffe is currently scoring at 14.2 points per game, 7.1 rebounds, his field goal percentage a sizzling 77.3. He's got one of the most unorthodox shots I've witnessed but it seems to go in, check out his field goal percentage. His game reminds me of former Knick Anthony Mason, limited leaping ability but extremely difficult to push him around in the paint. Several mock draft sites consider Ratliffe a "tweener" with no apparent NBA position. Not strong enough or large enough to play power forward yet not swift enough as a small forward.

How important
I'm back again with the same question, the importance of early season polls and polls in general and are they really that important? Polls tend to affect our assessment of a teams quality perhaps unfairly at times. It seems (true or untrue) basketball polls are more fluid that football. I would ask my football friends if the BCS status of a school plays any part in this. "The Rating Percentage Index, commonly known as the RPI, is a quantity used to rank sports teams based upon a team's wins and losses and it's strength of schedule. It is one of the systems by which NCAA basketball and baseball teams are ranked. This system has been in use in college basketball since 1981." If the RPI is used as a measuring stick it's far more valuable than a Top 25 which often becomes a "popularity poll." Coaches during the season with their teams games, travel and the other cannot possibly squeeze in enough time to say in a serious manner "I've seen all these teams play during the week!" (Wikipedia) NOTE: RPI after 8 games, Mizzou 32 KU 44

How do you pay for a $1 billion dollar arena? You pay for it by attempting to lure every event possible to your building, marketing of the Barclays Center is just that. The Legends Classic basketball tournament which has had three homes in five years all in New Jersey will be moving to the Barclays Center for 2012. The
semi-finals and finals of this 12-team tournament will be played in the Barclays Center according to the Washington Post. The field of teams will not be announced until next spring.

"Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.
Vince Lombardi

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm unsure at this point what my Laker team is trying to do. Commissioner Stern vetoed the Lamar Odom-Paul Gasol trade for Chris Paul, it was revised and submitted again. The thought of losing one or both Lakers would be tempered by acquiring an All-Pro point guard in Paul. Over the weekend the Lakers broke off trade talk with the Hornets then sent Lamar Odom to the Lakers arch rival---- the Mavs. To compound the issue the Lakers traded the NBA 6th Man of the Year (Odom) for essentially draft choices. Laker fans are upset with the following folks, the order might vary slightly depending on which Laker fan you contact: a. David Stern b. Laker GM Mitch Kupchak c. Cavs owner Dan Gilbert. A report (unconfirmed) indicates Odom requested a trade, if true that's okay but why didn't management receive player(s) in exchange rather than the reported draft choices. The move to this point totally confuses Laker fans and Kobe Bryant, is Dwight Howard still in the picture? One other question do you think Commissioner Stern will make an appearance anytime soon at Staples Center?
Truly sad
I'm not sure of your view but I always hate to see a player forced to retire due to injuries.  From all indications it appears Blazers Brandon Roy's NBA is done at age 27. A healthy Roy has been an outstanding NBA player during his short time in the NBA. This 6-6 shooting guard arrived on the scene in 2007, how good was he? He was selected NBA Rookie of the Year for 2007 and on the All NBA Rookie First Team. He was 3X NBA All-Star, All-NBA Second Team in 2009 and All-NBA third Team in 2010. In 2010 Injuries, surgeries and missed games became a part of his resume. By the time you read this story he will probably have retired for medical reasons after a brief 5 years. (dates, Wikipedia)
"And the heavyweight champion is!"
That's what I thought viewing West Virginia battle Kansas State on ESPN last Thursday. I had visions of a heavyweight championship bout between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier or Mike Tyson and Buster Douglas. Both teams pummeled each other neither able to knock the other one out, this match lasted two overtimes. Adding drama to the story we had a former assistant coach (Frank Martin) matched up against his mentor (Bob Huggins). Both teams left their heart and souls on the court in this slugfest, I remarked to my wife it was a shame one of the teams had to lose. Although a defensive struggle both teams shot the ball pretty well from the floor, West Virginia at 49.2% and Kansas State at 44.1%. 6-8 senior forward Kevin Jones with 30 points and 12 rebounds led West Virginia but was ably assisted by 6-2 senior guard Darryl Bryant with 24 points. Kansas State was led by guard Rodney McGruder and forward Thomas Gipson with 20 and 15 points respectfully. Bob Huggins and his Mountaineers of West Virginia were to emerge victorious 85-80 in this double overtime thriller.

Seems like was just yesterday
This story sounds strange now but "dunking was banned in the NCAA from 1967 to 1976. Many have attributed this to the dominance of the then-college phenomenon Lew Alcindor (now called Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) upon his entry into the NCAA." I believe to this day the 1970 NCAA Championship game was indirectly responsible for the ban being rescinded. It was Jacksonville versus UCLA playing for the championship. Jacksonville had two 7-footers in it's lineup, Pembrook Burrows and Artis Gilmore. Of course Gilmore went on to an outstanding ABA/NBA career. UCLA's front court was 6-9, 6-8 and 6-7 so you see Jacksonville had a height advantage. Burrows and Gilmore were blocking everything UCLA tossed up during most of the first half. 6-8 UCLA forward Sidney Wicks was boiling mad, the blocked and missed shots frustrated he and his teammates. After a Jacksonville score UCLA inbound the ball and it was passed to Wicks at the top of the key. Wicks drove down the lane and threw down a two-handed jam. Referees stopped the game whistled Wicks and UCLA for technical fouls Jacksonville made their free throws. That dunk changed the entire climate of the game, UCLA began to make shots and Jacksonville began to miss. At the half UCLA led 41-36 but put on a clinic in the second half as they won 80-69. I believe to this day that "illegal" dunk changed not only that game but the NCAA rule as well. (portion courtesy Wikipedia)

All is forgiven now
In all likelihood Reggie Miller, former Pacer and now TV analyst will be inducted into the Naismith Hall of Fame next September. I once wrote how I hated the guy while he played, hated him because he was clutch and an assassin. In retirement all is forgiven by me and others. His 1995 playoff game against the Knicks is a classic, Miller scored 8 points in 8.9 seconds 25 points in the fourth quarter. Check it out a number of videos exist on YouTube of varying lengths for just the last few seconds up to 7 minutes.

"Great defense consists of 3 R's" read, react, and rotate."

Friday, December 9, 2011

Late News
The Spurs intend to use the newly implemented amnesty clause on forward Richard Jefferson. The attempt to move Jefferson into the Spurs system is done, it seemed he never adjusted his game which disappeared while in San Antonio. I have friend who is a Spurs fan and we've discussed this matter over the last past two seasons. Both of us wondered why the Jefferson we saw in New Jersey played so badly in San Antonio. We concluded it might have been the Kidd factor, Jason that it is. When you have Jason Kidd passing you the rock your game can appear superior. In other late news the Lakers will sign veteran Jason Kapono as their designated 3-point shooter. Kapono has bounced around the association but has a reputation as a sniper. He led the NBA in 3-point shooting for two seasons. Only an average defensive player but I'm sure the Lakers are not signing him for his defense. Finally, last season Mark Cuban thought the Mavs were "short" one player to get them over the hump. They won last year despite that fact Caron Butler was injured most of the season. No matter he's gone, signed a 3-year free agent contract with the Clips.

Help is on the way
Mizzou tight end Andrew Jones says he intends to play for the Tigers in January after the Independence Bowl. Jones has been working out before the coaching staff in an effort to hone his body for basketball. It's hoped he will help in the rebounding department, Jones is but 6-5 but packs 255 pounds on his body. If you are thinking this is a football player turned basketball player that is far from the truth, the truth is actually the other way around. Jones was All-State basketball player for 4-years at Smithville High Smithville (MO). Entering his senior year Jones might have thought his opportunity to play at the collegiate level was better if he concentrated on football rather than basketball. Jones played AAU ball while in high school and one of his AAU teammates was current Tiger Marcus Denmon.

The name's the same
Allen Iverson might never play again in the NBA but there might be another Iverson in the association one day. This Iverson is bigger than his well known cousin, he's 6-8 and weighs in at 200 pounds. Kuran is from Hartford Connecticut and is a high school sophomore. Rivals list him a 4-star recruit who is currently on the radar of UConn, Pitt, Villanova and Louisville. Although Georgetown is not yet recruiting him his desire is play at the school of his cousin. From all indications this Iverson has no problem with practice.

I found this surprising
A Fox Sports reporter interviewed Dr. J. and a portion of the interview was quite interesting. When asked about who most resembles his style of play he mentioned several of today's players. He mentioned Kobe, Wade and James. The host then asked him to be a little more specific, he then said the player who most resembled his style no longer plays. That player would be Scottie Pippen. Dr. J. stated: "I didn't play as much point forward as Pippen but our games are somewhat similar."

You might not be familiar with
You might remember the story written last spring on Kyle Weems, Weems is a senior year at Missouri State in Springfield MO. This small forward 6-6 and 232 pounds just might have be primed for the NBA. Weems is coming off his selection as 2011 Missouri Valley Conference Player of the Year and AP All-American. I had an opportunity to view the Missouri State-Oral Roberts game. The Bears lost a close game 68-63 foul trouble and missed shots in the first half didn't seem to faze Weems. In the second half he lead his team back from a 14-point halftime deficit although they fell short succumbing 68-63. Weems numbers, 22 pts, 3 rebounds, 2 assist and 1 blocked shot while shooting a cool 9-17 and 4-7 from the 3-point line. Although his stats appear to lean toward the offensive side he plays defense too. I witnessed a second Missouri State game this time against Oklahoma State. A player can have a monster game and his team still lose, that was the case as late Oklahoma State run led to a 72-67 win. The Weems line 24 points, 12 rebounds, 1 steal and 1 blocked shot. After winning the Missouri Valley Conference last season with a 15-3 mark and 26-9 overall record they stand at 4-3 after 3 successive losses.

How is your cave progressing
I haven't added any memorabilia to the cave since I last updated you. Notice I didn't use the term "man" cave, I did that for a specific reason. There might be female fans who are building caves, their cave could be of the WNBA, NFL or NBA variety. Don't laugh I know at least three females it would not be a shock if I discovered they had a cave or were building one. It's not necessary for me to call you out, you know who you are. Back to my cave and my story nothing was added because I was upset, I was mad at the prospect of no NBA. I ignored all the emails piling up in my inbox from memorabilia websites. The lockout reminded me of a woman I once dated, she treated me badly because she knew I was head over heels in love with her. She knew in advance I would do almost anything she asked, she used me in a similar manner the NBA has. She knew no matter how upset or mad I was I would always come back. Here I am again NBA, use and abuse me again I love it!

"You can run a lot of plays when your X is twice as big as the other guy's O. It makes your X's and O'x pretty good."
Paul Westphal Sacramento Kings Coach

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My fascination with numbers relating to basketball goes only so far. I've always attempted to provide numbers I think are relevant and critical to the story. With that upfront statement I also say loudly you can become bogged down with numbers. In addition are unnecessary to tell the story. Where am I am going with this rant? The start of the NBA season is some 20 days away and several pre-season previews have been written. I read one recently and it contained so many statistical numbers it caused me a headache. Numbers are important at times until they strangle the point of the story. I certainly hope I haven't done that with any of my stories. If you are a person who works with numbers or loves them more power to you.

Last season LeBron James was not the only Heatle to endure a season long stream of criticism, Chris Bosh was a close second. You and I read many of the same complaints the one's accusing him of being too soft. They accused him of not wanting to mix it up in the paint, that he preferred to play a perimeter center. It appears the off-season and Lockout period gave him time to bulk up, in addition a brand-new attitude. Bosh told The Sun-Sentinel "he's ready to play center." I think we might ask him Is a public announcement really required? Chris why not adopt the commercial line of your shoe sponsor Nike, the one that says "Just do it!" Action speaks a great deal louder than words someone once stated!

New York City a.k.a The Big Apple
"Shoe store, Rucker Park and Ground Zero," he said Monday. "Most exciting will be seeing The Garden tomorrow." That was the comment of Tiger Marcus Denmon in the Kansas City Star. Shopping and sightseeing aside he clearly demonstrated he was ready for the game against Villanova. Denmon put on show scoring 28 points on 10-16 shooting from the floor while grabbing 6 rebounds and dishing out 3 assists. Denmon didn't operate alone, Ricardo Ratliffe scored 17 points while pulling down 11 rebounds. Kim provided Villanova "English" lessons as he chipped in with 15 points.  I almost forgot Flip Pressey, only 8 points but 12 assists and 3 steals.  Two of Pressey's 8 points were a steal and dunk by this 5-10 point guard. 

The latest AP poll has Mizzou listed as the number 10 team in the nation. Reminds me of a story, Shaquille O'Neal was voted to the NBA's 50 All-Time Greatest Players team in 1996. O'Neal was selected despite the fact he'd only been in the league a brief 4 years. Other players selected were from the founding days of the NBA. There were complaints "how could Shaq be selected to an all-time great team since he'd only been in the league a short period? Shaq's response, "I didn't vote myself on the team!" That's for the KU fan who wrote the Kansas City Star stating Mizzou didn't deserve to be ranked number 10, guess what fella Mizzou didn't vote for itself!

It's not happening
Reports begin circulating at the close of last season, the Lakers were going to acquire Dwight Howard. Orlando wants no repeat of "Shaq part deux," they want a player of value should Howard become a free agent. Now it's being reported the Lakers are looking at point guard Chris Paul as well. The Lakers are "unsure" if Andrew Bynum will ever reach his potential and with no triangle offense the Lakers will now require a more traditional point guard which Paul is. A couple of reasons why a trade will not occur, large market teams (such as the Lakers) will be penalized more in a new collective bargain agreement. Jimmy Buss is calling the shots now for the Lakers and he is firmly in Bynum's corner. Chris Paul is a possibility but still that might be a stretch. Any additions to add my Lakers pleases me but I'm a realist too.

Business is good
Darren Rovell Sports Business Reporter for CNBC was interviewed last week on NBA TV. He pointed out several interesting business trends resulting in the apparent settlement of the NBA Lockout. Below is an area I thought worth exploring, all these companies closed upward December 29 on the stock market.

MSG +12.2

Footlocker +9.2

Finish Line +5.2

Nike +5.1

Take Two +5.0

Adidas +3.3

Could this upward trend have been the result of Black Friday or Cyber Monday? It's possible however it provided evidence what many in the financial community have speculated. No NBA play directly affects sales for these companies, limited commercials result in limited shoe and apparel purchases. I was somewhat surprised to see Madison Square Garden listed as a company trending upward. Even video company Take Two which produces the NBA 2K series is impacted. NBA 2K is only one piece of their highly successful product line but it appears to affect their bottom line as well.

I've had to overcome a lot of diversity." -- Bucks forward Drew Gooden on the ups and downs of his NBA career currently playing for his ninth NBA team.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Who is he?
Larry Coon is probably a name few identify with the NBA, Coon is a 49 year old computer scientist and Information Technology Director with the University of California, Irvine. He's probably the best known expert on the NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement around. Coon breaks down differences between the 2005 agreement and the 2011 version which is yet to be signed. If you want to know all there is to know on Collective Bargaining Agreement Coon is the one to read. Check him out on the NBA page for specifics.

A compliment
Despite what might seem like a plethora of negative comments from me there are several in the print media I do enjoy reading. One journalist in particular loves to delve into the world of basketball be it NBA or college. The problem he has little credibility with me due to his attempt to always focus on the scandalous, sleazy issues. Oh sure he can write about what he sees but he fails to provide any insight into the game. Mike DeCoursey of The Sporting News is one journalist who I think is the real deal. DeCoursey offers concise and accurate information on the college game down to the X's and O's. Do I agree with everything he writes or states in radio interviews--of course not but I respect his view of the game. It's sad in one respect there are so few in the media who cover the game as he does. Check him out, the best collegiate writer in the nation from my perspective.
Dr. Buss has never called me or sent me an email requesting I met with him. The thought of me replacing Lakers GM Mitch Kupchak only exists in my mind. It's always been fun for me to sit in Kupchak's seat selecting players to be drafted, signing or trading players. Over they years I've always assessed players either in college or playing for other NBA teams and said, "I'd sure would like to see what he could do for the Lakers." I did this regarding Ron Artest aka Metta World Peace, friends will remember me making the statement two years prior to the Lakers actually signing him. I looked at his hard-nose defense first his shooting secondary, I thought the Lakers could use his type of defense. Sure enough he helped them win a championship and it certainly wasn't his fault they failed to defend it last year. With the amnesty issue Jazz forward Andrei Kirilenko's name is floating about, the rumors say he wants to play in Southern California for the Clippers or Lakers. Allow me to pose the question, why in the world would he want to play for the Clips (other than financial). The Lakers would be the better fit and besides the fact I've always liked his defense on Kobe Bryant. Kireilenlko just turned 30 so he certainly might have a few more quality years left. It ain't probably gonna happen but I certainly would be okay with him becoming a Laker.
Location, location location
The headline read: "Area's Big 3 making mark in college hoops." It was printed in the St. Louis Post Dispatch. The headline was a reference to the fast start of St. Louis University, Mizzou and Illinois. On the eastern side of the state the headline makes perfect sense but not in western Missouri. St. Louis University of course is located inside it's city limits and metro St. Louis extends across the Mississippi River into Illinois. In addition Champaign Illinois home to the University of Illinois lies but 180 miles from St. Louis. On the western side of the state we know SLU exists it's just not on our radar. The only time we recognize Illinois are the occasions when Mizzou is matched against them on the football field or basketball court. I'm sure there are other areas of the nation that have similar issues.
Did you hear this
Former Dukee Kyle Singler will not be playing in the NBA----at least for this season! Singler was the 33rd pick in the 2011 June draft but will play for Real Madrid in Spain rather than the Detroit Pistons. In my imagination Singler might have had this conversation with Singler. "Okay I've got a choice, do I play for Real Madrid and have the opportunity to travel Europe? Maybe I should remain stateside with the rebuilding Detroit Pistons,------after pausing Singler says-------"I think I'll choose Madrid at least for now."
Not only is there more to life than basketball, there's a lot more to basketball than basketball.~Phil Jackson