Monday, December 19, 2011

I hate to hear this
Player after player at Mizzou is voicing how different the team is structured this season. Flip Pressey indicated he knows his time period in a game is for an extended period. He's not the only one, Kim English and Marcus Denmon have both noted the change. Both have mentioned floor spacing and other areas of emphasis Frank Haith has preached. Unlike the last several seasons Haith has a "first eight" players who are on the floor for the majority of minutes. Anderson might play as many as eleven players during the course of a game, "the fastest 40 minutes in basketball" offense required more players to implement it. This change in coaching philosophy has provided proof to a local sports talk host "there was very little teaching under Mike Anderson." I have no method of disputing his theory however I doubt seriously that type of statement. All coaches teach it's just many are superior in communicating than others, at the same time how do we know if the "teaching" fell on deaf ears. The players could be taught but whether it's implemented by a team is another story. I'm reminded of a story, a coach indicated he'd draw up a play during timeouts and when the ball was inbound the first player touching it shot the ball! The point was you can design plays till the cows come home if your players don't implement them shame on the coach. Keep this in mind these are Mike Anderson's players, they could have transferred to Arkansas or to any number of schools. They stayed because they believed in the message Frank Haith discussed with them and maybe they believed in the university, if that's teaching so be it. I'll repeat my earlier statement, Mizzou ain't won nothing, conference play looms on the horizon that's the true test!

What happened
Are you like me, wondering how a player who played at a high or All-Star level and becomes a journeyman? I read Tracy McGrady will probably sign with the Hawks, I've lost track of what number team they will become. In an attempt to be fair McGrady has suffered a number of injuries which have contributed to his slow down. His cousin Vince Carter seems to have suffered the same fate. Once upon a time Carter was dubbed "Half man-half amazing" by Kenny the Jet. That Vince Carter was a high wire act who dominated the opposition, where has that Vince Carter gone? Of course I had already discussed Richard Jefferson who was supposed to have been rejected by the Spurs. This one I'm still trying to figure out, as I write this NBA TV has a Spurs game on and Jefferson is in the starting lineup. Finally we add Gilbert Arenas to the list who became an ordinary player. In Agent 0's defense his downfall had contributing factors, injury and surgery the Magic have used the amnesty clause and released him.

No such thing
I don't truly believe them when it's said "they are jinxed!" You've heard it too, earlier I mentioned the Sports Illustrated curse or jinx. Well this is a story you take at it's face value. What in the world is the problem in Portland? Star guard Brandon Roy at 27 is a medical retiree, it's still unclear if center Greg Oden will ever reach the heights projected for him as the 1st player picked in the 2007 draft. Injuries have kept Oden off the court for the bulk of his brief NBA career. The franchise has a history of drafting centers who can't play or who are injury prone. Number one pick LaRue Martin in 1972 failed and Sam Bowie number two pick in 1984 was injury prone. It's not been all doom and gloom for this Pacific Northwest team, there were the Clyde Drexler/Kevin Porter team's of the '90's. Those Blazer teams were very successful although never winning a championship. Earlier with Bill Walton at center and the late Maurice Lucas at power forward they won their one and only NBA Championship in 1977. That year they faced a talented 76er team of Dr. J. and George McGinnis but won the series 4-2. The "jail blazer" era came into prominence, they went downhill after much success in the late '90's. Various Blazer players were sometimes more visible in court as much as on the court, a house cleaning was required. Once this was completed the team began turning the corner toward success, the drafting of Roy and others the team became competitive again.

They are better
Defense is the name of the game, the Knicks have become better. These are two things unlike each other, the Knicks and defense can you say that in the same sentence? Tyson Chandler has made the Knicks better defensively, he doesn't need to score a single basket for them to become a superior team.  His defense alone will make better.  Carmelo Anthony and Amare Stoudemire will appear superior defensive players because Tyson will erase much of the matador defense both play at times. I have no idea if the playoffs are in the picture after all this is a D'Antoni team--offense first then defense. Mike D'Antoni wins at every stop it's just appears he doesn't emphasis the defensive side of the game much. The Knicks will be an improved team due to this one upgrade are they championship material? There are still holes to be filled for them to become an elite team. Completion of this story comes word the Knicks will sign point guard Baron Davis, if healthy Davis can certainly aid this franchise.

How much longer
The newness has worn off by now, we are a full year removed from "The Decision" yet some things remain the same. For reasons only ESPN knows they must maintain the Miami Heat in front of our faces. Every time we click on the website link immediately below is the "Heat Index." The Heat Index contains all the information you'd ever want to know on LeBron and crew. I admitted this in the recent past but it's worth repeating I was wrong, the Heat exceeded my expectations in competing for an for an NBA Championship in their first year. I'm still trying to come to grips with this over the top journalism effort by the Bristol Connecticut crew. Why must ESPN hang on to every word or utterance from the South Beach crew as if some revelation will come forth we might miss? I would assume when (if) they win an NBA Championship ESPN will no longer find it necessary for 24-7 coverage of the Heat.

There isn't a single professional sports season now that doesn't go on at least a month too long. Baseball starts in football weather, and football in baseball weather, and basketball overlaps them both. ~James Reston

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