Monday, May 30, 2011

I wonder if Jason Whitlock lays awake at night and thinks "what's the most outrageous column I can write and will cause the greatest number of email responses to Fox Sports? Whitlock flips and flops on so many NBA issues it might be difficult even for him to remember his take on an issue from day to day. This is not a flip but just his latest unbelievable column, he writes "the Lakers hired Brown (Mike) to derail LeBron and the Heat!" The only reason to dust off Brown, to give him a three-year contract with an option for a fourth, is to combat the LeBron James Era. Brown’s hire is about one thing: beating the Heat in the NBA Finals so Kobe can tie Michael Jordan with six titles." The article makes absolutely no sense for several reasons. 1. LeBron and the Heat haven't won anything yet, they will play for an NBA Championship but must first get past Dallas. 2. The flip-flop Whitlock said several weeks back the Heat would "have a tough time getting by the Bulls." It's clear Whitlock takes positions and then "forgets!" 3. The Lakers must concern themselves with the Mavs, Grizz and Thunder before they could even began to think about the Heat.

This is a good and bad story, I reported Mizzou's recruitment of former Grandview High forward Quantel Denson. Denson had orally committed to Mizzou for the 2012-13 season. The bad, last week the Hutchinson News headlines read Denson had been charged with burglary and felony theft. Denson is alleged to have broken into the dorm room of Hutchinson Community College Coach Steve Eck. Mike Anderson recruited "good" guys, and Coach Haith needs to continue the trend. In my view there are any number of youthful indiscretions that could be excused, burglary is not one of them. Sorry Quantel I think you need to consider another school, Mizzou doesn't need you!

Curt Helin NBC Sports wrote an interesting column on the upcoming NBA Draft. He speculates the Jazz might consider drafting Jimmer Fredette for "business reasons." At first glance his take might seem strange but on second thought maybe not. The first consideration (and probably most important) Brigham Young is located some 45 miles from Salt Lake City. Jazz fans have had numerous opportunities to view Fredette's game over the last four years.

Recently Brett Yormark CEO of the Nets announced the team would reveal it's new name in the next several months. Yormark stated he liked "Brooklyn Nets" but also ensured the gathered media this was his view and was certainly not official. The team has also trademarked a name from an earlier time period "New York Nets," however wouldn't it appear the view of the CEO might be more highly sought? One other issue the name Brooklyn on the front of a jersey is still important to many residents of the borough. The name attached to a uniform harkens back to the days of the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Life loves the liver of it.
Maya Angelou

Friday, May 27, 2011

In news nobody considers surprising Commissioner Dan Beebe announced the Big 12 conference would not change it's name. This is done despite losing Colorado to the Pac 10 and Nebraska to the Big 10. Okay let me see if I understand the new conference affiliation now. The Big 10 has 12 schools, Pac 10 has 11 while the Big 12 has 10 teams. Speaking of moves Texas Christian University moved from the Mountain West Conference to the Big East, they will now compete with Rutgers and Syracuse.

"The only difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys," I plead guilty to the quote. My Man Cave is complete, well almost! The painting, the design and all other portions are done. I'm still at a point of indecision, I have no desire to just add stuff because I have space I want to add memorabilia that will enhance what's already in place. In order for it to be more functional will require me to spend additional dollars. The question becomes should I leave the cave as is or spend additional $$$$$?

Now media reports are stating Spanish star Ricky Rubio is concerned about a possible NBA lock-out June 30. The sources indicate that's the basis for his reluctance in joining the Wolves. In the short term perhaps money is just as much a part of the process as his basketball ability. Money aside I think several people question if he is NBA ready and can he play? I think the jury might still be out on that question.

Before I defend Kobe Bryant allow me this rant, utilizing derogatory slurs against any person is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. A few weeks back Kobe Bryant in a fit of anger yelled a gay slur at an NBA official. The NBA fined him $100,000 which I thought was justified and appropriate, Bryant later apologized and taped a public service announcement on the issue. Recently the Bulls Joakim Noah repeated the same type of slur when leaving the court during a recent playoff game. Again the NBA reacted quickly, Noah was accessed a $50,000 fine, Noah too later apologized. Figure this one out for me, was Bryant's fine greater since his slur was aimed at an employee (referee) while Noah's was leveled at a Heat fan? Was Kobe fined an additional $50,000 because he is Kobe Bryant or is the NBA making this up along the way?

I can't imagine scores of people rushing to fill out an application to become general manager of the Blazers. Portland management recently announced Rich Cho who was hired but 10 months ago was relieved of his duties. Cho was hired to replace former Jayhawk Kevin Pritchard who also had been fired. In 10 months many are unsure exactly what Cho could have done which warranted termination of duties. Pritchard almost single handily rebuilt the team and help repair the off-court image as the Jail Blazers. In an bizarre move by management the fired Pritchard was requested to conduct the 2010 draft for the Blazers.

"The real fault is to have faults and not to amend them"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Several years ago I exchanged emails with the Greater Kansas City Sports Commission regarding NHL in Kansas City. The head of the organization had stated "he thought hockey was a better fit in Kansas City over the NBA!" Naturally I disagreed with him and we traded emails back and forth for a short period. He said the NHL was more viable because it had been restructured during the year of it's lockout, it was in better financial shape than the NBA. The old saying, "all that glitters is not gold" is certainly true regarding the NHL. I was watching Pardon the Interruption on ESPN recently, one of the hosts indicated the Atlanta Thrashers were on the verge of moving to Winnipeg Canada. The NHL purchased the Phoenix Coyotes long before the NBA purchased the Hornets and the Coyotes have been on life support the last several years. My point, with the exception of the east coast (Boston, New York) and Canada the NHL has only had moderate success in other areas of the nation. The NHL and hockey is a Canadian sport loaned to us and I'd like a hockey person to respond to my question. With the exception of the core group (Rangers, Bruins and Blackhawks) and perhaps the St. Louis Blues is there a hockey success story we can point to?

Mizzou Coach Frank Haith received another commitment as he and his staff continue recruiting. Former Grandview High School power forward Quantel Denson 6-9 230 pounds is the player. Denson plays at Hutchinson Kansas Community College and is a 2012-13 addition. The other two players are committed for the 2013-14 season. The following is from "Quantel Denson went through bouts of inconsistency, there was never any question about his athletic ability. He finished the season averaging 6.5 points and 4.0 rebounds a game. He also swatted 27 shots and shot a shade under 50 percent from the floor." So to date Coach Frank and staff have received commitments from three, Denson for 2012-13 the other two 2013-14.

Noise emanating from Fox Sports states Dirk Nowitzki belongs in the Top 25 of all-time NBA greats. For many of you this might appear to be a "hate on Dirk" because he was directly responsible for beating my Lakers. Not so, Dirk is a great player, Top 25 all-time I don't think so. A good playoff series does not automatically elevate you to the realm of Michael, Chamberlain and others. Dirk has been magnificent against the Thunder and remains their main offensive threat shooting or passing the basketball. As human beings our view of the world is somewhat restricted by what's in front of our face. It's easy to state who is the "greatest" when the player is an active in 2011. Give you a quick example discussions revolve around all-time great centers few will mention the name Nate Thurmond, this former San Francisco Warrior played pre-ESPN and TNT. NBA television coverage was limited during the time he played. Wilt Chamberlain was asked at one point in his career who was the toughest opposing center he ever played, he didn't mention Bill Russell he said Nate Thurmond!

Speaking of Dallas I will be surprised if the Thunder win this series. If you are a fan of Russell Westbrook you can cease reading at this point. First things first, I've not been a Westbrook fan since his NBA arrival. At the beginning of his career it seemed he shot entirely too much for a point guard which causes his overall game to suffer in my estimation. In each of his first three seasons his turnovers have continued on an upward trend which is not good. Westbrook is lighting quick but unlike Tony Parker and others his field goal percentage is only average. I once heard an analyst state "it's difficult for a combo guard in the NBA." Steve "Franchise" Francis was the first player the term combo guard was applied. Francis put up some fairly decent numbers but his career was over in '08 after nine seasons. Either Westbrook becomes a pure point guard or the Thunder move him to shooting guard both elements of his game suffer at this stage.

The melodrama continues in Sacramento "you can't have it both ways" is a well-known statement for the residents of Sacramento. As reported earlier fans of the Kings were granted a reprieve, the team would remain in Sacramento for one additional year. The question of the arena remained unresolved and was a key piece of the purported move to Orange County. Yesterday It was announced a new arena will cost approximately $370 million dollars but no indication who pays. The pay issue continues to be the key problem for many residents of Sacramento, I did not read a single citizen letter to KCRA in Sacramento approving the project. Either fans must bit the bullet and pay for the arena (in some manner) or allow them to move to Orange County, Las Vegas or Kansas City.

A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.
Winston Churchill

Monday, May 23, 2011

I thought my buddy Skip would appreciate this story. He reads and hears everything on the North Carolina basketball so I found out this was not news to him. The Tar Heels beat Duke again but this time on a technicality! According to the story both schools were actively recruiting 6-5 220 pound shooting guard P.J. Hairston. This McDonald's All-American had been highly sought by a number of schools. Hairston claims recruiting letters to him from Duke were incorrectly addressed to him. He said they read "T.J. Harrison and similar misspellings." If you are recruiting a player you should at least address his name correctly!

An interesting bit of news regarding the Pistons sale. The team had been on the market since owner Bill Davidson died in 2009 leaving his widow as owner. Karen Davidson announced within a short period of her husbands death she intended to sell the team. In early 2011 it was announced the team The Palace and Palace Entertainment would be sold to billionaire Tom Gores owner of Platinum Equity. The sale concluded last month yet has not received NBA approval, end of story correct? Recently Karen Davidson announced she would retain minority interest in the team and other Piston holdings. How much and the dollar value on Karen Davidson's share wasn't revealed.

My cousin and I were discussing the NBA Draft Lottery, he said he felt there was no need of a lottery! I explained there were historical issues that caused the NBA to begin a lottery system. We can blame the Houston Rockets for the lottery, it's that simple. I went to Wikipedia to clarify my research on several aspects I had forgotten. Prior to the lottery system the number one NBA Draft choice was always based on a coin flip between the Western and Eastern Conference team with the worst won-lost record. The lottery is weighted so the worst your won-lost record the more balls are placed in the hoper for that particular team. The Western Conference Rockets won the coin flip in 1984 but that's only part of the story. There were whispers the Rockets had been tanking late season games in an effort to ensure they finished with the worst record in the Western Conference. One particular late season game the Rockets had held a considerable lead against the Kansas City Kings. Rockets Coach Del Harris begin pulling his starters in the 3rd quarter, the Kings mounted a comeback and eventually won the game. After winning the coin toss the Rockets would draft 7-4 Ralph Sampson, College Player of the year and later to become NBA Rookie of the Year. A valuable "brick" in the rebuilding process of the Rockets.

For informational purposes I have been a fan of several all-time great players. Among them is Kareem Abdul Jabbar, don't need to detail his glowing record as player but the other issue. No one is sure why he chooses to blast Laker management at this stage of his life. He says in so many words "they don't appreciate me now that I can no longer play!" Statues have been erected outside and inside Staples of Magic Johnson, Jerry West and Laker broadcaster Chick Hern, he feels slighted he's not been honored in the same manner. I can't begin to see the real inside story I must assume there are valid reasons for this stance. Two years ago Kareem announced he had chronic myeloid leukemia, a rare form of cancer. The news was made public because he wanted to educate the public about the disease. Treatment has been successful to date and he should continue to live a normal life monitoring his health. We don't have time or space to delve into the psyche of Kareem but the younger version did indeed have people problems. To my knowledge these problems were never management or teammates they were the general public especially the media.

"A tough day at the office is even tougher when your OFFICE contains spectator seating."
-- Nik Posa

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cameron Indoor, Allen Fieldhouse and Fenway Park are part of the group, that is nostalgic sports venues. The University of New Mexico Lobos play their home games in one of these venues "The Pit" which first opened it's doors in 1966. The following is taken from the official site of the University of New Mexico. "The Pit is built in a 37-foot hole on Albuquerque's southeast mesa. First the roof was constructed, then the hole was dug and the Arena built. The Pit underwent a massive upgrade and expansion that was completed in time for the 2010-11 season that included $60 million of improvements. Among the improvements were new luxury suites and club level seating, upgraded lower bowl seating, two end zone video boards, ribbon boards, a unique graphics package showcasing the history of Lobo basketball and UNM athletics, upgraded concessions area, the new Lobo Den Store, and a remodeled concourse." It was said the Lobos always had excellent home court advantage due to the manner the building was constructed. As you enter the building you must descend it seems almost straight down to the arena floor, the design of the arena probably aided the Lobos in maintaining a high winning percentage over the years. Visiting teams were often intimidated by the boisterous crowd noise. Several years ago I visited Albuquerque and as I was driving down the interstate I observed a building that appeared to be but a few feet above ground. I said to myself "this must be The Pit." Last week I attended my son's graduation and the exercise was held in The Pit. Chris said "Dad wait till you see the refurbished Pit," the building did indeed look great. I told Chris "it looks good but it's lost it's pizzazz," the "hole' in the ground will always remain a memory to me and others.

I don't enjoy calling out people but I think this one is worthwhile. I'm sure you tire of the "talking heads" pontificating in all media forms. They would have you believe they have all the answers although many formulate their answers with no logical intent. Let's revisit Mr. Colin Cowherd of ESPN, Cowherd once made a statement which is paraphrased here "Derrick Rose and John Wall would be unsuccessful because they lacked leadership skills. He further indicated this came about by lack of a father in the home while growing up." What a @#* to make such a statement with nothing but his mouth as documentation of a so-called fact. Let's leave Wall for another day although he too is a positive story. Mr. "he can't lead anybody was recently named NBA MVP," I haven't had an opportunity to view all the Bulls playoff games but it appears Rose has been instrumental in providing leadership to this team. Needless to say Cowherd is now on my "I don't listen or read anything he says list!"

My Man Cave is slowing coming to fruition. A funny story on the way to completion of this project, my wife's cousin is performing all the design and labor. Danny does excellent work and his design skills are impeccable. Danny is a proud KU and Miami Heat fan, you can imagine we've held some pretty interesting conversations over the past several years. Danny is a good guy so I toss out props to him. Back to the project, my intent was to not overload the room with jerseys, I have a Shaquille O'Neal jersey which is yet to be mounted, it will be displayed once he retires. After all Shaq helped the team 3-peat while wearing a Laker jersey, I must acknowledge that fact. I needed at least one more jersey to round out my salute to the Lakers. I was trying to decide between a Kareem or Magic jersey, unfortunately my hand was forced. I will purchase a Kareem Abdul Jabbar jersey, if some kind soul decides to denote a Magic Johnson jersey to me I will gladly accept it. Why am I so anti-Magic you might ask? I think Magic has gone over to the dark side based on comments as an analyst. I think we all acknowledge he's sold his ownership in the team and know works for ESPN. Freedom of speech gives him the right to say anything he wishes however I can't imagine Larry Bird or Michael Jordan making such critical public statements regarding the Celtics or Bulls. In any event once my Man Cave is complete I will include photos in an upcoming Words eye view.

The conspiracy letters have already begun pouring into the various sports media web sites. The Cavs (or Cadavers) were not only awarded the fourth pick but they had a another pick based on a past trade. This additional pick allowed them to be rewarded with the number one pick. The theorist will say this is NBA payback for the Cavs losing LeBron James to Miami. These same folks have been screaming conspiracy since the days the Knicks won the lottery and secured the services of Patrick Ewing. The only problem many experts predict this will be one of the worst drafts in history. Oh sure there are probably players who will excel but overall this is a poor draft year to be awarded to lower round picks. As for the conspiracy people several are the same ones who claim the moon landing was faked that it was filmed in a movie studio. Finally Wolves GM David Kahn adds gasoline to the fire! Kahn states "this league has a habit, and I am just going to say habit, of producing some pretty incredible story lines." Was Kahn also hinting of a fix?

"To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are."
Source unknown

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The "Phil to Knicks" story has begun. Phil Jackson had made it clear at the beginning of the season, win or lose this was his last season coaching. The picture tube on my television had barely cooled and the stories began circulating. Most of them have Phil sitting out this upcoming year (D'Antoni is under contract for another year) then riding in like the cavalry to rescue the franchise. I didn't realize it but he'd interviewed for the job back in '05 but decided to return to the Lakers helm. Two of the thirteen championship rings he owns came as a player for the Knicks. Thirteen is an unlucky number.

Now that Phil is "gone" the hunt begins for a new Laker coach. Unfortunately there are two names mentioned which cause me to lay awake at night with worry. I hope neither is the final choice of Dr. Buss. Drum roll please, Rick Adelman late of the Houston Rockets and Jeff Van Gundy TNT analyst. Adelman has been a winner everywhere he's coached however my image of him is that of a whiner! As for Mr. Van Gundy based on the last several years of listening to his views of the NBA and life period I'm skeptical of his coaching ability. One writer stated "the only coach the Lakers need is Jerry Sloan." You remember Sloan don't you, the tough hard-nosed coach who prowled the sidelines for years as Jazz coach? Yes, I think Sloan would work if Laker management can somehow coax him back to the game. Sloan's always farms in the off-season, how bout "growing" some Laker stock Mr. Farmer?

At times I've missed historical NBA games, recent example the triple overtime playoff game between the Grizz and Thunder. The Thunder won 133-123, 3 hours and 52 minutes the majority of which was strictly offensive basketball. I could have seen the game, I was actually watching it when my wife walked into the bedroom. Dummy me I informed her "no distractions at the bowling alley or anytime now that the Lakers are out!" Within five minutes of my statement she called from the family room---"want to watch Hawaii 50 with me?"

The Wizards held a news conference last week to unveil their new uniforms. "What is old becomes new," at least with these uniforms. These unis look strangely like the old Washington Bullets jerseys of the Wes Unseld days. Just in case you don't remember the top link is next years, the bottom link is the old school uniforms. While we are covering this issue someone might question how the Bullets became the Wizards. The late Abe Pollin former owner was concerned about the growing incidence of violence in the nation's capital, in addition he was a close friend of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin who was murdered by a hand gun. Pollin thought a name change would was appropriate, the team held a contest and the name Wizards was chosen and went into effect for the 1998-99 season.

A story you might have missed the University of Maryland hiring Mark Turgeon as head coach. Long time Coach Gary Williams retired after 22 seasons at the helm and will assume the position of assistant athletic director. As for Turgeon each coaching move has been a move upward for this former Jayhawk from Topeka Kansas. After graduating from KU he served as assistant coach at Kansas, Oregon and with the 76ers. He was hired as head coach at Jacksonville State and from there to Wichita State. The Wichita State job led him to Texas A&M and finally to Maryland in the highly competitive ACC.

"Don't hate, it's too big a burden to bear."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, May 16, 2011

At last I read somebody not preaching doom and gloom (hear that Magic Johnson)? Ira Winderman who writes for wrote an interesting article on the Celtics, Lakers and Spurs. Despite the fact all three teams were eliminated early doesn't necessarily signal a changing of the guard. Winderman points out all three could make changes (draft, free agents) that would allow them to remain contenting teams. Another writer looked at the situation in this manner. "Moreover, does crashing and burning in the second round officially constitute the end of a dynasty? The Spurs won a title in 2003, then lost in the semifinals in 2004. Then won another title in 2005, but lost in the semifinals again in 2006. Yet, they won another title in 2007. Point is, one playoff debacle does not mean the Lakers have reached the end of the line." The same could be said for the Celtics (minus Shaq) and Spurs.

We watched son's follow in the footsteps of their professional dads. A funny thing happens on the way to a professional career, superstar dads and sons who were only average players. Sometimes the story changed, the son actually was a superior athlete to the dad. Just a few examples we can look at, there are others not mentioned here. From the not to distance past the name Dolph Schayes of the Syracuse Nationals and 76ers can be mentioned. Shayes completed a Hall of Fame career and on the 50th anniversary of the NBA he was selected as one of the 50-All Time Greats. Danny Schayes had an 18-year NBA career playing for seven different teams. Without being critical we could state son Danny had an average NBA career. We can also say with a degree of comfort neither of the Jordan boys will come close to matching the exploits of dad Michael. Joe "Jellybean" Bryant was a good player for the 76ers and other teams however son Kobe has had a Hall of Fame career. The jury is out on Ralph Sampson III at Minnesota and Michigan's Tim Hardaway Jr., only time will tell.

We should all be suspicious anytime ESPN dispenses pearls! One of the talking heads says "with their top (Mizzou) scorers returning and with Texas and Kansas in transition Missouri could move up in the Big-12." On the surface the assessment is probably not too far off base however new coach and new system in place. There will be an adjustment period for the players and coaching staff, how long the adjustment we can only speculate at this time.

Ken Berger of wrote an article on Shaq now that the Celtics have been eliminated. There are Doc River's quotes regarding Shaq but the key is something I wrote several months back. I thought the Big Aristotle or Cactus or whatever he's called was holding Danny Ainge's kids for ransom. How could the Celtic's pay such a large sum of money for someone who in the best case scenario would be a part-time player? For reasons only known to Ainge he trades their only low-post presence in Kendrick Perkins. True Perkins was coming off an injury, more true he was/is no offensive threat. This is the key piece however, Perkins gave the Celtics a presence down low the oft-injured Shaq was unable to provide. I remember Kareem Abdul Jabbar playing considerably past his prime, can we say the same about Shaquille O'Neal? Shaq has one more year on his Celtics contract but why play another year based on this past season?

Fans don't boo nobodies!
Reggie Jackson

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

For the second consecutive day Mizzou's Frank Haith received a verbal commitment from a high school sophomore. Ishmail Wainright a 6-5, 200 pound guard from Raytown South is headed to Columbia. This commitment is not binding however it's good that at least we know Haith and staff are on the recruiting trail. There are slots available for 2011-12, hopefully they locate a big man. On Mizzou's radar yet uncommitted is Obij Aget, 7-1, 220 pound center from the Sudan by way of La Lumiere High School, LaPorte Indiana. Aget would be a 2012 arrival should he decide on Mizzou.

P.J. Carlesimo wants an NBA job again, you remember him don't you? He represents one of the bevy of college coaches who failed at the NBA game. People want to refer to the chocking incident with Latrell Sprewell but it's much more than that. As an assistant coach he probably handles those chores with diligence, but don't give him the keys to your automobile especially if you value it. It's not only Carlesimo, it's Lon Krueger, Rick Pitino, Mike Montgomery and a host of others. The only coach with any degree of success in the NBA and college has been Larry Brown.

Americans certainly don't have a monopoly on violence. Fights aplenty have occurred throughout the history of the NBA. Many fans will never forget the "Malice in the Palace," the fight between the Pacers, Pistons and fans. Gilbert Arenas and Jarvais Crittenton then playing for the Wizards were suspended for the balance of the 2010 for bringing guns into the locker room. Recently two fans of the Greek team Panathinaikos were wounded after a game was played against rival Olympiakos. The Olympiakos "fan" armed with a AK-47 semi-automatic rifle shot and wounded two fans of the Panathinaikos team. The story gave no indication if the shooting took place inside the arena.

The 2010-11 Bulls were suposed to be the heir apparent to the Jordan Bulls of the '90's. Playing high pace basketball especially the last half of the season they sent out a message "we are contenders." Of course the play of current MVP point guard Derrick Rose certainly didn't hurt. Then a funny thing happened on the way to the Bulls NBA Championship---the Atlanta Hawks! The Hawks had upset Dwight Howard's Magic team, many thought the Bulls would make quick work of the Hawks. The Hawks said an emphatic no, we are here to stay and play. As this is written the Bulls certainly could still win but kudos to coach and former Mizzou Tiger Larry Drew. Drew's made a believer out of me as he's pushed and prodded the Hawks past the Magic and maybe past the Bulls??

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.
- Mark Twain

Monday, May 9, 2011

Here we go again the annual Wolves trip to Spain. Sources are reporting the Wolves front office intend to visit once again with point guard Ricky Rubio. You remember Rubio don't you? He was the 5th overall choice in the 2009 NBA Draft but unlike Prince Akeem (Eddie Murphy) Rubio was reluctant in "Coming to America!" Unsure of Rubio's intent the Wolves followed his pick choosing two more point guards---strange. In any event I'm becoming more and more suspicious of his game, can the guy really play? Scoring with a point guard is a lesser concern than distributing the rock, Rubio's assist numbers haven't been all that outstanding either. I said this once before "I'm from Missouri, show me!"

ESPN writer John Gasaway compiled some numbers that might surprise. He states the record indicates KU's Bill Self has the best overall won-lost regular season record during the last five years. Several KU fans seem to get upset every year when the team fails to win an NCAA Championship. Mizzou has it's guy now but things might have been different if only we had Self. I continue to maintain Mizzou would not have suffered after Norm Stewart retired if they only hired the "right" guy! Athletic Director Mike Alden interviewed Self then coach at Tulsa (a mid-major school) and Quin Snyder Duke assistant. Who do you hire, the mid major guy or the Dukey? Of course we all know the conclusion of the story.

More good news for Mizzou, both Laurence Bowers and Kim English are returning. After exploring their NBA options both chose to return and play for new coach Frank Haith. For naysayers who might consider this insignificant allow clarification. Returning your top six scorers to a 20+ win team will immediately allow them to be competitive again. Now the recruiting part, I'm ol skool committing via Twitter is a new concept to me. Tyrek Coger, a 6-8 230 pound forward from North Carolina committed via Twitter to Mizzou for 2013.

I held a conversation the other day in the barber shop with a regular customer. This is actually part two of an earlier article I wrote this year. Our discussion revolved around the Releford brothers. I mentioned to him I understood why Travis Releford transferred from Central High School to Bishop Miege, at the same time I expressed my disappointment in how little playing time he'd received at KU. Injuries and a loaded KU roster have managed to keep Releford glued almost exclusively to the bench. I made the statement I thought this 6-5 207 pound guard would be dynamite in college, Trevor was another story. The customer stated he "thought in high school Trevor was the better player over his brother." I informed him at 6-1 180 pounds I thought the height and weight difference between the brothers made Travis the better player. Based on his collegiate play I admitted to him I guess bigger is not always better!

This is to all you haters out there! Isn't it great you can gloat because the Mavs swept the Lakers? Guess what, I really think it's funny you hate a team so much you must find all kinda of excuses to badmouth them. Let me ask you a question, how many NBA Championships have the Lakers won? How many back to back championships and how many times? While I'm at it how many championships has your favorite team won, I could guess out loud not as many as mine correct? Go ahead if it makes you feel better to talk trash about Kobe and company. I will answer several of the questions I posed to you, the Lakers have won back to back championships three times, they are winners of two 3-peat championships. 16 times the Lakers have been crowned NBA Champs, how many championships has your team won? Thought so, come back and see me when your team nears 15.

"Left hand, right hand, it doesn't matter. I'm amphibious."
-- Charles Shackleford former North Carolina State center

Friday, May 6, 2011

Normally I attempt to stick to basketball news on the court not in the court. Occasionally I have been guilty of dipping into the entertainment world---please forgive me. First it was Dwight Howard now it's Chris Bosh with "Basketball Wives." The aforementioned series is the brainchild of Shaq's ex-wife on VH-1. The program is incorrect in the sense Howard was never married to his girlfriend. The first season Dwight Howard filed a restraining order against "his baby mama." she cannot be identified with him or mention anything related to their child. In it's third season the former girlfriend of Chris Bosh signed on as cast member. Bosh as with Howard does not deny paternity he is attempting to maintain his privacy so the lawsuit states.

True story, talk about being cold-blooded Derrick Rose of the Bulls. Magic guard Jameer Nelson informed Rose "see you in the second round!" The problem as you are aware Nelson's team didn't make it out of the first round. Rose is supposed to have left two tickets at the United Center for Nelson which went unclaimed.

The NFL desires to claim it but it only exists in the U.S., the number one fan sport in the world. In recent years Baseball has made inroads in countries other than Japan and Taiwan but continues to trail the other sports. Football and baseball fall far behind soccer (1) and basketball (2) with sports fans. Luis Scola, Manu Ginobili, Andrei Kirilenko and Tony Parker are just a few of the international players who transferred their games successfully to the NBA. In addition there are several players such as Samuel Dalembert of the Kings and Bucks center Andrew Bogut who attended colleges in the states but are citizens of another country.

At this point we are unsure if the NBA season will begin on time in November. We are certain the Barclays Center the Nets new home will be almost complete. This Brooklyn jewel many thought would never be built is speeding to completion and will rival arenas throughout the NBA. The delays in construction for the arena along with the office and residential complex was bogged down in numerous lawsuits.

This is only confirmed by Jack Harry KSHB Channel 41 Sports, Harry is reporting Mizzou's Phil Pressey is staying! Many assumed he might sit out a year and follow Mike Anderson to Arkansas. If this story is true Pressey is the only player to publically confirm he will remain at Mizzou. It would be difficult (not impossible) but we might doubt Bowers, Denmon and others would leave especially since the 2011-12 is their senior year. The Tigers lose Justin Safford but the balance of the team is comprised of underclassmen.

In the NBA as well as other sports anything is possible---I'm surprised the Heat are up 2-0 against the Celtics. I'm surprised the Mavs are up 2-0 against my Lakers. While neither series is over yet it's difficult to for a team to overcome an 0-2 series to win.

"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."
John Wooden

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Someone stated it much better than I could, "Sacramento was granted a stay of execution!" The Kings will remain in the California capital through the next year, beyond that is anybodies guess. The primary issue, a new arena is still in the forefront and there's been no movement on the issue. The good citizens don't seem to be any more willing to spend tax dollars now than they did 5 or 7 years ago! The Maloof's appear to be sticking to their objective in this regard. With this anvil (Wiley Coyote vs. Road Runner reference) hanging over Sacramento's head will the fans flock back to Power Balance Pavilion?

We sometimes question the skills of high school players who are exceptionally tall? I know I do at times, opposing players and strength of schedule can paint a distorted picture of a players ability. AAU basketball clarifies the issue to a degree, a player must exhibit his A game every time he steps on the court. Last fall ran an article on two Canadian brothers by way of India who were playing ball in the U.S. The older brother Sim Bhullar is 7-5, 350 pounds and younger brother Tanveer is 7-3, 280. This is Sim's junior year and indicates several schools were interested in this Canadian giant.

I searched for game video and my "unofficial scouting report follows." Sim appears to have average to slightly below average speed up and down the court. He might gain a little more foot speed if he dropped 20-25 pounds maybe more. Offensive moves around the basket appear pretty smooth but opposition centers are most likely no more than 6-8. His defensive game might be a little suspect due to his size, his presence makes for a number of opposition blocked shots. Little video of him rebounding and again his size against high school competition probably wouldn't provide an adequate picture. The Bhullar brothers after first attending a high school outside Pittsburgh both transferred to different schools. Sim to Huntington Prep, Huntington West Virginia and Sophomore Tanveer to Montverde Academy in Florida. You might remember Huntington is the same school that produced Grizzlies guard O.J. Mayo and Knick guard Bill Walker. Prior to completion of this piece Sim made a verbal commitment to the Xavier Musketeers.

We've heard and read comments from Commissioner Stern regarding numerous subjects. Naturally the labor issue, the Kings possible move and other issues were among the main topics of discussion. He's backed away from the NBA in Europe stance he's been campaigning for several years. My view NBA Europe is unfeasible for several reasons. Ponder this, the Lakers traveling across the country and then across the ocean to play in Paris is a strain on mind and body. I used a travel calculator to compute the flight time between the two cities, it's 11 hours and 19 minutes. The Paris NBA team (unless it recently returned from the states) would be in good shape to play, what about a tired Laker team from an international flight? A Euro NBA similar to NFL Europe would seem to be the best fit, a team from Paris team playing Barcelona or Berlin makes more sense travel wise. In addition if we are to believe the NBA is as broke as the owners claim seems to me the expense of transatlantic flights five months of the year would send a teams operating budget into outer space.

Around here (Big 12) we probably had our eyes focused on Nebraska and Colorado leaving for the Big 10 and Pac 12 respectively. Several other major schools changed conference affiliation and will face new challenges action begins in the fall. One of the schools that probably slipped under the radar was Texas Christian University moving to the Big East. This school has moved from the defunct Southwest Conference to the Mountain West and finally the Big East. Can you imagine a Rutgers or St. Johns travelling all the way to Fort Worth Texas to play a game? But this is the Big East Conference which has no problems with geography. In addition the up side of this move might be the great number of potential recruits in the state for other Big East teams.

"Pressure can burst a pipe or make a diamond"-Robert Horry

Monday, May 2, 2011

Would somebody who understands the NHL please explain "playoff re-seeding!"  Mike Greenberg of ESPN's Mike and Mike was explaining it recently.  He said "I see no reason why the (3 seed) Mavs must open on the road against the (2 seed) Lakers, they had the second best record in the Western Conference.  On the other hand the Thunder had the third best record but were able to open at home against the Grizz."  He says the Mavs are "being penalized because of the seeding."  What can kind of logic is this?  The problem with Greenberg's view, the (1) Spurs were not expected to lose to the (8 seed) Grizz.  If the favorite Spurs had completed their assignment i.e. beat the 8th seed Grizz a different scenario would have occurred.  The Thunder would have opened on the road against the Spurs.  I asked my NHL buddy for an explanation, he clarified the issue for me but I still fail to see a clear basis for the NBA to adopt this NHL rule.  Please explain to me why casual NBA fans like Greenberg are always coming up with processes to "fix" NBA basketball? 
To borrow a Dan Patrick line the NBA commercials by the "mother ship" are very funny!  Check these out, funny. 
The Kings story remains unresolved.  After weeks and weeks of speculation we thought the Rochester, Cincinnati, Kansas City-Omaha, Kansas City and Sacramento Kings were history.  Henry Samueli Anaheim Ducks owner and "the mover and shaker" in the deal is still very much in the picture.  Samueli owns the management company that runs the Honda Center for the city similar to the arrangement Kansas City Missouri has with AEG.  After Sacramento Mayor Johnson garnered his forces and made an impassioned plea the NBA said "we'll take this move under under advisement."  At this point Samueli steps forward again, on the table from his camp an offer to increase his loan to the Kings from $50 million to $75 million and he's offered to purchase a minority share in the team.     
Let's see what player or team we can beat up next!  Fox Sports headline story Fallen Stars, an article written on Dwight Howard of the Magic and the Hornets Chris Paul.  I didn't bother reading it for several reasons and key is the fact I'm sure the article pointed out neither player helped his team advance.  Both players remain superstar talents in my book, the game is still a team game.  No matter how great you are if you don't have the parts around you the team loses or is not as successful as it could be.  All we need to do is revisit the Bulls team that surrounded Michael Jordan in his early years.  We might say the same thing about the Lakers once Shaq and others were either traded, retired or released.  Kobe Bryant was unable to lead the replacement players successfully.  Once management assembled talent through trades and free agency they were able to become competitive again.  Howard and Paul are winners, just because they have unfinished pieces on their teams does it truly take away from their abilities as solid players?  I think not!  
The NBA game offers surprises for me too.  Last November despite all the hoopla surrounding the Heat I expressed to many I thought the Celtics were still the team to beat in the east.  Well we are there although I expected them to meet for the conference championship.  Since the Kendrick Perkins trade the Celtics have not seemed like the same team, it wasn't necessary for them to expend a great deal of energy sweeping the hapless (sorry Spike) Knicks.  In the meantime the Heat were able to handle the 76ers relatively easy winning 4 games to 1. Prior to it's start I really don't know what to expect, will the Celtics dominant the Heat as they did during the regular season?  Udonis Haslem is practicing will he return to save the day and give the Heat some toughness?  Maybe the Heat get by this banged up older Celtic team who knows for sure?  This is written prior to the Sunday start of the series. 
I asked a ref if he could give me a technical foul for thinking bad things about him. He said, of course not. I said, well, I think you stink. And he gave me a technical. You can't trust em. - anonymous