Wednesday, May 11, 2011

For the second consecutive day Mizzou's Frank Haith received a verbal commitment from a high school sophomore. Ishmail Wainright a 6-5, 200 pound guard from Raytown South is headed to Columbia. This commitment is not binding however it's good that at least we know Haith and staff are on the recruiting trail. There are slots available for 2011-12, hopefully they locate a big man. On Mizzou's radar yet uncommitted is Obij Aget, 7-1, 220 pound center from the Sudan by way of La Lumiere High School, LaPorte Indiana. Aget would be a 2012 arrival should he decide on Mizzou.

P.J. Carlesimo wants an NBA job again, you remember him don't you? He represents one of the bevy of college coaches who failed at the NBA game. People want to refer to the chocking incident with Latrell Sprewell but it's much more than that. As an assistant coach he probably handles those chores with diligence, but don't give him the keys to your automobile especially if you value it. It's not only Carlesimo, it's Lon Krueger, Rick Pitino, Mike Montgomery and a host of others. The only coach with any degree of success in the NBA and college has been Larry Brown.

Americans certainly don't have a monopoly on violence. Fights aplenty have occurred throughout the history of the NBA. Many fans will never forget the "Malice in the Palace," the fight between the Pacers, Pistons and fans. Gilbert Arenas and Jarvais Crittenton then playing for the Wizards were suspended for the balance of the 2010 for bringing guns into the locker room. Recently two fans of the Greek team Panathinaikos were wounded after a game was played against rival Olympiakos. The Olympiakos "fan" armed with a AK-47 semi-automatic rifle shot and wounded two fans of the Panathinaikos team. The story gave no indication if the shooting took place inside the arena.

The 2010-11 Bulls were suposed to be the heir apparent to the Jordan Bulls of the '90's. Playing high pace basketball especially the last half of the season they sent out a message "we are contenders." Of course the play of current MVP point guard Derrick Rose certainly didn't hurt. Then a funny thing happened on the way to the Bulls NBA Championship---the Atlanta Hawks! The Hawks had upset Dwight Howard's Magic team, many thought the Bulls would make quick work of the Hawks. The Hawks said an emphatic no, we are here to stay and play. As this is written the Bulls certainly could still win but kudos to coach and former Mizzou Tiger Larry Drew. Drew's made a believer out of me as he's pushed and prodded the Hawks past the Magic and maybe past the Bulls??

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.
- Mark Twain

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