Monday, September 26, 2011

They have an international roster
I checked New Mexico State's roster for Sim Bhullar. If you remember I had written earlier there were classroom issues which prevented him from being eligible for a scholarship at Xavier. Bhullar is a 7-5 360 pound giant from Canada, New Mexico State has quite an international roster. There are 18 players on the roster 9 of whom were born outside the continental United States. Counting Bhullar the team is comprised of 6 Canadians, 2 Frenchmen and 1 South African.  Bhullar's parents emigrated to Canada from India. 

I like him!
The NCAA is yet to provide a report on their investigation of Mizzou Coach Frank Haith, I don't care I like him anyway. In keeping with my international theme Mizzou was host last weekend to 6-10 Stefan Jankovic for his second visit and first timer 6-7 Negus Webster-Chan. Jankovic is originally from Croatia, both players hail from Canada and attend Huntington Prep (WV). Of course this is the same prep school that produced O.J. Mayo and several other NBA players. At this point the verbal commitments and campus visits are non-binding, the players are there. We are witness to players former Coach Mike Anderson would have never recruited. This is not a knock on Anderson it's just that in all probability Haith has a more conventional offense and defense. In addition he and his staff are not searching for specialty players as was the approach by the former coach. The record at Miami was less than stellar which caused a mini-revolt in the ranks of Mizzou alumni and the recruiting (at Miami) certainly didn't help. No excuse offered but it might be difficult to win facing the Duke's, Carolina's and Florida State's of the ACC.

He was the man
Most of us are not old enough to remember the dominance of Wilton Norman Chamberlain. For many the only view of Chamberlain is grainy black and white film on NBA TV and other programs. Many historians will say Bill Russell was the greatest big man, not in my book it was Chamberlain at 7-1 275 pounds. Russell's teams almost always won NBA Championships, Chamberlain's teams almost always finished behind those Celtic teams. Leaving KU early 1958 (unheard of in that day) he played for the Globetrotrotters for one year before he was eligible for the 1959 NBA Draft. His hometown team the Philadelphia Warriors then chose him as a "territoral choice" which existed in the NBA of the time.  No one had ever seen the scoring prowess he exhibited, he once scored 100 points in a game against the Knicks. One season he averaged 50 points a game, imagine that we make it a big deal when a player averages 30 points a game. Rebounding, he was a double-double man every night he played, one year he averaged 44.8 and grabbed 24.3 rebounds per game, quite an amazing feat.  Power he possessed it, I remember watching a game on television I don't even remember who the 76ers were playing. The guards continued all game long to toss the ball inside to Chamberlain, he went up for dunk after dunk. The force of his dunks all game eventually broke the cylindrical frame of the basket, the game was stopped and a new basketball rim had to be installed. Of all his accomplishments the one he was proudest of, never fouling out of a game during his NBA career. Chamberlain played from 1959-1973, this Hall of Fame player died far to young at age 63.

"Timing is everything"
Many might be familiar with that often quoted statement. For me it sometimes becomes a problem, Words eye view is printed every two days. Basketball news (Big 12, SEC, Big East and ACC) is actually breaking so fast what you read might seem dated. That is not the intent, the desire is to be as up to date as possible with the news. Example, writing two or three days ahead of publishing several stories have been deleted because they were either partially or completely resolved. Stay tuned, I will continue to be as topical as possible. Thank you.

Do you remember?
The Darth Vader line from Star Wars; "Luke, I am your father!" A respondent pulled the same line with LeBron James but this time it didn't work. I think it's common knowledge LeBron was born to single unwed mother Gloria James.  Ms James was 15 years old at the time of his birth, Stovell claimed he was in his early 20's when he met Gloria James.  It's interesting all through LeBron's youth Leicester Bryce Stovell was no-place too be found, once James gained fame (and money) out of the woodwork comes Stovell claiming he was the father.  He filed a $4 million dollar lawsuit against James claiming a DNA test was "rigged" against him. Needless to say the court dismissed this frivolous lawsuit. Two questions, I didn't think 15 was the age of consent in any state in the union? Second question, is there as statue of limitations on rape of a minor? Even if Gloria James gave her consent if nothing else Stovell might be guilty of statutory rape.

"I don’t discuss basketball. I dictate basketball. I’m not interested in philosophy classes.” Al McGuire, former Marquette Coach and broadcaster

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