Wednesday, January 25, 2012

He's gone
"Another one bits the dust!" The Wizards fired Coach Flip Saunders after the team got off to a 2-15 mark. Something appeared to be missing with this team, they certainly are not the most talented team in the NBA but I think they have more talent than has been shown thus far. Randy Wittman was named interim coach which we assume would be the balance of the season. It's really too bad I liked Saunders but it must be apparent Wizard players didn't otherwise they would have played better.
He did it again
Coach Popovich sat his star player Tim Duncan down again. No injury or other factor, Popovich allows Duncan "to rest" in order for him to be healthy for the playoffs. This is the second instance Popovich has done this with Duncan having no apparent injuries. Manu Ginobili is a total different matter, the guy is on the injury list we cannot say the same for Duncan. I pose the question again---is it fair to fans who can often might pay large sums of money for their seat(s), parking and vendors. I wonder why the commissioner is not in the middle of this? Where is David Stern when you need him?
I missed this one!
Due to the two hour time difference I often miss West coast NBA games. It's usually midnight when the game is over, as for an overtime game almost certainly out of the question. I once remembered a Laker game that concluded at 12:30 a.m., I managed to see the conclusion but that's rare anymore for me. I wish I'd stay awake to see this one, Dwight Howard had a monster game 45 points, 23 rebounds and 3 assists. Howard is such a poor free throw shooter Warriors Coach Mark Jackson had his players foul Howard intentionally. I am unsure if Hack-a-Howard worked out he was on the free throw line a total of 39 attempts. In any event he managed to a respectable (for him) 21 of 39 attempt. Howard broke a 50-year old record established by Wilt Chamberlain for free throws in a single game.
He receives a shout out
David Kahn has made several questionable moves in my view, if you are unfamiliar with the name Kahn serves as Wolves general manager. The most recent questionable move was replacing the coach. Replacing Kurt Rambis was not the issue, the issue for me and others was Kahn had created a media frenzy allowing the story to circulate for weeks. I think almost everyone who follows the sport were well aware Kurt Rambis was going to be fired. Kahn never explained why he allowed the story continued circulation. I had concluded Rambis might not have been a good fit or even the best coach at the time. The shout out or pat on the back for Kahn is the courage to draft Ricky Rubio despite no prospect of him playing in the NBA right away, on top of that sticking to the view Rubio would eventually play for the Wolves. Many thought this guy (Rubio) is never leaving Spain. Perhaps in the dark recesses of his mind Kahn might have held reservations too, if he did he never revealed them to anyone. Kahn receives a second shout out for hiring Rick Adelman, although his track record as a coach is good I held reservations. The team is a work in progress however Adelman appears to have changed the mentality of this young team. Given time Adelman might turn this team around on the basketball floor. I'm not comfortable admitting this but I might have missed this one, Rubio and Kahn that is.
It's our fault
Myron Medcalf of wrote an interesting story last week. He titled it "A look at America's starving big men." He compiled a list of 10 skilled collegiate players used improperly by their respective schools. Several such as Meyers Leonard at Illinois and Anthony Davis of Kentucky I've witnessed their games on television, the other eight I'm going to trust Medcalf's research. There might be other writers that share Medcalf's view this is the first one I've read detailing the problem. The main fault of this issue can be laid at the feet of the coaches, after all you recruited the player. You recruit the player and then offer then sparse playing time. According to Medcalf we have met the enemy, all that is required is to look into the mirror. With few exceptions big men are not the instigator of a teams offense, that lies with the coach through his point guard. Pass the ball to the big man and "throw it down big man! Throw it DOWN!" That was a catch phrase former player and color analyst Bill Walton would often use.

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