Monday, February 13, 2012

Bits n Pieces
Denver has an overall better won-lost record than the Knicks since the Carmelo Anthony trade. The time period covered is the trade last season to the Nuggets current losing streak. Denver received several players in the trade that have allowed them to become a more balanced team. My buddy Dave thinks Denver needs a "super-star" to complete it's roster, I'm not sure if I agree.

I read a funny story by Peter May ESPN Boston. May was reflecting on the Celtic's problem dealing with the height posed by Lakers Bynum and Gasol. The late Chuck Daly coach of the Pistons was asked if he'd figured a method to counter Celtic forward Kevin McHale. "I spent all summer trying to figure out a way to guard McHale. I didn't come up with one. He's still too tall," Daly said.

During last Thursdays NBA telecast Marv Albert mentioned "the Celtics had an open date on Wednesday so coach Doc Rivers took the opportunity to fly to Chapel Hill for the Duke-Carolina game.'  I'm sure he must have been pleased with son Austin shooting in a 3-point game winner.

I was anxious to see how Knick point guard Jeremy Lin would play against my Lakers. I should have remembered that an old adage you know the one that states "be careful what you wish for." Lin erupted for 38 points, 7 assists and 4 rebounds while shooting .565 from the floor. I'm convinced Lin is the real deal. Over the last 10 games he's averaged 18.4 points per game and 6.1 assists while shooting .535 from the floor, I'll take those numbers any day from my point guard. The return of Stoudemire and Anthony will require the offense to flow through them. There will always be a need for a distributor but Lin's shot total will be reduced.

Another win
I'm unsure of the message Frank Haith is giving out but we should consider a patent on it. This Mizzou team continues to amaze me, I thought going into this game Baylor would be breathing fire. After losing to Kansas earlier in the week I can admit it now I was a little scared. The first half didn't help me either, the Tigers were outrebounded badly. I have come to the conclusion Scott Drew's mission in life is to convince us he is a good coach, great recruiter however I question his coaching skill. How do you lose a game this badly with the height advantage you have? Perry Jones III disappeared once again, this guy is a projected NBA Lottery Pick! You coulda fooled me, Jones III was 2-12 with 4 points total for the game. How do you outrebound your opposition 35-22 yet lose a game 72 to 57? Baylor folded like a lawn chair, I guess hitting 14 treys over Baylor's zone defense was likely the contributing factor.

I don't do this on purpose
Search for stories on big guys routinely sometimes the stories reach out to me. I did uncover a story of interest regarding a 7-5 high school player from Senegal. Yes, I typed 7-5 as in 7 feet 5 inches tall which makes him the tallest high school player in the nation. Mamadou Ndiaye arrived in the U.S. two years ago and has only been playing basketball in that brief time frame. Ndiaye had surgery to remove a tumor from his pituitary gland but is healed and back out on the basketball court. Ndiaye is enrolled at Huntington Beach Brethren Christian School (California). He is in the Class of 2013, however is extremely raw in his basketball development. Ndiaye wears a size 19 shoe and the video I witnessed indicates he needs basketball shoes. It appears he has Nike running shoes while competing. Video of the young man detail some skill on the court, it's difficult to access his overall game when matched against munchkin competition.

Kobe, Kobe, Kobe 
Okay I get it you hate Kobe Bryant, you and couple of thousand others. Larry Bird doesn't agree with you when asked said. "Well, probably Kobe, because of the fact that ... well, of course he wouldn't have been shooting as much as he does now ... but his desire to win, his dedication, to always get better, uh, and he's just, he's just tough," Bird said. "He's just a tough cat. "But, if you want to have fun, like I did with Bill Walton, play with LeBron. It would have probably been more fun to play with LeBron, but if you want to win and win and win, it's Kobe. Not that LeBron's not a winner, just that [Kobe's] mindset is to go into every practice, every game, to get better." (Yahoo Sports)

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