Friday, March 2, 2012

I'm calling out names
The Lakers are in a rough place, all Laker fans felt change was in the wind. Phil Jackson gone, triangle gone, Shannon Brown gone and finally Odom traded. I thought okay let's see what McRoberts, Murphy and Kapono can do---we found out they can't do much! They become warm bodies on the bench, that's why I'm afraid of this latest move, reports are circulating the Lakers are going to sign Rasheed Wallace a.k.a. Mr. Technical Foul himself . Wallace is 37-years old and hasn't played in nearly two years, I hope they don't sign him it would provide proof they are desperate. Dr. Buss please come back, I know you want your son to pilot this ship. To date the younger Buss has provided us proof he only knows how to run this proud franchise into the ground. Attention Jim Buss get this team what it really needs, a young speedy point guard!

He says he's staying!!!
Kentucky's Michael Kidd-Gilchrist recently announced he's remaining at Kentucky, no NBA for this young man at least that's his statement. I'm sure his coach will check with NBA scouts to determine Kidd-Gilchrist draft possibilities. John Calipari has done this in years past for all his players who appear headed to the NBA. This
6-7 232 pound freshman numbers are impressive based on his adjustment to Division I basketball, 12.0 points and 7.8 rebounds and 2.1 assists per game. Many of us became acquainted with Kidd-Gilchrist last summer and fall, his high school St. Patrick's in Elizabeth New Jersey were featured in an HBO Sports special titled "Prayer for a Perfect Season." With any freshman there are portions of his game that could be refined if he remained in school another year. On the other hand NBA money is guaranteed for a first round draft choice, I'd find it difficult to remain in school if I knew for sure I would be drafted. The prospect of returning for his sophomore year and the possibility of injury. There may have been others but this is the only story I remember reading. Reports indicated Sean Elliott would be a lottery pick if he placed his name in the draft his junior year, meanwhile his mother wanted him to remain in school and graduate. His mom took out an insurance injury policy with Lloyds of London and a monetary amount that would pay her son a significant dollar amount in the event of injury his senior year. Elliott completed his senior year free of injury and was drafted by the San Antonio Spurs in in the 1989 NBA draft.

"Life's was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"
Marc Gasol is not a box of chocolates, I repeat he's not a box of chocolates! It just so happens I think the line from the Forrest Gump movie just might fit this Gasol. I wish to take you back to the time when all the complaints were raging when his brother was traded to the Lakers. Seems Spurs coach Greg Popovich voice resonated over others as if the Lakers had done something illegal. Marc Gasol, Javaris Crittenton and Kwane Brown for Pau Gasol. Popovich said "the trade should be investigated by the league office," we have no method to determine if Popovich was kidding or serious. Humor often doesn't translate well to print, we just don't know. I wonder if Popovich would be willing to admit in 2012 the trade is now even. Big brother Pau has a NBA championship ring however Marc become a seasoned player. He's not led them to a championship however 7--1 Marc has become an important component for the Grizz, 15.0 points, 10.0 rebounds and 2.2 block shots a game. Each year his numbers continue to climb, his career numbers are 12.9 and 8.1 rebounds a game. As for Brown and Crittenton they have become distant memories to most Grizz fans. They can revel in the fact how they "stole" the younger Gasol from the Lakers!

He's good
Last week the Bulls Joakim Noah had a triple double against the Bucks, the first for a Bulls center since 1977 when Artis Gilmore did it. 13 points, 13 rebounds and 10 assists. Noah has always been a high energy guy going back to his days at Florida. The son of former tennis pro Yannick Noah, Joakim began to play basketball as a youth in Paris France where he lived with his mother. The youngster claimed his game wasn't growing in France so he persuaded his mother to move to the states. It wasn't Joakim alone his mother an artist used the move to aid her career too. Is it the ponytail, I have an acquaintance who "hates" Joakim only because of his ponytail. Ponytails, tattoos and the like don't bother me one bit. What really bothers me is guys who can't play but continuing collecting paychecks---Joakin is certainly not in that group.

I wish the crew at ESPN would make up their minds! After convincing me and several thousand others Ricky Rubio's game had "regressed." They (ESPN) now state "he might be over-hyped!" I don't get it, we knew in advance his shot selection was going to be a work in progress. As for the balance of his game it's a matter of adjusting to life in the NBA. I really don't understand those ESPN folks at times. Don't you think you owe Rubio and Lin that benefit? In other ESPN stories, the rumor mill claims "the Magic don't want Bynum for Howard." Confirms what I've been stating all along, I'm really unsure if Howard will be moved at all. If he is moved I say it will be to the Nets.

What is the criteria for entrance into the Hall
It's unbelievable, we are at the same point again. The point were the list of candidates for the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield MA are announced. The emails begin flying in. "_________doesn't belong how many rings did he win?" "How many scoring titles did ________ win?" "Did he lead the NBA in any category?" Many see NBA play as the deciding factor when in truth it's what that player has done for the game period. Give you an example, 7-4 Ralph Sampson was a terror at Virginia, Sampson was 3X player of the year in college. His NBA career was somewhat pedestrian compared to Virginia. If we used winning a ring as a qualifier people such as John Salley and B.J. Armstrong would be in the hall. Sally and Armstrong were valued members of the Pistons and Bulls and aided in their teams winning NBA Championships. Do Salley and Armstrong qualify, after all they have rings.

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