Friday, December 14, 2012

He certainly has hops
We’ve witnessed Thunder player Russell Westbrook’s leaping ability over the past four years. Recently this 6-3 guard demonstrated the skill against 7-3 Roy Hibbert of the Pacers. As Hibbert prepared to dunk the basketball Westbrook came flying in from the weak side and blocked the shot. To be fair Hibbert had bent down after receiving the pass and he was rising to dunk the ball. This is probably not the best word description of a first-rate play. It’s available on or You Tube if you want to check it out.

Is this the second or third time?
I guess Laker fans are okay with the lousy play of the Lakers? We are not smart enough to realize there are key areas of the game requiring improvement. I can’t remember if this is the second or third time I’m forced to call out Magic Johnson. The headline read; “Showtime played defense, this is not Laker basketball.” That was the Fox Sports story, the quote courtesy of none other than one of my Laker favorites Earvin “Magic” Johnson. Exactly what is Johnson attempting to prove with his critical remarks? Owner Jim Buss, General Manager Mitch Kupchak, Mike D’Antoni and his coaching staff are not pleased either. This team assembled over the summer has failed to play at the level most of us expected. I wanna pose this question once again to Magic, “are you trying to prove to ESPN (your employer) you’re not beholding to the Lakers?” I would remind him once again what a terrible coach he was the brief period he managed the team. On the other hand in his current position it’s always easy to criticize than to fix a problem.

Bits n Pieces
The collegiate season is young however the Southern Methodist University Mustangs are 8-1 as this is written. The team is playing well for 72-year old Coach Larry Brown, should be an interesting season.

Did you hear this one? Blake Griffin claims former NFL wide receiver Terrell Owens begged the Clippers for a 10-day tryout. Strange as it might sound Owens actually played basketball in high school and college. The 6-3 224 pound Owens certainly has the size but beginning an NBA career at age 39?

I hope he doesn’t try to play again; the he is Utah State junior forward Danny Berger. The brief story is the 6-7 Berger collapsed during the teams practice.  He went into cardiac arrest shortly thereafter.  Anytime I read stories on basketball players with heart conditions my mind drifts. Back to Hank Gaithers of Loyola Marymount and the Celtics Reggie Lewis.

It’s reported Wolves point guard Ricky Rubio will be activated for tomorrow nights game. They play the Mavs but at this point there is no indication if Rubio will start. He should be able to stay in front of opposing guard Derek Fisher.   

I’m curious; Kansas fans continue to flood the Kansas City Star every time an article is printed regarding Mizzou athletics. I know they are from Kansas fans by the nicknames they give themselves. Kansas continues play in the Big XII Conference while Mizzou has become an SEC school. The teams no longer compete against one another, why the continued ill will expressed by a segment of the Kansas faithful?

Can you say snail pace?
The NCAA is dragging its feet once again. This is not a guilty or innocent story it’s a why so long story? The Longhorns of Texas are not very good so far this season. It’s possible they might be a little better if point guard Myck Kabongo was able to play. Texas is unable to play Kabongo; the NCAA is investigating whether he received improper benefits from an NBA agent over the summer. I think all of us realize an investigation cannot be resolved in the hour it takes to view an episode of CSI or Law and Order.  We need to travel no further than Mizzou where the investigative body of the NCAA is yet to clear Frank Haith. How long for Haith, can you say almost two years if he's not cleared at the end of the season.  There is a key difference in both cases, should Haith be found guilty the university could simply choose to terminate him. No harm, no foul just embarrassing for the school, fans and alumni.  If Texas should choose to play Kabongo and the investigation points to his guilt Texas could end up forfeiting games. The old adage; "damned if you do, damned if you don't" certainly applies.  Team play might improve with Kabongo in the lineup but is it worth  possible forfeiture of games?