Friday, February 8, 2013

The seismic shock felt in Jayhawk nation

Did you feel the shock Wednesday night? According to the Richter scale it might have registered a 3.8 or 3.9. According to Wikipedia a 3.8 quake is; “Often felt by at least some people, but very rarely causes damage. Shaking of indoor objects can be noticeable.” The “shaking of indoor objects” might have been the television sets smashed by many in Jayhawk nation. Coming off a Saturday loss to Oklahoma State (at home) the Jayhawks went on the road to heal. A win against Texas Christian University was a gimme after all TCU was 9-12 overall and 0-8 in Big XII play.

You might understand why many felt no urgency to view the game, there was no way TCU could win this game or could they? Kansas managed to lose 62-55, how bad was the loss? Kansas scored a meager 13 points in the first half of the game despite the shot clock. Perhaps even more interesting our resident basketball “expert” can’t figure Kansas out. I’m referring to one of the local afternoon radio talk show host. He continues to harp on the fact Kansas beat Ohio State on the road (17-5) and Colorado (14-7) during the teams’ non-conference schedule. He fails to take into consideration more recently Kansas had to go into overtime to beat Iowa State at home and barely beat Temple 69-62.

I’d love to see them play each other
The entry of government is opposed by most folks I’ve held discussions. This is just to cite a few instances where state governments thought it their duty orchestrate play on the court. Once upon a time the State of Kentucky “forced” the University of Kentucky to play Louisville. Two basketball powers in the same state but would not play one another.  There is talk the Kansas Senate using the same type of tactic to ensure Wichita State, Kansas State and the University of Kansas play.  Turns out this senator is from Wichita.  As for Missouri there is an unconfirmed report Norm Stewart (1967-199) long-time Mizzou Coach refused to play St. Louis University. Several years back the General Assembly of Missouri introduced a bill forcing Mizzou to schedule Missouri State (Springfield). There might be a variety of reasons Division One schools in the same state refuse to schedule one another. State governments’ utilizing withholding financial aid is not an answer, just my opinion yours might be different.

March 1st
Despite the views of conspiracy theorists there is order, the Kings can‘t simply pack up and move to Seattle. The order I speak of requires the Chris Hansen group to submit relocation paperwork. The NBA established March 1st as the drop date.  The Hansen group sent the request to relocate the Kings franchise 22 days ahead of the drop date.  Is this a done deal?  Not yet, an unseen development could kill the deal however it's most unlikley.  There is life after the NBA, Sacramento fans need look no further than St. Louis (Hawks) or Kansas City (Kings).  There is an additional issue of note, Steve Ballmer CEO of Microsoft is an investor with the Hansen group.  The Microsoft "involvement" is upsetting to a California legislator; he wrote Ballmer a letter of complaint.  The basis of his complaint the legislator cited the signficant number of contracts California has with Microsoft.

They have changed
Have you noticed the revision in sports talk radio and television? Rarely do they contain the view of the listener anymore. The host(s) takes few if any phone calls, the major portion of the program consist of an expression of the sports world from their perspective. There are usually spots for guests, the roll consist of others in the media, coaches, sports agents and athletes. Is this changed format for sports talk good from your perspective? I have my view of the issue what’s yours?

No super teams
There were loud howls from many fans around these parts when Mizzou lost its game against Ol Miss, the howling reached a fever pitch as Florida rolled the Tigers. People face the facts even if your team (Mizzou) is Top 25 there are landmines out there. As this is written number one Duke has lost two of its last three games, number five Louisville has lost two in a row. Creighton the number 17 team in the nation has lost two games in a row. Number eleven Kansas State lost the first state match to then number three Kansas. Recently Kansas sustained losses against Oklahoma State and Texas Christian University, after the win Oklahoma State moved into the Top 25.