Monday, September 30, 2013

NBA championship format
Casual fans have asked me why the NBA has 2-3-2 game format for it’s championship series. The change occurred back in the ’80’s and I’d forgotten the background for the change. *“The 2-3-2 format was first introduced in The Finals in 1985, about the time that the Los Angeles Lakers and the Boston Celtics made the championship round their personal playgrounds. Because of the four-hour flights and strictly commercial travel, it made traipsing back and forth across the country five times in a series quite impractical.  Those days, of course, are long gone. Teams now travel on luxurious charter flights that can leave the night after games or the following day if they so choose."  The NBA is considering a return to the 2-2-1-1-1 format.  *

Sorry NBA fans
I hate stated awhile back I would leave Dwight Howard in my rear-view mirror, I cannot after his most recent statement. To paraphrase his quote; “I hated to leave Los Angeles but I wanted to win.” On the surface sounds innocent enough if he played for a number of unsuccessful franchises which I refuse to name. Understandable if Howard said “they haven’t won an NBA Championship since 2010”. Again he would be correct; it will be four years next June since the Laker won it all.

Clipper Matt Barnes claims “Laker fans live in the past it’s a new age the Clippers are Los Angeles now.” I have some news for Howard and former Laker Barnes, this franchise has won 16 NBA Championships. The only other franchise with a significant number of championships is the Celtics with 17. No argument Dwight the Lakers had become an older team, you left because you thought they would never vie for a championship again ever? Well not this upcoming season but never, that’s a long, long time.

“The ship be sinking”
It’s hoped Nets fans will not be upset with this account, it’s important for the Knicks to remain successful for the sake of the NBA. The Knicks are a storied franchise plus they operate in the largest metropolitan area in the nation New York City. As for the headline; “the ship be sinking” was a quote attributed to Michael Ray Richardson. He uttered the often quoted line regarding the 1980 Knicks. We must begin this tale with owner James Dolan; it’s often difficult to determine the moves of owner Dolan. We heard stories Dolan wanted to re-hire Isiah Thomas in some role. He wanted to do this despite the Knicks suffered through a catastrophe period with Thomas at the helm. Of course the entire mess could not be laid strictly on the shoulders of the coach. The front office was complacent too, a house cleaning was required; the coach and several front office personnel were removed.

As for the latest Dolan move, he’s replaced Glen Grunwald as president and general manager with Steve Mills. Grunwald and Donny Walsh who departed earlier were key to “plugging holes in the sinking ship” the Knicks had become. Hey, wasn’t Mills the guy who recommended Dolan hire Thomas initially? Wasn’t Mills in charge of the front office during those disastrous years? After missing the playoffs for 6 straight years the last 3 have seen them in post-season play. They even managed to win a playoff series for the first time in forever. I always wish to approach any change in circumstance from a positive point. I’m certainly don‘t wish to predict dire predictions with Mills returning to the front office. Hopefully Mills has grown and learned and the Michael Ray prediction won’t come true for a second time.

A settlement reached
Media reports indicate former UCLA basketball player and plaintiff Ed O’Bannon has reached a partial settlement in his case. Defendants Electronic Arts and Collegiate Licensing Company have agreed on an undisclosed payment amount to O’Bannon. The NCAA portion of this lawsuit remains open.

I’m too old
ESPN is reporting this story (not yet confrimed) the Nets and Heat will have nicknames on their jerseys when facing one another. “King James, The Truth and Big Ticket” might be placed on the jerseys of LeBron James, Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett respectively.  This nickname thing returns to a fad popularized by the XFL, many may be too young to remember the XFL.  This was a football league founded in 2000 by WWE owner Vince McMahon, it only operated one year.  The leagues claim to fame might be the jersey worn by Rod Smart of the Las Vegas Outlaws.  His jersey read; "He Hate Me" in reference to XFL players Smart claimed disliked him.  Simply stated I'm okay with nicknames they don't belong of the back of basketball or football jerseys.  

Friday, September 27, 2013

There appears to be confusion on the story below, the information was gathered from several sources.  This a.m. the Kansas City Star is reporting the Kansas Jayhawks will begin practice today (Friday).  The NCAA must have changed the date teams could begin practice.  I'm so confused.

It’s that time again
Just in case you didn’t hear or might not be unaware colleges will hold Midnight Madness practice on Friday September 27th. The next day NBA teams playing international games open training camp, October 1 the remaining teams open training. I’m stealing the Monday Night Football opening. “Are you ready for some (Basketball) “, I certainly am.

Quit the hatred
A number of Laker fans are short-sided in their observations. They were upset with the announcement Shaq had become a minority owner in the Kings. I read a number of nasty comments on one of the Laker fan websites. Totally bogus on these so-called fans, an example we heard none of these vile comments once the great Jerry West left the Lakers. It should be pointed out West is with his second franchise (Grizzlies, Warriors) since leaving the Lakers. As for the percentage of Laker fans who are upset with Shaq get over it, you are being foolish and childish.

He ain’t riding off into the sunset
I didn’t read the story but the writer speculated why Orlando “Tubby” Smith took the job at Texas Tech. We must guess after being forced out at Minnesota the writer must have thought Smith’s coaching career should conclude. Before I begin this rant allow me to explain I’m a long-time Smith fan. Perhaps the writer fails to realize Smith want retire because of his love for the game, in addition the better question might be why? He just turned 62 meaning he‘s nine years younger than Larry Brown at SMU,

Have you checked out Smith’s career coaching record? I’m a fan and didn’t realize in 22 years at several coaching stops Smith’s never ever had a losing season. The nearest he came to a losing season would be ‘92-‘93 his second year as head coach at Tulsa, his team finished 15-14. Smith’s overall record is a sparkling 511-226 (.693). It should also be of note there are only eight active coaches with an NCAA Championship on their resume, Smith is one of them. Just in case you were curious about the other championship coaches;

Bill Self Kansas
John Calipari Kentucky
Rick Pitino Louisville
Coach K. Duke
Billy Donovan Florida
Roy Williams North Carolina
Larry Brown SMU


Pay it forward
Earl Watson left UCLA for the NBA without outstanding creditionals, he could play however there was no indication he’d last. This Washington High School point guard is going into his 13 season and has moved on to the Blazers. Watson grew up in Kansas City (KS) and returns home every off-season. He’s been involved in help educational opportunities for the community. It was reveled his community involvement has not gone unnoticed; the Kansas City Kansas Public School system will name an elementary school after him. Watson said; “he felt humbled the district would do this, a person must be of high moral character to have something like this done.” Thought you might appreciate a “feel-good” story. We read and hear far too many stories of misbehaving professional athletes. Watson is certainly not the only athlete giving back so beginning now I’m going to search for similar stories.

No more please
Legendary former player Pete Maravich did it, so did Celtic Reggie Lewis both athletes died from heart related problems after playing basketball. Many of us might have been witness first-hand or saw the video of Hank Gaithers. Gaithers collapsed on the court during a Loyola Marymount game, he later died. No more basketball players to die after playing basketball. Wichita State had a similar dilemma on their hands and made the appropriate decision from my standpoint. Point guard D.J. Bowles was discovered to have a heart condition; the school will honor his scholarship but will not allow him on the court. The issue is Bowles himself, at this point he’s not responded to the offer. Bowles had surgery to correct the problem however there remains a concern on my part. My concern extends to the Celtics Jeff Green whose also had surgery to correct a heart related issue.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

They serve as co-hosts
New York City has two NBA teams so why shouldn’t both teams serve as hosts? The NBA will award the 2015 All-Star game to the City of New York. The Knicks and Nets will serve as co-hosts for the game. The game will be played in Madison Square Garden the remainder of All-Star events will be held in The Barclays Center.

Bill Self over Coach K?
According to the Kansas City Star quoting Jeff Goodman of ESPN Bill Self is ahead of Mike Krzyzewski in the eyes of the NBA. Ahead in that Self is considered the top candidate for the next head coaching position to open in the NBA. Self has always maintained an “I’m available” attitude whenever he’s been questioned by the media. There are several factors other than Self’s readiness. His coaching record has been impeccable at every stop including Kansas; in addition he’s won an NCAA Basketball Championship. As for Coach K., he’s continued to state publicly on more than one occasion there is no desire for him to leave Duke. A key for Coach K. might be his age; he will be 67 years old before the current season is complete.

Although his status is unclear at this point Coach K. might be looking toward retirement rather than the NBA. In actuality he’s probably more NBA ready than Self, he’s coached USA basketball on six different occasions. A number of the current high profile players know him personally; the same statement cannot be made on behalf of Bill Self. On the other hand Self just turned 50 which is probably an ideal age to coach an NBA team. Allow me to pose this observation; you have a friend who works in the private sector. One day he calls you and indicates he‘s been offered another position. Your friend says “This job offers me larger salary; in addition it offers prestige only 30 other guys hold a similar position.” What do you advise your friend, take the job or pass on it?

He’s a proficient shooter
I read 40-year old Steve Nash says he’s ready for the 2013-14 season. I have no doubt a healthy Nash will contribute to the success of the Laker team. He was racked with injuries his first year in a Laker uniform, he didn’t have the opportunity to fully display his talent. His numbers all across the board were all down but certainly decent for a point guard. Nash shot .497 from the floor and .438 from the 3-point line. He scored 12.7 points per game while distributing nearly 7 assists a game. This morning’s discussion on TWC Sports Net someone said; “how healthy can a 40-year old feel?” I can agree with that statement, Nash was never the speediest guy anyway. Injury free, limited back to back game minutes and plain lesser minutes should extend his career for at least another season.

Where is he now?
Recommended to read is Jonathan Abrams in September 19 edition, Abrams wrote an in-depth story on Korleone Young. Several of you might be unfamiliar with Young; he was a 6-7 213 forward on his way to an NBA career. The only problem Abrams points out Young’s NBA career lasted all of 15 minutes. The Wichita (KS) native declared for the NBA draft in 1998 his senior year in high school. Young (and several others) have became the primary reason for the age 19 or one-year after high school graduation rule. Read the article, excellent journalism piece.

 How about owner, that’s no nickname
Shaquille O'Neal was fond of providng the media with a number of nicknames he gave himself.  Interesting in the fact his latest nickname is actually not one-----it's owner.  He's been confirmed as one of the minority owner of the Sacramento Kings.  You remember the Kings, that team he punished on the court while a member of the Lakers.  That team he nicknamed "The Queens," Do you suppose an apology might be in order?    

Monday, September 23, 2013

In court rather than on the court
To refresh your memory banks, I have no legal training in addition I’ve never worked in the legal field. Business Law 101 and 102 were the only legal courses required to secure my undergraduate degree. In mid-summer the NCAA requested a trial delay in the Ed O’Bannon suit until 2014. Last week the association requested their organization be dropped from the suit. The parties are the NCAA, EA Sports and Collegiate Licensing Company, the complaint these organizations were party to the players’ likeness being utilized in games. The athletes were never contacted for their permission nor did the athletes (including O'Bannon) receive any compensation. O’Bannon’s attorneys filed the suit for this former UCLA basketball player in 2009. O’Bannon’s legal team in recent days is requesting the court this suit be deemed class-action; this would allow athletes of other sports to be included. This lawsuit is now in its fourth year and certainly nowhere close to being resolved.

“Be afraid, be very afraid”
I’ve seen countless movies over the course of my life, often I don’t remember the movie the line came from. That’s the case with our headline I don’t remember the title of the movie. In any event a week or so ago incoming Commissioner Adam Silver announced “there are no NBA teams on the market.” We guessed he was pronouncing the NBA was in good shape. The Friday morning headline; “Incoming NBA commissioner Adam Silver says Bradley Center unfit for league.” Talk has circulated for a number of years a replacement arena in Milwaukee is needed. I am not projecting anything however I guess we can state David Stern was an excellent tutor for Silver. He follows up the earlier statements by saying; “how important Milwaukee is to the NBA."  He’s correct a 45-year history---on the other hand anybody remember the Seattle Sonics?

The number of celebrity alums is staggering
I was researching Abraham Lincoln High School (Brooklyn NY) prospect Isaiah Whitehead and uncovered additional information to share. I think most of us were aware the school produced NBA basketball talents Stephon Marbury, Sebastian Telfair and Lance Stephenson. We probably didn’t realize the celebrity graduates of the high school.

Abraham Lincoln opened back in 1929; the following are just a few of the famous names to graduate since that time. Well known NBA broadcaster Marv Albert, in addition actors Lou Gossett Jr. and Harvey Keitel, singer Neil Diamond and playwright Arthur Miller. The school also produced a number of well-known scientist, attorneys and financiers. As for basketball Whitehead is the latest talent to emerge from Lincoln. Whitehead gave Seton Hall a verbal commitment recently. This 6-4 195 pound shooting guard is a 5-star prospect and listed as their number 14 prospect in the Class of 2014.  Wikipedia

Don’t allow his stature to mislead you
He stands 5-8 and weighs in at 150 pounds however the question might be asked can he play? Its clear Kentucky’s Rick Pitino thinks he can, wondering who the athlete might be. I’m glad you asked he’s Tyler Ulis is from Chicago Heights (IL) 30 plus miles from downtown Chicago. YouTube video is available of him in action which is probably good if for one reason alone. Video of a 6-10 or 7-foot high school athlete in action might not provide a true picture. The athlete is often matched up against a player 5 or 6 inches shorter, with Ulis what you see is what you get. In this instance the moves, the shooting and ball distribution looks impressive. Did I mention Rivals list him as a 4-star prospect in the Class of 2014?

“I’m from Missouri; you’ve got to show me”
This age old quote has been utilized by me in the past, that’s the case here. “Hakeem Olajuwon raved about Dwight Howard and Jeremy Lin, claiming that the Houston Rockets duo is "very deadly.” Before Rockets fans begin lobbing hand grenades in my direction allow me to explain. Lin was quoted earlier in the summer he felt the Rockets coaching staff had lost faith in him last season. Does the arrival of Howard automatically strengthen his position with the coaching staff?

As for Dwight we remember the problem he experienced with the Lakers. Either he didn’t adhere to D’Antoni’s system (which was and always has been pick and roll) or the Kobe factor played to his displeasure. I realize a number of Laker fans remain upset with Dwight, as for me he’s history. I wished he would have remained but he chose Houston over Los Angeles. I’ve been a fan of Jeremy since I first witnessed his play at Harvard. His NBA career did not begin with a great deal of
success---when given an opportunity to play (Knicks) he demonstrated he could play.  Play at an
All-Star level can be debated, as for Lin-sanity that was New York media driven.  

Friday, September 20, 2013

He shoots free-throws underhand
The name Canyon Barry is probably unknown to most of us; I know it was to me. His father Rick Barry was familiar to me and I‘m sure many of you. The elder Barry was selected to the 50th Anniversary NBA team and was elected to the Naismith Hall of Fame in 1987. Canyon (that’s his real name we assume) is the fifth and last Barry son; all five brothers have or will play collegiate basketball. Brothers Brent and Jon managed successful NBA careers. Today big brother Brent is seen on NBA TV while brother Jon works for ABC/ESPN, both serve as analysts.

Canyon is a 6-6 195 pound shooting guard; he’s a red shirt freshman at College of Charleston. The youngest Barry son shoots his free throws underhand the same as his famous dad. Rick shot his free throws underhand and managed a .893 percentage during his 14 year ABA/NBA career. It’s always been Rick’s belief shooting the ball underhand at the free-throw line is a more natural motion. Goes along with the theory I’ve heard expressed regarding soft ball. They claim pitching overhand is an unnatural motion, underhand doesn’t strain the arm as the other method of pitching.

You say what
Jeannie Buss Lakers vice-president made an interesting comment. Jeannie said if her dad had been alive he could have convinced Dwight Howard to remain with the Lakers. She might well be correct but consider this fact, how many free agents have left the Lakers in their history? I’ll answer the question for you few, power forward A.C. Green left in 1993 but returned in 1999. Point guard Ramon Sessions left in 2012 after first indicating he would resign. I could be wrong however the two mentioned and Howard are the only names I can recall from memory; I’d need to research to provide you a number. Jeannie also indicated Kobe would be a Laker for “life.” Unlike a number of star athletes he will only play for one franchise in his career-----the Los Angeles Lakers.

Speaking of the Lakers
Many of us concluded correctly Kobe Bryant would probably not be ready for training camp or the pre-season schedule. The surprising news (at least for me) is the same fate is facing former Laker Andrew Bynum. After sitting out last season due to surgery he never suited up for the 76ers. Rather than sign him to a long-term contract they allowed him to sign with another team. The Cavs of Cleveland stepped forward and signed Bynum knowing his injury history full well. The latest reports indicate Bynum as with Kobe will also miss the pre-season. At this point we guess Cavs fans will see Bynum in action when they see him. The question of his return to the court is a mystery---stay tuned for future developments.

Bits n Pieces
What is it with some folks; at first this conversation surrounded the Lakers now it’s the Phoenix Suns. I didn’t read the story because I thought it was stupid, I only read the headline. “Matt Moore ( says their best hope is to tank for the 2014 lottery.” The Suns are not a good team (25-57) but to purposely lose in order to qualify for the lottery---what in the world is Moore and others thinking? Is their intent to simply provoke debate or do they really believe it’s better to lose in order to qualify for a lottery pick? A pick who could turn out to be a LeBron James or a Greg Oden---you roll the dice.

Store this in your memory banks, chances are decent another player from China may be headed to the NBA. He’s 7 foot prospect Wang Zhelin and he hails from Fujian, China. Forget Yao Ming comparisons, according to scouting reports Zhelin weighs in at 251 about 60 pounds less than Yao.

In 2011 the Battle 4 Atlantis pre-season tournament was held for the first time. It’s one of the newer collegiate events, it’s held at Paradise Island, Nassau Bahamas. I’m sure the location is a prime reason few teams would not accept an invitation. In late November major portions in most of the nation average high temperatures hover in the upper to middle 40’s, in northern portions the daytime-nighttime temperature might be even lower. Contrast that with a daily high of 82 degrees and a low of 71 degrees Fahrenheit for a late November temperature in the Bahamas.

I read this someplace, I certainly am not claiming it. “Dwight Howard has managed to alienate two fan bases.” In addition to the round of boos he may have received in Orlando he can expect the same treatment in Los Angeles on the Rockets first visit to Staples Center.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

He’s spending off-time in school
We tend to be caught up in the athletic prowess of athletes no matter the sport, we fail to take into account most were students first. It’s even better when the athlete is an established pro but continuing his education. The Lakers Jody Meeks makes a strong case for the view; he’s an established NBA player yet is enrolled in school. He left after his junior year but made a promise to his parents he’d obtain his college degree. He’s returned to Kentucky every summer after the season and will graduate after the summer session next season.

“Dance with the one that brung ya”
*“Its an old Texas saying "Dance with the one that brung you" was a favorite expression of University of Texas football coach Darrell Royal. In sports, it means to go with the players and plays that result in wins.” There is no method of stating former Kentucky center Nerlens Noel or former Syracuse point guard Michael Carter-Williams are the players future, there is no guarantee wins are in the future. The two rookies do represent what is an upward bound future for this franchise. All summer we’ve read questions about their NBA readiness, all I can say is hang around and see if one or both adapt to the NBA game.

Noel’s debut is going to be delayed due to injury, it’s hoped he will be ready to play at some point after the first of the year. It’s been pointed out Noel is lacking offensively. Perhaps the 6-11 Noel may never be accomplished on the offensive end on the court he was drafted based on his defensive potential. Dikembe Mutombo had a long distinguished NBA career without a skilled offensive game, don’t get it twisted I’m not stating Noel is the second coming of Mutombo. In his brief time at Kentucky he demonstrated a defensive mindset. As for the 6-6 Carter Williams his size is excellent for a point guard. His areas of perceived weakness, shooting and turnovers both can be improved over the course of time. Surely there will be bumps in the road but if both players develop the NBA future will be bright once again in Philly. *

He certainly was one of the best
A number of persons might consider Oscar Schmidt full of bravado or maybe something else. This Brazilian sharpshooter was one of the all-time greats it’s too bad he never played in the NBA. Those of us with an opportunity to listen to his Hall of Fame acceptance speech now have an answer why Schmidt never played in the NBA. I will paraphrase a portion of his speech; “it would have been difficult as a 6th round draft choice of the Nets.”

If the draft position confuses you might be unaware the NBA Draft once consisted of multiple rounds; in 1989 it was reduced to its present two round format. We also forget at that time once you played in the NBA no international (or Olympic play) was not permitted. Schmidt indicated he wanted to continue to play for Brazil. In any event back to the draft I’m going to read between the lines. It’s my belief Schmidt might have believed it was an insult to his talent to be drafted in the 6th round.

After the NCAA reversed itself on the Kerwin Okoro story over the weekend I’m going to provide you my thoughts. We believed the decision makers of the NCAA make their decisions in a secluded room. Truth is the NCAA actually has a dart board aiding them in their conclusions. Just thought you’d needed this information in advance the next time an NCAA ruling is called into question. According to Fox Okoro is crediting broadcaster Dick Vitale with his involvement in the case. If this story is true Dickey V. deserves a shout-out.

Is this surprising
Gary Parrish, Jeff Borzello and Matt Norlander of CBSSports talked to college coaches during the summer. They asked the question who is the best college recruiter. Drum roll please-------the winner is Kentucky’s John Calipari. This is not surprising news, we might have been surprised if coaches picked someone other than Calipari. They selected Calipari despite last seasons record which was an anomaly based on Kentucky basketball history. What did the coach accomplish over the spring and summer; he went out and recruited the best recruiting class in the nation, the best in the opinion of several sports sites.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Why did it come to this?
You may remember on September 6 we discussed the inconsistent rulings of the NCAA. The organization gave their stamp of approval for a student-athlete who suffered a family illness but ruled against Kerwin Okoro with a death. Briefly the father of Okoro died late last year and Okoro’s brother in the spring. This New York native wanted to be closer to his family after this double tragedy. Okoro transferred from Iowa State to Rutgers and applied to play immediately the NCAA denied his request. Guess what the venerable organization has now done, they changed their tune. The NCAA reversed itself and has now granted Okoro immediate eligibility.

It’s really not our call
I admit I am guilty in falling into the same trap of you. I’m referring to discussions surrounding the admittance to the Hall of Fame versus those to be excluded. Prior to Bernard King being enshrined last week I read more than one letter indicating King didn’t belong in the Hall. We might have an opinion regarding a player and that’s okay but thumbs up or down is not our call. The decision belongs to those who have the power of the vote; potential honorees have been excluded due to not receiving enough votes. A candidate should be of high moral character, no drugs or legal issues. Major League Baseball has a serious problem besides Pete Rose (betting on games). It’s been determined a number of baseball players may have enhanced their career numbers taking ban substances.

This discussion is based on conversation on the 2014 Hall of Fame class. Host Vince Cellini and Dennis Scott of NBA TV were discussing players who could be considered. One of the names they mentioned was Robert Horry, “Big Shot Rob.” During his 17 year career his scoring average was a meager 7.0 ppg, his highest regular season scoring average 12.0. Horry has 7 championship rings, 2 with the Rockets 3 with the Lakers and 2 with the Spurs. Any players close to Rob in number of championship rings, how about Michael Jordan. Need a clutch shot at a critical point in the game; give the ball to “Big Shot Rob.” Just because the rings are mentioned should not be the primary consideration for the Hall. Charles Barkley is in the Hall so is Karl Malone and several others who never won an NBA Championship.

Bits n Pieces
Eudora Kansas is about 35 miles from downtown Kansas City (MO). One of the famous residents from Eudora was Hugh Beaumont. The Beaumont name might be unfamiliar to a number of you. He played Ward Cleaver the father in the ‘50’s television series Leave it to Beaver. This television character might someday be superseded by Mitchell Ballock as Eudora‘s most famous citizen. Ballock is a 6-4 175 pound shooting guard; he’s received a scholarship offer from Creighton University. Did I mention Ballock is beginning his 8th grade year? They won’t see him at the college until at least 2017.

Kobe Bryant might not be the only veteran unable to play at the beginning of the season. Reports indicate Rajon Rondo may not have recovered enough from his ACL surgery begin play. I checked the Celtic roster after reading the report, third year man Avery Bradley and rookie Phil Pressey are the only point guards available to Coach Brad Stevens. Don’t be shocked if Pressey is the starter should Rondo be unable to begin play. I have downplayed the grit of Pressey since he left Mizzou and he’s continued to prove me wrong. I speculated he wouldn’t be a 2013 draft pick that I correctly called. After he was picked up by the Celtics as a free agent I thought he wouldn’t make the team. Imagine my surprise---no shock when he was extended a contract. Pressey may never be an NBA All-Star but I won’t doubt his ability from here on.

We have no idea if LeBron James is interested in returning to Cleveland. We know for sure Magic rookie Victor Oladipo wanted no part of the Cavs or at least that’s the view he expressed. The 2nd pick in the 2013 draft choice later attempted to clarify his comment. He claimed it was nothing personal against the City of Cleveland or the Cavs. He said; “the Cavs roster contained Dion Waiters (SG) and Kyrie Irvin (PG).” Both players played major minutes for the Cavs and are only 21 years if age, Oladipo might have thought his NBA future was somewhere other than Cleveland. The Magic indicate they intent for the 6-4 Oladipo to play both guard positions.

Have you seen the new uniforms of the Pelicans? The road uniforms are dark blue and the home are white. Both jerseys contained the name New Orleans across the front of the jersey. The location name is common for road uniforms in the NBA although not with all teams. As an example the Kings road jerseys have Sacramento across the front, the same for the Thunder which read Oklahoma City. On the other hand the Pelicans follow the example set by the Spurs, Lakers and other teams who don’t include the location name on their road jerseys.

This is an update to an earlier account of the Fox Sports family of channels.  Previously the network announced it had secured the rights to Big East basketball.  Because Big East was all that was mentioned we assumed incorrectly the network would only contain games from that conference.   The network released the balance of its basketball telecast schedule and it includes Big XII, Pac-12 and ACC basketball. Coverage post-season conference tourney games will also be provided. Fox Sports 1 will compete with CBS, CBS Sports, and the ESPN family for viewers.

Friday, September 13, 2013

They did it, Mexico slipped past Puerto Rico 91-89 to win the gold medal of the 2013 FIBA Americas championship. In the past the best ever finish for a Mexican team was 6th place, they had never finished in the medal round until Wednesday. Basketball may never become the number one sport in Mexico however a number of folks in the nation are well pleased. The win is a building block for the future of basketball in Mexico.

There is no requirement for me to comprehend or understand NCAA rules. Rules regarding practice versus play are certainly confusing. Last month Syracuse played four exhibition games against Canadian teams. Mike DeCoursey Sporting News writes; “it’s roughly two plus weeks before college teams can begin practice.” Last year Mizzou journeyed to Europe and played a series of exhibition games too. The question is how do you play exhibition games without a degree of practice?

He doesn’t get it
I’m not sure of the website but it said; “Suns release Michael Beasley.” Reports had been circulating for the last week or so this going to occur, it certainly isn’t shocking news. Beasley was released due to a marijuana arrest in Phoenix and this might have been the final straw for the Suns organization. I looked up his numbers, toss out those of last year this 6-9 lefty small forward can score against anybody. Scoring the basketball is not his problem, he’s outside now after becoming the number two pick in the 2008 NBA Draft.

He’s out of the NBA because he’s failed to grasp there is an excepted maturity level required.
Drafted by Miami he went to Minnesota and finally Phoenix all three in five years. Is his career over, Mike Wilbon of ESPN says; “every NBA team can have at least one knucklehead, he (Beasley) cannot play for a bad team. He must go to an established team like the Spurs.” Wilbon might be correct; a good team not dependent on his production might be willing to take a chance on him again. NOTE: This was completed prior to print, the Heat have signed Beasley to a contract. Based on the Wilbon declaration this sounds about right, the Heat certainly doesn’t need him to win.

When did he leave?
I’m sure UNLV is embarrassed over the recent public misstep. The school had placed a billboard advertising tickets for UNLV football and basketball. The billboard contained the telephone number and displayed the photos of football coach Bobby Hauk and basketball coach Lon Kruger. Whoa, hold on a minute I thought Kruger was coaching at another school? It’s true, unfortunately someone at the school failed to inform the billboard designer Kruger left for another job. In fact he’s been the head coach at Oklahoma for two years and is headed into his third.

And the point is --------
86 letters in one day, that’s the number the mailman delivered to the Zimmerman household in Las Vegas. The letters were addressed to Stephen Zimmerman a Rivals 5-star prospect. Zimmerman attends Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas the same school of Shabazz Muhammad. It’s not just his hometown school after this Class of 2015 7-footer, he’s received offers from a total of 19 schools. According to reports the UNLV letters were not all the same, the appeal was different in each letter.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The one sport
Occasionally a significant story or event in the sporting world not basketball related is discussed. I don’t make that a habit, noteworthy events are worth commentary. I informed a couple of acquaintances; “NFL and college football seasons have begun, for me there is only one season-----basketball season.” Basketball activity slows down during the summer months but never really ceases. Mention of another sport is only a temporary departure from Words eye view.

Bits n Pieces
Did you hear or read the other Gary Payton statement? He says; “Him and Shawn Kemp are the original Lob City.” In this instance there is no reason to dispute Payton‘s assertion. Truth was Payton was tossing lob passes to Kemp when Chris Paul and Blake Griffin were toddlers. Check out YouTube for “Top 10 Alley Oops: Gary Payton to Shawn Kemp.”

I’ve changed my mind, it’s my belief Tracy McGrady belongs in the Hall of Fame. Numbers never paint a true picture but his are comparable to Kobe Bryant. In fairness to McGrady most of the 7 NBA teams he were bad, some really bad. Check out the numbers, he even played on some bad Magic teams. The nearest McGrady came to playing for a good team were the Yao Ming Rockets. Even then he was injured for portions of those seasons with the Rockets.

Did you read the Rockets hired Hakeem Olajuwon to tutor Dwight Howard? Take this for what its worth, Abdul Jabbar says he met Howard on his arrival in Los Angeles. “He’s (Howard) a nice enough guy” was the response from Abdul Jabbar. Nowhere in the interview did he indicate Howard asked for tips in playing the center position. Howard had the all-time leading scorer in the NBA (38,000 points) available to him and didn’t ask for one bit of advice. We must assume Howard is more willing to be tutored by Olajuwon over Abdul Jabbar.

I hope this story isn’t true regarding former Rocket Royce White. You remember White was the rookie who has mental health issues, those issues kept him from flying with the Rockets last season. He now belongs to the 76ers but “Houston we (may) have a problem.” In any event a former girl friend is filing domestic abuse charges against White. If this is true a fan stated the case far better than me, he wrote; “Sounds like he is afraid of flights, but not hitting women in fights.”

The first semi-final game of FIBA Americas witnessed Mexico beating Argentina 76-70. The announcers hinted the win might be considered an upset. Is the tide changing among Latin American nations? We might pose the question because Argentina, Brazil, Dominican Republic have long dominated play among Latin nations. If we use the NBA as a barometer there are more NBA players from Argentina than Mexico. I checked for the following information. Gustavo Ayon key to the win over Argentina is just the third athlete from Mexico to play in the NBA.  Mexico will play Puerto Rico for the Gold Medal, ever how far Mexico advances it is significant.

The numbers were close
Did you read or hear Jeremy Lin’s comments while visiting Taiwan. Lin stated he thought the Rockets coaching staff lost faith in him. He claims “his inconsistent play led the coaching staff to come to that conclusion.” Lin may have thought he should have played at a higher level, nothing wrong with that. Part of his difficulty I believe could be blamed on the New York sports media, they were certainly guilty of over hyping Lin.

Allow me to clarify my point Lin is an NBA player, he‘s not the “Lin-sanity” player we witnessed with the Knicks. It’s possible the Houston media and fan base might have hoped for the second coming of Lin-sanity. The game is always more than simply numbers, they do aid us however. If you check Lin’s numbers with the Knicks and with the Rockets you will realize they are very close. Across the board they were comparable to the previous season with the Knicks.

Monday, September 9, 2013

It’s worth mentioning
7 touchdowns and 462 yards passing in one game, that’s the box score for Broncos QB Peyton Manning. One game fails to make a season especially the first game of the season. The Broncos must compete throughout the regular season prior to even thinking Super Bowl. Should we expect this feat to be accomplished again next week? Of course not but it’s noteworthy to see records broken or tied. That was the case last night, no QB has tossed that many TD’s in a single NFL game in 44 years. An excellent outing for “over the hill” Manning.

It’s Bill Self
The most vociferous Kansas hater cannot deny the success of Kansas basketball. The more recent accomplishments can be attributed to outstanding talent and Coach Bill Self. Once it was clear Mizzou was to leave the Big XII Conference the majority of complaints we read or heard came from the Kansas Administration. They were most likely echoing the views of Self. Perhaps it was our location, situated on the Missouri side but roughly 40 miles from the Lawrence Kansas campus. We heard few if any complaints at the time Nebraska and Colorado left the conference, later Self declared “he’d never play Mizzou again.” Although Colorado had left the Big XII the previous season they managed to pop up on the non-conference schedule of Kansas. With those tidbits of history to contemplate the following are thoughts of a barber shop patron this morning.

He said “you know Bill Self still holds a grudge against Missouri.” His statement caught me off guard, he reminded me of a narrative I believed I share with you once. Mizzou was searching for a head coach to replace venerable Norm Stewart. Among the candidates were Quin Snyder a Duke assistant and Bill Self then head coach at Tulsa. For reasons never fully explained the school hired Snyder over Self and we know the history of Mizzou basketball under Snyder. After Self was passed over he moved to become head coach at Illinois and was hired at Kansas when Roy Williams left. As for the view of the barber shop patrons belief he could offer no proof other than his word. I guess we might assume Self could still hold feelings of resentment if for no other reason than “you didn’t hire me.” Hindsight informs us Self clearly would have been the superior hire over that of Quin Snyder.

Thanks to ESPN
I submit for your reading pleasure further proof of the inconsistent policies of the NCAA. *“Villanova's Tony Chennault was granted a hardship waiver by the NCAA, allowing him to play immediately after arriving with the Wildcats.” Chennault’s mother was in ill health and this Philadelphia native wanted to be close to her and his brother. I wish someone smarter than me can figure out why it’s okay for Chennault to transfer and gain immediate eligibility and that of Kerwin Okoro profiled last Friday. Both athletes suffered tragedies in their families. It appears illness is a priority over death in the family. The NCAA gave its stamp of approval in one case and turned down the other. I find little difference between the Chennault case and that of Kerwin Okoro. *

It’s a question of money, maybe
The Bulls and Grizzlies play a pre-season game at Scottrade Center in St. Louis on October 7. Four days later (October 11) the Heat and Bobcats will also play a pre-season game at Sprint Center Kansas City. Shocking as it might seem I didn’t attend last years pre-season game and don’t plan on attending the one next month. I can’t speak for NBA fans in St. Louis or Kansas City, as for me cost is a factor. Why should I pay regular season pricing for an “exhibition” game? I could justify shelling out large sums of money for regular season or playoff games. Could I be persuaded to attend a
pre-season game if the Lakers were one of the contestants? I plead the Fifth Amendment; “I respectfully decline to answer any questions, without first speaking with my attorney.”

Friday, September 6, 2013

If they don’t have enough going on
The organization continues to embroil itself in controversy.  The O'Bannon cases, Miami University are just a few examples of cases that continue to embroil the NCAA in controversy.
One of the account appears to be resolved although you might ask why the public had to become involved. It appears the NCAA always dispenses justice with a blindfold, there is often no humanity involved in the decisions. Heard you read or heard the saga of Kerwin Okoro? Briefly Okoro a basketball player was enrolled at Iowa State and transferred to Rutgers. His father died in December 2012 and his 28-year old brother died last spring.

After these twin tragedies in succession the Bronx native wanted to be nearer his family so he transferred to Rutgers University in New Jersey.  Okor wanted to play immediately and petitioned the NCAA. The rules of this governing body fail to take into account a catastrophe such as a death in the family---as this is written Okoro will forced to sit out this upcoming season. The second case is resolved now however this is the story. A former U.S. Marine enrolled at Middle Tennessee wanted to play football, NCAA said no. It turned out the former serviceman had played intramural football while in the service. From all indications there was no pay involved. Once the media broke the story a firestorm of criticism came forth, what did the NCAA do, they reversed their earlier ruling.

On the other hand
I stated in the above story how the NCAA often dispenses justice with a blindfold. The NCAA approved Michael Dixon Jr.’s appeal to play this season at Memphis. If you remember the tale this former Mizzou Tiger’s scholarship was revoked after two alleged sexual assaults. A police investigation never resulted in criminal charges being filed however it was enough for Mizzou’s administration. Dixon Jr. missed playing last season due to these off-court actions. The 6-1 point guard petitioned the NCAA to play immediately.

Well stated
This response from a Laker fan says it all, he was reacting to chatter regarding the Lakers tanking the 2013-14 season. The team would lose on purpose to position themselves the opportunity to draft a cant-miss prospect such as Andrew Wiggins. “If we lose giving it our all I can live w/ that. Trying to get cute and lose on purpose is gutless.” The other point we assume that athlete to turn your team around is a legitimate star. What if that player turns out to be a knucklehead Michael Beasley type? Talent exhibited on the basketball court immaturity off it. Worst yet a Greg Oden type whose series of injuries have kept him on the sidelines for much of his NBA career. I can concur and reaffirm, to lose on purpose is gutless.

It might be a good move
Jeremy Tyler went overseas to play so did Brandon Jennings. Tyler has tasted little success however Jennings has managed an NBA career. A third athlete is about to try the same route of Tyler and Jennings. Aquille Carr a 5-7 148 pound point guard who committed to Seton Hall has decided on Europe instead. Can he translate outstanding high school play to the pro level? The question is unanswered at this point; reports indicate Carr has a 48-inch vertical. A comparison could be made with current Nuggets guard Nate Robinson (5-9); he’s been measured at 43.5. Carr might indeed be making a mistake however keep in mind he probably has no aspiration to attend college. Ask the the question once again why are high school players forced to attend college? Those headed to the NBA only remain 1-year anyway.

Is he serious
Did you read or hear the words of former All-Pro Gary Payton? “The Glove” as he was nicknamed for his defense claimed Jazz point guard John Stockton was a nemesis. Payton claimed “Stockton was more difficult to guard than Michael Jordan.” First it’s been too many years since all three were on the court at the same time. Please don’t consider this a knock at Stockton, he was a multi-talented player. Stockton was selected to the NBA’s 50th Anniversary Team a 10X All-Star Game performer. He finished his career being selected to the ‘92 Olympic Dream Team and ‘96 team winning Gold twice. With this play during his NBA career it’s easy to see why he was inducted in the Hall of Fame. This is only a brief portion of the brilliant career of John Stockton. I find Payton’s statement a little difficult to comprehend.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

People I was just joking!!
I'm acquainted with several Kansas basketball fans.   A husband and wife I met recently probably wish they hadn't said anything to me.  They invited me to attend Midnight Madness at Allen Fieldhouse next month.  I said; "you've seen those vampire movies, they walk into the sunlight and burst into flames------that might happen to a Mizzou fan."  I followed it up with the following; "is it okay if I wear my Mizzou garb inside?"  Naturally they found my attempt at humor only slighlty funny. 

Addendum to the Roger Brown narrative
I wanted to clarify a portion of the Roger Brown story. It was titled “Most of us had no opportunity to see him play.” Basketball was on television at the time, the trouble it was NBA and college only. Despite it attempts to compete with the more established NBA they were never able to secure a national television contract. Games were only available to those in league cities or local television. The ABA-NBA merger wasn’t a merger in a true sense, most ABA teams were dissolved.

The Nets, Pacers, Spurs and Nuggets moved into the NBA. Players from those dissolved teams were placed in a pool and NBA teams conducted a draft in order of their previous season record. NOTE: This is worth mentioning again, the Kansas City Kings (with the second pick) had an opportunity to draft 21-year old Moses Malone. *“In two seasons in the ABA, Malone had averaged 17.2 points and 12.9 rebounds per game.” In a cost saving effort move the Kings choose 6-2 shooting guard Ron Boone, a sound player but no Malone. *Wikipedia.

The focus is Andrew Wiggins
I'm interested in Joel Embiid’s progress more than highly touted Andrew Wiggins. The 7-foot Embiid landed at the Lawrence campus with far less fan fare than his highly touted teammate. Unlike Wiggins and several of his more celebrated teammates Embiid most likely will not head off to the NBA immediately. Although he has the body of a man (230 pounds) this native of Cameroon in West Central Africa is raw. He arrives at Kansas with little competitive basketball behind him.  I can appreciate Kansas players can't I?  It's a number of the school's fans who sometimes irrate me. 

He played his high school ball at The Rock, a college-prep school in Gainesville Florida. YouTube video is available however it could be somewhat misleading. Consider the fact the 7 foot Embiid might have been matched against centers with less height and weight than him. The college will be a better-quality check of his ability. Coach Bill Self will assign a coach to work with Embiid; its too bad Danny Manning is no longer on the scene. This young man certainly fit’s the student-athlete model arriving with a 3.0 G.P.A. from high school.

Names of note
I realize it’s early, in fact so early you might forget the names. There are two sleepers to keep in mind for the 2014 draft. The first name of note is Jerrelle Benimon; he’s a 6-8 245 pound forward. Benimon plays for Towson University which competes in the Colonial Athletic Association. Benimon will be returning for his junior year at Towson, his sophomore numbers 17.1 ppg, 11.2 rebounds and 2.5 assists a game. The second is playing professional basketball currently, his name is Ondrej Balvin. Balvin stands 7-2 and weighs in at 280 pounds. He’s from Usti Nad Labem, Czech Republic and plays for Cajasol Banca Civica Sevilla.

The Shark
Jerry Tarkanian will be enshrined in the Hall of Fame on September 8. Tark nicknamed the “The Shark” had a number of coaching stops during his brilliant career; his greatest success was at UNLV. His Runnin Rebel team won the 1990 NCAA Championship. A number of purest disliked Tarkanian and the style of basketball of his teams. Tark’s won-lost record during the course of his coaching career was a sparkling 729-201. The only coaching stop we might state he failed was at San Antonio. Tark was hired in 1992 to coach the Spurs but didn’t last for a lengthy period, he was fired after 20 games.

Tark and then owner Red McCombs fell into a disagreement over player personnel. He would return to coach at the collegiate level with Fresno State, Tark remained at the school until he retired in 2002. The NCAA always seem to be lurking over him throughout his career. *“After being fired from the Spurs, Tarkanian sued the NCAA, claiming it had harassed him for over two decades. The harassment, Tarkanian claimed, started when he wrote a newspaper column alleging that the NCAA was more willing to punish less-prominent schools than big-name schools. Although the NCAA did not admit harassing Tarkanian, it settled out of court in 1998, paying him $2.5 million.” *Wikpedia

Monday, September 2, 2013

Listen to the man
"I'd never count Kobe out in anything."  That was the quote by Antwan Jamison one-time teammate of Kobe Bryant.  He was responding to a question regarding recovery from injury.  Jamison recently signed a 1-year contract and will remain in Los Angeles however it will be with the Clippers.  Understand where I'm going with this discussion?  Jamison has no basis to remain on Kobe's good side; he's free to state whatever he believes about Kobe or anyone else for that matter.  

Most of us had no opportunity to see him play
September 8 the Naismith Hall of Fame will induct another class of former players, coaches and contributors to the game. One of the enshrined will not be in attendance to provide his acceptance speech. Roger Brown who spent most of his career with the Pacers died in 1997. Most of us never had the opportunity to see Brown play he spent his career in the ABA prior to the merger. It’s my belief his exclusion from the NBA would not have occurred in today’s climate.  The setting was 1960 the times were quite different. Brown, Connie Hawkins and several others were banned from NCAA play during ‘60’s due to a point shaving scandal. A number of players received money in exchange for not scoring points, thus gamblers were able to gain an advantage in placing bets. To clarify the story a bit gambler Jack Molinas provided Hawkins $250 but claimed he never ask “Hawk” to shave any points.

As for Brown there was never any indication he took money or shaved points, the misunderstanding he was acquainted with Molinas this was America in the ‘60’s. Years later Hawkins would sue the NBA and the high court would rule in his favor. “Hawk” arrived in the NBA as a 27-year old rookie  his play for the Suns, Lakers and Hawks led to him to be inducted in the Hall of Fame. The NBA would resend its ban on Brown however he was to never play.  Brown's numbers don’t provide much insight into his value to the Pacers franchise. Lets simply state this 6-5 guard is one of four Pacers in the teams history to have his jersey retired. Brown was excluded by the NBA but the Hall of Fame will correct the oversight it’s too bad he wasn’t honored during his lifetime. If NBA TV is available to you be sure to view the ceremony and discover Roger Brown.

Is there movement in H-Town?
Immediately after Dwight Howard signed with the Rockets Omer Asik requested a trade. The belief is Asik last seasons starting center did not desire to play a backup role. The Rockets stated they had no intentions of trading him and he would remain on the roster. The latest Houston development was signing 38-year old free agent Marcus Camby. This is the last circuit around the NBA for Camby; he will certainly not play major minutes however a question remains. Will the Rockets retreat from their “we’re not trading him” stance on Asik they took earlier? Howard couldn’t play with 7-footer Pau Gasol how does it become easier with the 7-foot Asik the question might be asked?

“The World Wide Leader”
I’m not sure if ESPN still uses the catch phrase above, I thought of it do to the recent statement by its broadcast president. ESPN’s contract with the NBA expires after the 2015-16 season; President John Skinner says “they will do all they can to retain the broadcast rights.” This is news on several levels, first of all the first warning shot has been fired at Fox Sports 1. The recently re-branded Speed Channel intends to extend its telecasting footprint. The second portion is for NBA haters, they maintain the stance that nobody is watching the NBA anymore. Corporations such as the Disney Channel owner of ABC/ESPN make few moves considered unprofitable. If they believed the NBA was so unnecessary to their bottom line they would drop the broadcast like a hot potato. Despite the cynics we can safely conclude advertising dollars and viewers make the NBA profitable and well worth broadcasting.

I wonder if----
Hearnes Center former home of the Mizzou basketball team will re-open for basketball on October 25. The old arena built opened in 1972 is still in use for wrestling and volleyball, men’s’ and women’s’ basketball moved into Mizzou Arena. In 2004. An exhibition game against Oklahoma City University will be played but that’s only a portion of the story. The 1993-94 team has been invited to the game along with former Coach Norm Stewart. That team went undefeated 14-0 in the Big Eight and finished 28-4 will be honored. The team was led by guard Melvin Booker with an 18.1 scoring average and 4.5 assists per game, the elder Booker will be on hand for the game. Devin Booker Rivals 4-Star and number 27 player in the Class of 2014 may also attend. As was mentioned previously Mizzou has an offer on the table for 6-5 Devin. You suppose this might be one more effort to lure the son to Columbia?