Wednesday, September 18, 2013

He’s spending off-time in school
We tend to be caught up in the athletic prowess of athletes no matter the sport, we fail to take into account most were students first. It’s even better when the athlete is an established pro but continuing his education. The Lakers Jody Meeks makes a strong case for the view; he’s an established NBA player yet is enrolled in school. He left after his junior year but made a promise to his parents he’d obtain his college degree. He’s returned to Kentucky every summer after the season and will graduate after the summer session next season.

“Dance with the one that brung ya”
*“Its an old Texas saying "Dance with the one that brung you" was a favorite expression of University of Texas football coach Darrell Royal. In sports, it means to go with the players and plays that result in wins.” There is no method of stating former Kentucky center Nerlens Noel or former Syracuse point guard Michael Carter-Williams are the players future, there is no guarantee wins are in the future. The two rookies do represent what is an upward bound future for this franchise. All summer we’ve read questions about their NBA readiness, all I can say is hang around and see if one or both adapt to the NBA game.

Noel’s debut is going to be delayed due to injury, it’s hoped he will be ready to play at some point after the first of the year. It’s been pointed out Noel is lacking offensively. Perhaps the 6-11 Noel may never be accomplished on the offensive end on the court he was drafted based on his defensive potential. Dikembe Mutombo had a long distinguished NBA career without a skilled offensive game, don’t get it twisted I’m not stating Noel is the second coming of Mutombo. In his brief time at Kentucky he demonstrated a defensive mindset. As for the 6-6 Carter Williams his size is excellent for a point guard. His areas of perceived weakness, shooting and turnovers both can be improved over the course of time. Surely there will be bumps in the road but if both players develop the NBA future will be bright once again in Philly. *

He certainly was one of the best
A number of persons might consider Oscar Schmidt full of bravado or maybe something else. This Brazilian sharpshooter was one of the all-time greats it’s too bad he never played in the NBA. Those of us with an opportunity to listen to his Hall of Fame acceptance speech now have an answer why Schmidt never played in the NBA. I will paraphrase a portion of his speech; “it would have been difficult as a 6th round draft choice of the Nets.”

If the draft position confuses you might be unaware the NBA Draft once consisted of multiple rounds; in 1989 it was reduced to its present two round format. We also forget at that time once you played in the NBA no international (or Olympic play) was not permitted. Schmidt indicated he wanted to continue to play for Brazil. In any event back to the draft I’m going to read between the lines. It’s my belief Schmidt might have believed it was an insult to his talent to be drafted in the 6th round.

After the NCAA reversed itself on the Kerwin Okoro story over the weekend I’m going to provide you my thoughts. We believed the decision makers of the NCAA make their decisions in a secluded room. Truth is the NCAA actually has a dart board aiding them in their conclusions. Just thought you’d needed this information in advance the next time an NCAA ruling is called into question. According to Fox Okoro is crediting broadcaster Dick Vitale with his involvement in the case. If this story is true Dickey V. deserves a shout-out.

Is this surprising
Gary Parrish, Jeff Borzello and Matt Norlander of CBSSports talked to college coaches during the summer. They asked the question who is the best college recruiter. Drum roll please-------the winner is Kentucky’s John Calipari. This is not surprising news, we might have been surprised if coaches picked someone other than Calipari. They selected Calipari despite last seasons record which was an anomaly based on Kentucky basketball history. What did the coach accomplish over the spring and summer; he went out and recruited the best recruiting class in the nation, the best in the opinion of several sports sites.