Monday, August 11, 2014

The court case may be over
We can never be for sure but it appears the saga that has become Sterling versus Sterling in the courts appears to be over. Last Friday the appellate court hearing the case ruled Donald cannot block sale of the Clippers by his wife Shirley. Will the “king of lawsuits (Sterling)” file an appeal, only he knows? My take Donald should accept his portion of $2 billion dollars and enjoy the balance of his life minus the Clippers. Even the most vocal Sterling ally must admit he’s been a pathetic owner over the years.

I ain’t mad at him
Several in the media are referring to LeBron as the GM of the Cavs. They make this statement because it appears he’s “choosing” players to fill out the teams’ roster. Kevin Love is on the way, already signed and delivered are Mike Miller and James Jones. Waiting in the wings is Ray Allen (I believe he should retire). Maybe part of LeBron’s actions are based on his prior tour of duty, you remember don’t you? He said over and over he needed help; management applied band aids rather than utilize major surgery to overhaul the roster. The Cavs might not win this first year in LeBron’s return however he wants to be surrounded by players he believes are capable of winning an NBA Championship. Guess what---this time I ain’t mad at LeBron.

I failed to follow Perry Ellis very closely last season; I’m referring to the basketball player not the designer. The media (and fans) were so focused on Andrew Wiggins and later Joel Embiid sophomore Ellis was basically ignored. This 6-8 225 forward raised his numbers considerably over his freshman year.  His scoring average rose from 5.8 ppg to 13.5.  Besides his scoring the other numbers were considerably higher than his freshman year. As usual Kansas has re-loaded and has another incoming crop of freshman prospects. This Wichita native is the clear leader of this Kansas Jayhawk team. This is no predictor of NBA success however the remainder of his time at Kansas should be successful.

Want a refund?
Are you one of the folks that refuse to believe the Cavs-Wolves trade is a done deal? I read on Thursday the NBA Store will offer refunds for anyone who may have purchased an Andrew Wiggins Cavs jersey. There are two stories circulating, the other report indicates the supplier never shipped the jerseys. Interesting I went to the NBA Store site and located a Wiggins jersey #21.

Bits n Pieces
Hope this doesn’t sound hatin’ but LeBron James has chosen his Cavs number. He’s going ol skool on us reverting to the number 23 he wore previously. I’m unsure about you but somehow this decision doesn’t exactly surprise me, what do you think?

6 foot (or 5-10) 160 pound Allen Iverson was always considered a tough player on the basketball court. I suspect a portion of this toughness comes due to his football background. While enrolled at Bethel High in Hampton (VA) Iverson was Associated Press Player of the Year in football and basketball. What position did he play in football? He played quarterback what else what you expect?
I have no desire to discuss the Ray Rice in further detail other than “the crime should fit the punishment.” I tire of respondents using the term “thug basketball” and other assorted words disparaging the NBA. Check the records; the NFL has likely suffered double the amount of criminal activity versus the NBA.

They better be ready to play some defense" were the words uttered by new Laker Coach Byron Scott. His comment was certainly music to my ears, last years team appeared to have no problems scoring (Wesley Johnson admitted as much) defending was their dilemma. I checked the numbers the Lakers finished 29th in team defense, there are only 30 teams in the NBA.

Duke scores once again in its recruiting efforts. They were able to secure the services of Chase Jeter (Rivals number 8, Class of 2015). The 6-11 225 pound power forward attends Bishop Gorman in Las Vegas. Jeter could be described in today’s vernacular as a stretch four; he’s got 3-point range.