Monday, September 22, 2014

No monopoly
I’ve been highly critical of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. In truth I cannot in fairness indict an entire league for the actions of less than 1% of its players. Goodell is not guilty of domestic abuse, he is guilty of avoiding the media for over a week.  The issues facing the NFL require no daily news conference however it shouldn’t appear as though its chief administrator was in hiding. Finally last Friday Goodell came out of hiding and held a press conference.

Goodell made several statements regarding change which reflected a positive tone, unfortunately he failed to answer a number of questions posed to him by members of the media.  Keep this in mind the NFL has no monopoly on domestic violence, it’s occurred in all professional leagues and college too. League offices, owners, college athletic directors, coaches and civil courts must address domestic violence in a serious tone. No longer should this issue continue to be swept under the rug based on the celebrity of the individual.

This is my call
Two Mizzou basketball freshmen have been suspended for reported involvement in criminal activity. They have been suspended prior to setting foot on the floor of Mizzou arena in their first meaningful game. The two have been charged with third degree assault which according to information provided by the school is a non-felony in the State of Missouri. Everyone deserves a second chance and so do these two. The second incident they become history, Mizzou needs no “Jamesis Winston” types on the team. This is an embarrassment to the school and its program and I must call it as I see it.

I’m a little more cautious
Last year I was optimistic as the Lakers season approached. I was certainly aware Kobe Bryant would be sidelined until December or January. Despite this fact the team Mike D’Antoni had begun to assemble looked good. Too bad it was only a mirage for me and other Laker fans; sometimes what we see is not always what we get. The Lakers got off to a fairly good start in fact in late December they were hovering around the .500 mark. The roof caved in shortly thereafter and it wasn’t all the fault of Coach D’Antoni. Kobe returned earlier than expected but only played six games before succumbing to injury once again. He would be sidelined for the balance of the season and then injuries set in with various teammates. The starting lineup was often based on who was healthy as the Lakers suffered through and injury riddled season, the worst in memory.

How bad, a game against the Cavs they could only dress eight players, injuries and player fouls left them with only four players available at the end of the game. Looking back and looking ahead it appears the roster is set. The Lakers are younger at several positions yet have a veteran look. Questions remain especially regarding the defense but even that should be slightly improved above the almost non-existent defense of last season. Byron Scott has a long history with the Lakers, as Magic Johnson’s sidekick he was beneficiary of a number of scoring opportunities. Despite his ability as the shooting guard on those Showtime teams he played defense. Scott and the front office must re-brand this team and continue to utilize the present talent to its ability. Kobe has signed off on the efforts by the front office to revitalize the team, if Kobe’s okay so am I.

Does he have a plan?
General Manager Sam Henke has a plan for resurrecting the fortunes of 76ers basketball. Philly fans have suffered for the last few years and certainly this past season was no different as trades devastated the team. It may have all started in June at the 2013 NBA Draft; the team would select 6-11 Nerlens Noel from Kentucky with the number one pick. They made the selection aware a mid-season injury would sideline him until January. As it turned out Noel missed the 2013-14 season, then the trades began. Henke made trades which for the most part became 2014 draft picks. With the third pick in the 2014 draft the 76ers could have chosen any number of “healthy” players.

The Henke brain trust chose 7-0 Joel Embiid of Kansas whose injury would prevent him from being available until----wait for it, wait for it----January. Fans might be singing the Huey Lewis song; “The future looks so bright I gotta wear shades.” 2014 NBA Rookie of the Year Michael Carter-Williams, Nerlens Noel and Joel Embiid. If Noel and Embiid fulfill their expected promise plus an assortment of young talent the future does look bright. If you check out the roster Jason Richardson (33) is the only member over the age of 30. I believe long suffering Philly fans deserve a successful team based on the moves over the past several years, we shall see if 2014-15 is nothing similar to years past.