Friday, April 17, 2015

There is a distinction between lack of talent and lack of effort!
-------Larry Laker

Bits n Pieces
Next time you hear somebody say; “Nobody is watching the NBA” you have my permission to slap ‘em upside the head. The league set an attendance record for the 2014-15 season, nearly 22 million fans purchasing tickets.

I’m sorry I don’t believe the Steph Curry story, granted you are one of the best marksman in the NBA. Do I believe you hit 77 3-pointers in a row in practice? I realize no one is guarding you in this exercise but 77 in a row is suspect to me. Come on I didn’t fall off the turnip truck yesterday.

It seems there are a record number of underclassmen declaring for the NBA draft. All we can do is hope these young men have done their homework. Hope they haven’t been unduly influenced by family members or perspective agents.

Hire somebody else-----please!
I’d almost forgotten the Magic and Nuggets were operating with interim coaches. The NBA season is now complete for both franchises and the coaching search begins. As usual the same names are mentioned as possible candidates to become the head man. There is no change with the reported names, the short list represents former coaches who were either fired or resigned (Scott Skiles, Mike D’Antoni and Mike Malone) from their last coaching stint. These guys need to feed their families but it would be nice if they find another method to secure gainful employment.

I will be shocked if the Magic or Nuggets hire the interim coaches full-time. The NBA certainly is not alone in recycling coaches, I can’t speak to the NHL I‘m not familiar with their pattern of coaching hires. As for MLB and the NFL that’s a different matter those leagues must also plead guilty. It would be a different take if an up and coming assistant coach had an opportunity to coach at the NBA level? Take a chance if he didn’t work out the team could always terminate him. The resume on several of the names above contain that fact. Consider this little jewel without seeing the Big Picture a change at the top was required and often that’s the coach.

Get over it
An ESPN news crawl came across the bottom of my television screen. It read Texas and Texas A&M are considering meeting in a football game. Both schools competed in the Big 12 Conference however A&M along with Mizzou moved to the SEC. A number of former conference foes have played one another despite the change. A recent example Mizzou played Oklahoma State in basketball last season. Kansas and Bill Self refuse to schedule Mizzou and Wichita State.

I believe we might understand why Kansas won’t play Wichita State; we saw the result of that during the recent NCAA Tournament. As for the refusal to play Mizzou that’s a little confusing considering Kansas clearly has an advantage at this stage. I made the mistake of mentioning renewing the Kansas rivalry with an acquaintance. This Kansas loyalist let me have it; “Were okay and we are not going to play you again-----you need to get over it.” His take is typical of a number of Kansas fans however it caught me off guard. Prior to his statement I believed (in error) we had an amicable accord.

It’s not my call
I’m going to weigh in on the issue anyway. Now that the season has concluded there is media talk in Los Angeles about the Lakers acquiring Rajon Rondo. The Celtics traded him for two reasons, fear of not being able to resign him and not wanting to re-sign him. Sounds like I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth allow me to explain further. Rondo was the last player left from the Celtics championship team; although he exhibited talent reports circulated he created problems for the front office. General Manager Danny Ainge was anxious to rebuild the team hence the Rondo trade to the Mavs. As for the Lakers Rondo has had issues with Coach Rick Carlisle, do the Mavs really want him?

Next up it‘s the Lakers reports circulated while Rondo was still a Celtic the Lakers were interested in securing his services. I say once again thanks but no thanks. The team suffered a number of injuries in the backcourt during the season. Rookie Jordan Clarkson displaced veteran Jeremy Lin at the point. After not playing much during the first half of the season his defense may have been key to taking over the starting role. In addition to Clarkson (6-4) the June draft could yield an opportunity to draft Emmanuel Mudiay or DeAngelo Russell both big (6-5) point guards. As I stated early this ain’t my call if it’s my call I prefer the point to be handled by Clarkson, Mudiay or Russell.