Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective 

Kings coaching vacancy
This story must be revised now to fast moving events.  I’d written Dave Joerger ex of the Grizzlies was to interview for the Kings job.  Before I could publish a story on Joerger firing (Tuesday) we receive word the former coach of the Grizzlies had accepted the job as head coach of the Kings.  I admit I don’t know a great deal about the new hire except the Grizzlies were winners while he coached them.

All indications he had the ear of his players.  Joerger’s problem appeared to be with management. We don’t have the full story on Memphis but we have a partial story on the Kings. Joerger becomes coach number 10 since the year 2000, in fairness all were not hired by this ownership group however you can see there is question of front office stability.  Hopefully Joerger can change the climate in Sacramento to that of a winner.  He must be given time and the opportunity to reach Boogie Cousins.

“I don’t get no respect”
For those to young the tag line at some point by the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield was; “I don’t get no respect.”  We could make the same statement regarding the San Antonio Spurs.  I held a conversation with a friend today and he made a statement which is the basis of this account.  He said; “The Spurs don’t excite anybody, you never see kids with Spurs jersey.  As bad as the Lakers have been they are still highly visible in the eyes of fans.”  I thought a minute the Lakers certainly have more championships (16) to the Spurs four but its more than that.

Despite their success on the court the Knicks, Bulls and Lakers probably receive more national media coverage.  Fans in San Antonio know the real deal; they know they have one of the longest playoff streak in the NBA.  Do you realize the last time the Spurs missed the playoffs the White House was occupied by Bill Clinton, we saw Titanic at the movie theatre.  Dennis Frantz won an Emmy as the lead actor in a drama series for NYPD Blue; Gillian Anderson won as lead actress in a drama series for X-Files.  So what if kids don’t buy Tim Duncan or Khawi Leonard jerseys we know who the winners are.

The window is closing
I’ve held a long-time belief professional teams no matter the sport have a limit on the time it has to win.  Teams with winning traditions (Celtics & Lakers) have constantly re-built rosters over the years which have led to 17 NBA Championships for the Celtics and 16 for the Lakers.  In 2006 with the arrival of Brandon Roy and others the Blazers intended to place the “Jail-Blazers’ in the rear-view mirror.  They had success on the court and made the fans forget those notorious teams of Rasheed Wallace, Bonzi Wells and others.  Just as they were about to ascend to the top of the mountain a devastating injury took Roy out whom I believed was the heart and soul of the team.

The Blazers began to regress not immediately but over the next several years less and less wins.  It was finally culminated with firing Nate McMillan who molded many of the “new Blazers. Injuries and other issues caused them to never climb the mountain and attain a championship. Maybe the Clippers are at the same spot the Blazers were several years back.  Doc Rivers might believe that, this is a quote from an interview last October.  “We are right on the borderline. I have no problem saying that.  I’m a believer that teams can get stale.  After awhile you don’t win.  It just doesn’t work.  We’re right at the edge.  Oklahoma City is on the edge.  Memphis too.  We just have to accept it.”

We speak of a Kentucky, Duke and North Carolina reload; they constantly attract the nation and sometimes the world’s best basketball talent.  The Lawrence (KS) School must be included with the others.  Kansas might lose four players the term in used because senior Perry Ellis is the only one unable to return.  As for the others there are two juniors and one freshman who submitted their names for NBA early entry.  Exit stage left entering stage right is three high profile candidates:

6-7 195 pound Josh Jackson
6-11 270 Udoka Azubuike
6-8 210 Mitch Lightfoot

Jackson is rated number one Azubuike number 27 by Rivals.com.  Next season looks good, the possibility of one, two or all three early entry candidates returning to a well-stocked roster.  The freshman trio must adjust to play at the collegiate level but the future looks bright for them along with the balance.