Sunday, January 5, 2020

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

Beast of the East
As much as I’m pleased at the play thus far of the Lakers my second favorite team the Sixers ain’t doing so good.  Heading into the 2019-20 season many of us including this writer believed they would dominate the East and contend for an NBA championship. All that still might occur but instead of becoming the Beast of the East as many expected they are playing like a month-old kitty. 

Instead of roaring at the opposition like the lion we believed they would become all they can do is meow like my kitten.  Even worst finger pointing has begun with Joel Embiid supposedly singling out Ben Simmons.  Embiid says, “Losing is taking a toll on me.”  The Sixers are a mix of talented players appearing to lack direction at times.  It's certainly not the 9th hour, the Sixers have an ample amount of time to change direction and play of the team.   

Head in the game
A fellow Mizzou buddy and me are texting back and forth while watching the Mizzou-Kentucky game.  The question was asked about a Mizzou player, “Are the coaches talking to him or does he just not get it?”  I informed him my belief the staff sees his play and is talking to him, but he misses the message.  Just because you play at a high skill level doesn’t say you get it; you’ve got to have your head in the game.  At half-time I changed channels to Georgia-Memphis with Memphis down 3 points with seconds remaining. 

A pass is made ahead to a Memphis player, he could have “walked”in and scored 2 points all Georgia players were on the other end of the court.  He decided in favor of a 3-point shot which would have tied the game, he missed and by this time a Georgia player was able to rebound the errant shot…game over.  The Memphis player must have imagined in his mind the opportunity to be the game hero instead of scoring a layup.  His team would have been down a point but would have had another opportunity to score.  Oh, I forgot number 17 Kentucky beat Mizzou 71-59.

Valid or not?
At the start of the NBA season much talk was made about the Lakers “soft” schedule.  After playing the Pelicans on Friday night the team enters a period, they will play teams with below or slightly below .500 records.  Once again, a reminder, rather than complain about their “easy” schedule why not send your complaint to the NBA league office? 

NBA Corporate Office
645 Fifth Avenue 
New York, NY 10022

As pointed out previously teams submit dates their respective arenas are available.  So, a reminder for the media, please forward your concerns to the above address.  Should the Lakers lose one of these next few games shame on them otherwise is your complaint really valid?   

It’s his call
Zion Williamson is on the court practicing however there is no timetable for his first NBA game.  A studio host (don’t remember the network) said, “If he’s not on the court by January 31 he should shut it down for the season.”  I found that to be a strong comment for someone not named Zion Williamson.  The decision to play this season for the Pelicans is his and his alone.  Rest assured he wants to see action this season however the decision rest with him and Pelican's medical staff.   

Bits n Pieces
Air miles between Hawaii and Maine is the furthest of any of the 50 states, 8,170 km or 5,077 miles.  The two universities met on Wednesday in Honolulu with Hawaii emerging the winner 91-51.  The Rainbow Warriors are members of the Big West Conference, all member schools are in the State of California.  The school’s travel budget is likely aided by reduced air miles between the mainland and Hawaii. 

Perhaps it was a revenge factor at work Wednesday evening we don’t know, the Blazers were in NYC to play the Knicks.  Carmelo Anthony did all he could to aid his team, Anthony led the way with 26 points however the Knicks were run away winners 117-93.  What in the world is wrong with the Blazers, they appear nowhere near the team we witnessed at play last season?

Conference play began on Saturday, a few conferences have already begun action.  Upsets, several Blood programs have been losers in the non-conference portion of their schedule.  We love upsets however most of us would rather see a Duke-North Carolina match or Michigan-Michigan State.  Perhaps it’s Louisville-Kentucky or some other rival, we are excited with the prospect of conference play.