Sunday, March 22, 2020

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

Lost to history
The name Kenny Sailors is lost in the annals of basketball history for a variety of reasons.  He’s been enshrined in the Naismith Hall of Fame due to one key…. Sailors originated the jump shot.  Think about that a moment, everyone and we do state everyone who plays the game shoots a jump shot.  That’s not always been the case, Sailors was the first and how it came about is interesting.  Sailors older brother was so much taller than his 5 foot 10 ½ height he said “Every time I tried to shoot; he’d block my shot. 

I figured if I jumped in the air with the ball above my head, he couldn’t block it.”  Sure, enough that would be the case.  A movie detailing Kenny Sailors story has been filmed and was scheduled for release on April 2.  One more instance of the coronavirus impacting our daily life.  If there is enough advance notice an alert hopefully will be provided ahead of time.  In the time being checkout the link below detailing info on the late Ken Sailors, this basketball legend passed away in January of 2016 at the age of 95. 

Success or lack thereof in the NBA is considered the mark of achievement for a basketball player.  It’s not fair because the road to an NBA contract is extremely difficult.  Imagine if you will a pyramid, the base or ground portion is comprised of middle and high school basketball players.  The mid portion of the pyramid contains college and university level players.  A few feet from the top are those who play the game at the professional level, it could be G-League, Europe or a dozen other leagues where players are paid. 

At the peak of the pyramid are NBA players no matter their skill level, this includes Steph Curry, LeBron James, Kyrie Irving and includes the 14th man on any of the 30 NBA teams.  This might give you a little idea of what we are working with.  We have 450 or so players who are the best in the world on NBA teams, every June 60 players are drafted hoping and praying to earn a roster spot, in truth less than half make the final cut.  So, there you have it, the basis for my belief we shouldn’t simply use the NBA as a barometer for success. 

Depends on your perspective
If you attend one of the Top 10 schools or a fan you might be upset, the sudden halt to the season has left you with a sour taste in your mouth.  If you are a fan of Mizzou basketball it’s good and bad, I expected so much more at the beginning of the season.  I remain a fan of the coach despite many in the KC media appear to want him out.  This is no attempt to excuse or explain away the 15-16 record registered, Mizzou Nation expected much more.

I’m going to hold out one more year hoping for improvement in Columbia Missouri.  At this point Mizzou should field a veteran team as a starting five, even better there should be depth on the bench too.  Cuonzo Martin teams play defense, the single issue I witnessed was erratic shooting at times.  There are only two scholarships available, so help is not going to arrive in the form of a freshman. So, there you have it the short and end of season report on Mizzou basketball. 

No proof
He’s only gone for a little while; it should be of note no proof is offered.  Reports are circulating we may have not seen the last of Boogie Cousins in Los Angeles.  No, he’s not headed across the hall to the Clippers it’s the Lakers we speak of.  There is a story stating there might be a deal on the table for Boogie with the Lakers.  Cousins will continue to rehab and at some point, during the summer will sign another contract. 

Once again there is no proof this story is valid but if true it is quite interesting on several levels.  Cousins after rehab could sign another contract with the Lakers and plays the 2020-21 season in Purple and Gold.  This move might affect the draft in that 7-foot 270-pound Udoka Azibuike might be chosen by another team.  A connecting story came to light recently, Joel Embiid indicated he wanted to play for the Lakers.  In 2014 his agent convinced him to prepare for the Sixers he would not last to the 7th pick which the Lakers held that season.