Sunday, November 29, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Published Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday

It begins again

Wasn’t the NBA Championship just completed October 11, you’ve got that right however we are about to begin the entire process again? The shortest turnaround in NBA history or any professional sports for that matter.  NBA training camps open December 1, beginning December 11 and running through December 19 pre-season games will be played.  Each team will play no more than four pre-season games, on December 22 the NBA will begin the regular season. 

The 2020-21 NBA season will be reduced from 82 to 72 games, no All-Star Game and the schedule will be released in two parts.  The judgment behind releasing the schedule in two parts is likely based on possible COVID-19 adjustments.  Finally, the NBA has compiled a 134 page book of health and safety protocol for the season, it will be provided to each team prior to training camp opening December 1.  

Bits n Pieces  

In addition to Westbrook desiring to leave Houston we understand James Harden is singing the same tune.  In the case of Harden, he is supposed to want the Nets but it’s my belief that could be a potential difficulty.  Can you imagine him in the same backcourt with Kyrie Irving, that sounds like trouble with a capital T.?   Remember after the Rockets acquired Westbrook and the fact Harden indicated the two would have no issues, how’d that work out? 

Speaking of the Nets, have they replaced the Knicks in the hearts and minds of New Yorkers?  Rest assured celebrity fans such as Brooklyn’s Spike Lee might disagree vehemently with that statement.  The Nets haven’t exactly sat the NBA on fire after moving from New Jersey, their best season was their first 2012-13.  They finished that year with a 49-33 record, despite not playing exceptionally well this free agents Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant bypassed the Knicks for the Nets.     

Clear the confusion for you and me, perhaps you didn’t understand the Toronto Raptors dilemma I didn’t at first.  The Raptors CAN TRAVEL to the states, the problem is the return issue.  Subject to Canadian law in effect at present, they would be required to undergo a 14-day quarantine.  For you and me that is unlikely to cause a major problem, the NBA schedule will not allow that much time between games.  So, the decision was made to play home games in Tampa. 

No discussion of money

If you’ve noticed rarely is money discussed in this blog and there is a basis for this take, I love sports, especially basketball.  Anytime we begin talking money it pains me to see the amount of money coach’s in college and the NBA earn.  NBA players are not excluded from this rant, in this instance the focus is on a coach.  An agreement was made between Gregg Marshall and Wichita State which amounts to a Golden Parachute an old-fashioned term.  If you are unfamiliar with the term it simply indicates a person is paid a large sum of money to leave and that is certainly the case here. 

The agreement between the former coach and school contains several aspects however our focus is on the money only.  This according to the Kansas City Star, Marshall will receive a $7.75 million separation agreement, he will be paid $48,000 every two weeks for 6 years.  The balance of the contract will be made in a lump sum payment of $250,000.  We have no idea if Marshall is prevented from seeking employment during this length of time in coaching or any other pursuit.  Are there folks who could see a salary increase, how about those in the medical field in this pandemic?  We could also include other first responders, educators, our military, and those who provide services to our populace. 

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