Friday, December 25, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Published Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday

COVID strikes

We figure it would occur sooner or later, with no NBA teams in the bubble a game would be postponed sooner or later, the later occurred Wednesday evening.  A game between the Thunder and Rockets was shelved as the Rockets failed to have enough players available for the match.  The game was suspended in accordance with the NBA’s Health and Safety Protocols.  In addition, the NBA fined James Hardin $50,000 due to protocol violation. 

The NBA reviewed video of Hardin socializing at a nightclub with no mask.  For those who might believe the league is overstepping its bounds consider this bit of information.  The NBA adopted a rule for its employees, and it is clear one of those is wearing a mask while in public.  It should be apparent by now Hardin desperately wants out of Houston; he certainly is going about it in a strange manner.  Perhaps losing money he hopes to prove how serious his intentions are. 

The decision 

I am faced with a dilemma of epic proportions, I’m still unsure how to proceed.  It’s NBA League Pass time again and now I can subscribe and only see Laker games however that’s the problem.  Road games the Lakers play in East and Midwest Time Zones are no problem even games played in Rocky Mountain Time Zones.  As for Pacific Time that’s another matter, games are aired in Kansas City with a starting time of 9:00 or 9:30 p.m. 

These games generally end around midnight unless heaven forbid, they go into overtime.  You see my quandary, the eyelids become rather droopy about 11:00 p.m. and much as I might desire to see a game to its conclusion sleep begins to dominate and cloud my desire.   One might say “Why not DVR the game” which is certainly a partial answer, in no way am I watching the game live the next day.  In this information age it’s impossible for a sports fan to shut him or her off from scores, news, and other bits of information from the previous night’s action. 

He said it, not me                          

From time to time, you’ve heard me whine and complain about no NBA basketball in Kansas City.  Since 1985 the metro has witnessed few games except an occasional annual exhibition, those no longer occur as NBA teams now tend to remain closer to home even pre-season.  On what might be termed a State of the NBA address on the eve of another season we heard the word…EXPANSION. 

Nothing set in stone however Commissioner Silver mentioned adding new team(s) would add needed additional revenue.  There were no cities mentioned by the commissioner which might be included in expansion, but we are aware of the names.  They are Seattle, Las Vegas, Kansas City, and possibly a metro Virginia location.  Whenever or wherever expansion occurs it will require an owner with deep, deep pockets.  It’s mentioned NBA teams never remain on the market long so ownership might not be as difficult as one might believe. 

The key to winning

The short answer there is no key the door is slammed shut, a team must have the ability to bust down the door by being bold and risking it all.  If we speak strictly of the NBA, the front office (including the coach) and ownership must be in sync are a key.  There is no ownership group desiring for the team to lose on purpose except in rare cases.  The two examples will remain locked in my brain because I have no ability to provide my hypothesis.  Daryl Morey left Houston for Philadelphia; the belief Morey will find the key leading the Sixers to championship success. 

Previously Sam “Trust the Process” Hinkie oversaw the effort in Philadelphia, there are several in Sixer Nation who might question the success the team experienced.  The Rockets under Morey had a successful record while he was in place earning a playoff berth every season, a championship however eluded them.  We could look elsewhere like Sacramento, the Kings have changed coaches, changed front office personnel but have failed to earn a playoff berth in 10 seasons.  Not to just pick on the teams mentioned, we could explore the subject with the Wizards, Suns (pending Chris Paul), and of course the New York Knicks.  Once again, the door to success remains shut until you bust that sucker down. 

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