Monday, July 26, 2021

Basketball from a fans perspective

What do you think?
We continue to read Kawhi Leonard stories, those indicating he remains a potential hot commodity on the free agent market. The Mavs and Heat were early bidders for his service now it appears the Knicks have joined the group, there might be others over the next few weeks. The part we find most interesting we are unsure if he even plays next season. The medical update failed to provide a timeline when he would be able to return to action. Healing power and return to action varies among players, ACL surgery probably entails Leonard being out at least to late February or March.

Although Kevin Durant did not suffer the same injury and he was missing in action for a full season which is certainly a possibility for Leonard. Worst of all Leonard might return but not have the skill level as before. The late Kobe Bryant is an example, again different type of injury but he never returned to the pre-injury Kobe. His advancing age may have been a contributing factor in the erosion of Kobe’s game. Despite all the potential negatives these teams will be bidding on The Claw on August 1. What do you think, not the talent issue we acknowledge that? Signing a player who might not play for you in the 2021-22 season. What do you consider, you are in the front office of one of these franchises? Do you attempt to sign Leonard? 

Qualifying offer
The Lakers extended a qualifying offer to Talen-Horton Tucker, what is it and exactly what does it entail? I’m glad you ask the question because not only does it apply to the Laker guard but others as well. These are not my words rather direct from, “The qualifying offer is a standing offer for a one-year guaranteed deal, which becomes a regular contract if the player decides to sign it. This ensures that the team does not gain the right of first refusal without offering a contract themselves.” Have you got that; I sure hope so? 

No guarantee
This blog has been praising the potential of Warriors center James Wiseman for a while. We did this at a point many questioned his being drafted so high. Unfortunately, an injury shut him down for the greater part of his rookie season however the 2021-22 season continues the promise of a bright future for the youngster. No less a voice than Warriors coach Steve Kerr has said it, recently he went on record regarding Wiseman. “Over the long haul, we’re going to develop James and we feel like he’s going to be our starting center at some point, for a long, long time ahead.”

Note the last part of the Kerr statement which indicates they have the belief Weisman is a keeper. Kerr indicated they were looking at the development of DeAndre Ayton as a model for what they believe the 7-foot 1-240-pound Wiseman is capable. The return to action of Klay Thompson is a key to improved play by the Warriors along with a return to action by Wiseman too. As this account was being completed, we read of a proposed trade sending the youngster to another team. Unless we are misreading Kerr, I don’t think this is going to occur at least with Wiseman being a part of the trade.

The middle brother might have a job 
The Hornets announced LiAngelo Ball will play for their Summer League team; this is no indication the move will be permanent. The middle brother certainly has a degree of talent it’s unlikely he would have been able to play at UCLA no matter how short the time. It’s been the belief by NBA scouts the middle brother is not as talented as the others. With the Ball brothers comes father LaVar, many claim LaVar’s bravado is a throwback to Muhammad Ali or Joe Namath, he’s been a promoter of his family’s basketball talent. In other news baby brother LaMelo has signed with Puma, Lonzo is wearing Kobes so we have no idea the status of Big Baller Brand begun by LaVar.

West Virginia…where?
Where does West Virginia head if the Big XII Conference breaks up as it appears might occur. For me this thing of adding WVU to a conference in the middle part of the nation was a little strange in the first place, geography was certainly not part of the decision. Another example, all Big XII schools are in the Central Time Zone, WVU is only one on Eastern Standard Time. What does WVU do now, they cannot return to the Big East from which they departed in 2012.

It appears their parting from the Big East was not one of convenience for either the conference or WVU. What’s left for WVU to consider, the SEC might be the last conference to choose based on the moves of Texas and Oklahoma. This is certainly not intended to be in any order of choice just random thoughts on a direction for WVU. The ACC could be a fit for the Mountaineers, the America Conference might also be taken into consideration. Also, the Atlanta 10 might work or the Big 10 might be the choice. There is certainly no rush for a decision at this point this potential Big XII breakup is possibly 3-4 years from now. 

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