Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Basketball from a fans perspective

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday & Friday

What time is it? Game time Whoooo
The above title is the preparation for the game in the huddle by more than a few NBA teams. Players are in a circle usually in the tunnel prior to the court. The team captain or a designated cheer leader begins it. He says: “What time is it?” The response from the team: “It’s game time, Whooo. It is game time as the NBA prepares to kick off (ya, it’s a football term) season number 75. The next statement was not checked but it’s believed this might be a record number of first year coaches. Jason Kidd and Rick Carlisle are just new guys in place although they have head coaching experience. The majority are first time head coaches which says one thing is needed…patience.  There are new coaches in place for the most part because the other guy couldn’t do it, he was unable to raise the level of play of the team.

“No need of crying over spilled milk”
I’ve always taken the adage above to inform us “what occurred is in the past”, you have no method of fixing or correcting the event or events. The NBA news on Monday reminded me of what might have been. Michael Porter Jr. signed a 5-year extension with the Nuggets for a reported $207 million. You should know the story by now I’ve cried enough about it. Rivals 5-star prospect and the prospective number one pick in the NBA draft arrived on the campus of Mizzou in the fall of 2017. Mizzou fans were quite excited with his arrival and then it occurred…. injury.

MPJ managed to play a total of 3 games for the Tigers and then departed for the NBA. The Nuggets drafted him with the 14th pick in the first round of the 2018 draft, after sitting out what would have been his rookie year MPJ would show flashes of potential when on the court. The 2020-21 season would be his first as a starter and small forward for the Nuggets and the balance of the story is left for you to uncover. I ain’t mad at MPJ signing a fat contract, I’m sad for Mizzou Nation which never had the opportunity to see this talented youngster play to his full potential.

We shall see if the report is correct
Anthony Davis has gone on record saying he doesn’t want to play the 5. That’s understandable however suppose that supplies the Lakers with a dynamic starting lineup, would he be willing to move for periods during a game. There is no Shaq for AD to guard, no Kareem skyhook to contest just a bunch of guys given the task of playing center in today’s NBA. AD at 6 foot 10 ½ and 253 pounds has the height plus the bulk to play the position, the only legitimate center in today’s NBA in my view is Joel Embiid.

Even Embiid drifts out to the 3-point line during the course of games. If AD moves willingly the Lakers will have all sorts of combos to toss at opposing teams. In addition, AD might be a greater force defensively at the center position than power forward, I’m excited about the prospect at the center position and who plays major minutes at the shooting guard. Reports are Wayne Ellington has the inside track due to his prolific shooting, despite this fact I wouldn’t count out Talen-Horton Tucker at least yet. 

Say what?
Owner Steve Ballmer is quite excited about the prospect of his Clippers playing in the Intuit Dome. Ballmer has clearly gone over the top with his praise and excitement. “You must be pretty worried about us”. Clippers owner Steve Ballmer Shades Laker Fans. That’s the headline in and maybe other publications, what about this from a Laker fan? “17-0, but the Lakers are scared of you”, this fan and others make the same declaration. Come and talk smack to us once you (Clippers) win a championship, arenas don’t win championships teams do.

How did it all begin
If you read this blog any length of time you realize my allegiance to the Lakers. What about the other basketball team the Mizzou Tigers, that’s quite an interesting story? It’s connected to Kansas basketball; I realize that’s shocking but true. It began as a youth, although I’ve always lived on the Missouri side of State Line Road the basketball played at Kansas was more exciting than what I saw being played in Columbia. This loyalty existed right up to the time I began working for the local cable company, I found myself surrounded by Kansas basketball fans although my employment was on the Missouri side of the line. It might have begun accidently, or it could have been on purpose I don’t remember.

Those employees who were basketball fans were extolling the virtues of Kansas basketball. I must have said something positive about Mizzou basketball at this point, I then began to delve into the history and the coach of this program. Acquaintances were not particularly pleased with veteran Coach Norm Stewart. They claimed he did not develop basketball talent from the Kansas City metro. That was an issue I couldn’t fully address being a late arrival to the discussion. I cannot provide the year, but it would be some point in the mid to late 1990’s Mizzou moved to the forefront for me. There have been periods of poor play during this time there have always been immense success.

No NCAA Championship has occurred for Mizzou however we could make the same statement about other programs. Kansas basketball has certainly been more successful on the court however the team for me…the Mizzou Tigers. An interesting note, how did Mizzou’s athletic teams become nicknamed the Tigers? During the American Civil War Missouri was a divided state the same as Kentucky, both states holding slaves but southern and northern influence on its politics. One of the battles during the war saw a group of southern sympathizers marching toward Columbia to capture the city. The northern defenders of the city referred to themselves as Tigers later the nickname was applied to the sports teams.

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