Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Basketball from a fans perspective

Published Monday through Friday

75th Anniversary NBA Team
We mentioned the most youthful of all pro sports the NBA is observant of the league’s 75th Anniversary. Events are planned throughout the season to celebrate the event, one of them will be a team selected of past and present plays during this period. Today the NBA will release the names of those selected for the anniversary team, in the meantime we’ve seen team members chosen by the media. Stand by for controversy on the selections made by the NBA at the time the team becomes official.

My statement is made on past events and present day, consider this fact. There have been complaints about those selected by the media. As for others this was mentioned recently, and it will be once again. In 1996 a 50th Anniversary Team was made known which included Shaquille O’Neal. Shaq was drafted by the Magic in 1992 and this was said, “How could he be selected for the team, he’s only been in the NBA four years.” The response to the statement by Shaq was classic, “I didn’t vote myself on the team.” Perhaps history will not repeat itself with those honored, I would not place any bets on this view, however. 

“If there is no video it didn’t happen”
I work with a couple of 20 somethings, every time we discuss sports exploits of the past their statement to me and others is always the same. “If there is no video it didn’t happen”, on a serious note they believe us however that statement appears common place depending on a sports fan’s age. In this instance we are discussing Wilton Norman Chamberlain, a.k.a. The Big Dipper and other nicknames. It’s my belief with no 3-point ability the 7-foot 1-inch 275-pound Chamberlain could play in 2021. Young people look at the 50 points he averaged one season and the 100-point game.

For his career Chamberlain averaged 22.9 rebounds a game and you say no way could that occur in today’s NBA. The NBA in 1959 certainly didn’t have the number of teams we have today. Despite that statement the game might have needed more stamina than today…it was a physical game back then. Chamberlain was an athlete not only in basketball but track and field too. Chamberlain high jumped 6 feet 6 inches which was close to the record in the 1950’s, he ran the 440 in 49 seconds and the 880 in 1 minute and 58 seconds. Shot put was 53 feet and Chamberlain leaped 22 feet in the long jump. Next time you read or hear of exploits of the past they just might be true.

Bits n Pieces 
We introduced Jean Montero in June to countless readers of Off the Dribble, Montero is a 6-foot 2 inch-point guard. Montero from the Dominican Republic signed with Overtime Elite back in June, the new professional basketball league started in the U.S. If he is to be included in the 2022 draft, he must secure a buyout. Montero is on loan from the Spanish ACB team Gran Canaria, in his first professional game he scored 41 points however this scoring outburst might be somewhat suspect. Montero playing in Spain as a pro and the competition he faced in his first OTE game are 7 to 8 months removed from competition at the prep level.

Jay Huff wasn’t drafted in 2021, you are probably asking “Who is Jay Huff?” If you follow Virginia basketball you are familiar with the 7-foot 1-inch 240-pound Huff. Although not drafted in 2021 the Lakers announced his signing on Monday as a two-way player. What exactly does he bring to the table, after all they have DeAndre Jordan, Dwight Howard and Anthony Davis to play the four? Best guess Huff plays for the Lakers G-League team but is subject to recall by the Lakers. What is the advantage in having a player like Huff on your roster? He is a decent 3-point threat having shot 38% while at Virginia, this would appear a decent signing maybe for the future. In other Laker news it is being reported the team signed veteran guard Avery Bradley off waivers. Similar to others Bradley returns to the Lakers as several others have done. 

Is the SEC the best?
Prior to beginning play we really have no answer to the question. If we check ESPN’s Way too early Top 25 the SEC would appear to be the best conference in the nation. They placed more schools on the poll than any other conference.

Kentucky – 9
Arkansas – 14
Alabama – 16
Tennessee – 18
Auburn -22

It will be interesting to see how the SEC Conference regular season and post-season concludes. Could Kentucky, Arkansas or Alabama compete for the NCAA Championship.

It probably works both ways
We hear the arguments all the time, “Athletes in the early days of the NBA _________ couldn’t play in today’s NBA!” The argument is valid, the players of today are certainly more athletic but there is a missing element…physical play. The NBA beginning at some point in the early 2000’s became less physical, example hand checking. At the guard position Oscar Robertson was allowed to impede his opposing player down the court with his hands.

An opposing player could be seen placing one hand and sometimes two “forcing” that player in the direction he wanted. You’ve heard the term “No harm, no foul”, that’s exactly what it meant, if it didn’t appear a foul none was called. You complain about today’s player moaning and crying to game officials, they would have great difficulty playing in the ‘50’s, ‘60’s or later. In conclusion this argument about today’s athletes being better condition than those of the past is correct. On the other hand, the physical aspect of the game of that era would cause a few of today to appear not as talented as perceived. You can choose to agree or disagree with this hypothesis.

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