Thursday, February 10, 2022

Basketball from a fans perspective   

Monday through Friday

The Lakers have certainly not played to the level hoped for by this member of Laker Nation. I believe that might be clear however the Lakers certainly have company, for example both NYC teams. The Knicks after earning a playoff berth last season appear to have reverted to their prior version of themselves. After finishing 10 games above .500 last season (41-31) they have already lost as many games as last season and we have yet to reach the middle of February.

As for the Nets, it was believed the season would find all the troops in place and they would be ready to win a championship (which they might). Their part-time player plus injuries to key players has left them stranded and sinking to date. The Nets losing streak has reached 9 games in a row, yet they are still 3 games above .500. The current basketball in the city reminds us of a statement made by a former Knick, most are probably too young to remember Michael Ray "Sugar" Richardson. Questioned about the poor play of the Knicks his comment might reflect the Knicks and Nets today. Sugar said; "The ship be sinking”, is that the case for NYC’s NBA teams?

We hope he can play soon
All spring of 2020 there were reports the Warriors were debating, “if we have the first pick should we   chose Anthony Edwards of Georgia or James Wiseman Memphis?” Edwards had played the season while Wiseman well allow an explanation. The young man had gotten in trouble with the NCAA, he said at first, he would repay money the NCAA claimed he owed. Later Wiseman announced he was withdrawing from school after playing but three games at Memphis, he would begin training in preparation for the June NBA Draft. The Warriors were losers in the draft and would be drafting second so the decision which player to chose was really taken out of their hands.

True enough the Wolves chose Edwards and immediately thereafter the Warriors would pick Wiseman. The elation express by Warrior Nation would turn to dismay when it was discovered 7-foot 1 240-pound Wiseman would only play 39 games. An injury would shut Wiseman down for the season, oh well there is the excitement of play in 2021-22 season ahead. We arrive in the 75th Anniversary NBA Season and there is no Wiseman, he’s still injured. The latest news from the Warriors indicate Wiseman is participating in 3 on 3 drills with no announced date for him to return to action. Our hope the young man is able to return to the court soon.

The inconsistency in the NCAA
This account is from November 8, 2021, just in case you missed it earlier. Readers of this blog are aware I’ve had issues with the NCAA for a time. Before getting into details allow me to say there is a need for a body to administer procedures for college athletics. The difficulty the NCAA has often appeared haphazard in the manner of their rulings. In addition, it “appears” with basketball punishment is only aimed at smaller profile programs. High profile schools either receive a symbolic penalty or in the case of Kansas basketball it drags on never settled. Naturally if anything here appears incorrect it will be retracted, here goes.

Kofi Cockburn-Sold his Illinois paraphernalia prior to NIL, according to reports reimbursed the school despite this fact the NCAA decided a penalty was needed. Cockburn was suspended by the NCAA for the first three games of the season.

Oklahoma State-Former assistant coach found guilty of improprieties, the incident or series occurred 5 years ago. November 3, 2021, OSU after an appeal received notice the school will be prohibited from post-season play in 2022.

Kansas-The program along with head coach Bill Self were accused by the NCAA of 5 Level 1 violations in September 2019. Level 1 is the most serious of all violations, the NCAA prior to the start of every season announces Kansas basketball will be penalized in the spring. I believe we most are unsure in the spring of what year (century) that might occur.

Creighton-In June 2021, the NCAA found an assistant for the school received unauthorized funds, this incident occurred in 2017. From, “Creighton is not being punished with a postseason ban. Instead, its most severe sanctions are tied to recruiting visits, all of which were self-imposed by the school.” So essentially Creighton and OSU have the same issue before the NCAA, OSU is punished but Creighton escapes.

James Wiseman-Prior to becoming head coach Memphis supporter Penny Hardaway contributed funds allowing Wiseman’s family to move from Nashville to Memphis. The NCAA ruled this gesture a violation, the player was ruled ineligible after a single game until the money was repaid to a charity of choice. The parents of Wiseman must have said “forget that” their son withdrew from school and prepared for the NBA Draft. He was made the number two pick in the 2020 NBA Draft by the Warriors. 

No place in this report did I state the parties were innocent, in all instances the schools and individuals appear to be guilty as charged by the NCAA. The five examples cited detail a portrait of the inconsistency of the NCAA in its judgement. Am I bias in my reporting, you better bet I am, but I would also say this account is offered with the best research I was able to compile?

Who wrote this scouting report?
We are often amazed when we read reports on athletes, which is the case for Kentucky’s Oscar Tshiebwe. Keep in mind this is not written by an NBA scout it’s penned by a guy like me who follows the game. In this instance we focus on the Cons rather than the Pros because that’s what I take issue with. He’s got Tshiebwe “2nd round to undrafted” which could possibly occur, as for the other Cons let’s check them out.

Needs to improve his post-up game
Needs to improve his playmaking skills
Can tend to have lapses defensively
Not an elite shot blocker
Not an elite athlete
A bit undersized to play inside

Playmaking skills, the guy is 6 foot 9 and 260 pounds surely, he’s got some ability in the area of passing the basketball. Not an elite shot blocker, with his height he becomes a power forward in the NBA and perhaps on occasion at the center position. Everyone arriving in the NBA is not an “elite” athlete, place emphasis on those things you do well. I’m sure a few might say Larry Bird wasn’t very athletic either, but he managed to get the job done. This scouting report fails to take a key into consideration…the heart. The heart or drive as I prefer to consider is a hidden factor, we could apply another term. The will to succeed, yes that might clarify it better, we cannot measure the will. I still don’t know if Tshiebwe is drafted, this I believe, he will be in some teams training camp this fall and might indeed have an NBA future.

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