Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Basketball from a fans perspective

Published Monday through Friday

A second look
A friend reminded me of my oversight, in an attempt to highlight the 3-peat of Northwest Missouri State other championship teams were omitted. Yes, there were others in the past beginning with UCLA. The mighty Bruins won the Division I NCAA Championship in 1968 and every championship through 1973, a record 7 in a row. HBCU Tennessee State ran the table on the NAIA Tournament 1957, 1958 and 1959. Several years later Kentucky State also an HBCU institution would duplicate this accomplishment as they won the NAIA Tournament 1970, 1971 and 1972. If the account published on Monday confused you my apologies, corrections or addendums are always presented where they can easily be located. The attempt was to acknowledge the achievement by Division II Northwest Missouri State.

Are they on television too much?
There have been complaints from a number of folks including Charles Barkley. They have voiced objections to the Lakers being featured so often on national television broadcasts. I have no television background however I believe once the NBA sends out its schedules TNT/ABC/ESPN begin planning. At the start of this season the Lakers were expected to be NBA Champion contenders. We are aware that is not the case as the season moves toward its conclusion.

Truth is the Lakers might miss the playoffs all together based on their poor record. In any event back to the subject at hand, the networks are unlikely to adjust their broadcast schedule unless something similar to a pandemic would transpire. Of course, that’s what occurred, the television schedule was impacted by the event. Rather than complain about something we have no control simply look at the first game and skip the late-night game from Los Angeles. Despite the fact this is pointed out rest assured we’ll continue to hear complaints regarding the network telecast. If you don’t wish to see the Lakers find something else to occupy your time.

The Goat
I’ve said this on more than one occasion, I tried to remain outside of arguments comparing player to player except in one instance. There is only one exception those who claim Michael Jordan is the Goat I loudly say no way. Who is the Goat, it’s simple…Lew Alcindor a.k.a. Kareem Abdul Jabbar? From high school through his NBA career not a single player not even Michael Jordan can compare, let’s check out the record. 

Three straight New York City Catholic league championships
71 game winning streak, 79-2 in high school
Three-time First Team Parade Magazine All American (high school)
Three-time NCAA Champion at UCLA
Three-time Final Four Most Outstanding Player
Three-time National Player of the Year
Three-time First Team All American
NBA Rookie of the Year
NBA All Rookie First Team
6 Time NBA Champion
2 Time NBA Finals MVP
NBA All-Time leading scorer 38,387 points
Member NBA 35th, 50th and 75th Anniversary Team

Kareem might lose the scoring record to LeBron James but for now he’s held it since he retired in 1989. The honors above cover his play at Power Memorial HS, UCLA, Milwaukee Bucks and the Lakers. There are awards and honors omitted, I wanted to provide you evidence on the real GOAT.

Where does he go from here?
Emoni Bates had been injured for a while, we have been informed he’s got back problems. One report indicated he’d returned to Michigan to see a specialist. Injury aside there are doubts, not of a serious nature he returns to Memphis, why should he? If his intent is to focus on an NBA career, he will not pick it up at Memphis, so a pro career is in his future…maybe. This is not aimed at Penny Hardaway or the coaching staff, Bates can learn so much additional playing against pros. Bates reclassified therefore he’s too young for the 2022 NBA draft however there are options.

The NBA G-League, Overtime Elite and Australia are the future possibilities for Bates. What occurred for him besides the injury might be the next question? His shooting suffered when he was on the court, 38% is just not going to cut it at any level. With that said perhaps the anticipation of playing at Memphis might have overwhelmed him, we don’t know that to be a fact just speculation. The one bright spot prior to Bates injury is his defense, he is adept at defending. Bates certainly has talent although it might not be at the level we were first led to believe. The future remains bright for the young man as long as he continues to work at his craft.

I offer no name or proof
There are many stories floating about regarding the Lakers front office and coaching staff. This is only speculation on my part, the tea leaves say Rob Pelinka has a 50-50 chance to remain GM of the team. As for the coach that’s a different matter. Frank Vogel is a quality guy; he was the driver as the team won its 17th NBA Championship tying the record of the Celtics. One report I read indicated the only reason he’s retained his job to date there is no Jason Kidd. If you remember at the time of the hire Vogel and Kidd were competing to become head coach, Vogel won but Kidd came on board as an assistant.

Kidd remained in place until he was hired by Mark Cuban to take over the Mavs. I have no method to see inside the Laker clubhouse, but it appears to be in a chaotic state, fair or unfair that rests on the shoulders of the head coach. As for Vogel’s replacement we have no names but take stock in this. The Celtics, Blazers, Magic, Pelicans and Wizards hired first time coaches something I believe the Lakers cannot, no they will not follow suit. My belief at this point Anthony Davis returns and provides a spark, the team makes a deep playoff run. Vogel is able to retain his job based on those series of events otherwise the Lakers will have a new coach for the 2022-23 season.

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