Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Basketball from a fans perspective

Published Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday

Retire the number
I want to make this clear, I didn’t originate this proposal. I read somewhere a member of the media proposed the NBA retire number 6 in honor of Bill Russell. If you follow other sports, you are aware major league baseball has retired Jackie Robinson’s 42. Major League Baseball teams can no longer issue that number to any future player. If this number retirement is implemented by the NBA, it would appear only LeBron James of the Lakers would be affected. Just in case you wondered this is no formal proposal only conversation.  
She would have had a problem
It would have been unbearable for Fox media host Laura Ingraham a generation ago. I don’t remember the issue but whatever it was Ingraham was not pleased. LeBron James had spoken on an issue and the position LeBron took was upsetting to her. She made the statement which has become classic, “Shut up and dribble” which she aimed at LeBron. Ingraham’s head would explode if she had NFL running back Jim Brown, heavyweight champion Muhammed Ali, basketball player Kareem Abdul Jabbar and the late Bill Russell to contend with. Russell despite his basketball celebrity was in the forefront of the civil rights movement. In addition, he attended the 1963 March on Washington where Dr. King gave his “I have a dream speech.”

The Presidential Medal of Freedom presented to Russell by President Obama might have been more for Russell’s social activism than his play on the basketball court. One site I read stated Russell was an “Activist for the ages” which certainly fit the path he set for himself. It might be taken for granted in today’s climate, we are accustomed to celebrities being politically and socially involved. In the America of the 1950’s and 1960’s that often wasn’t the case. There were a number of brave souls who were willing to sacrifice their career for the betterment of all. It’s not unusual for athletes to become free agents today, back then it was totally unheard of. In baseball Curt Flood sacrificed his career in order to fight the reserve clause which bound players to a team unless traded or released. Although it certainly was a different time Laura Ingraham would find it difficult to have been a media member back then. William Felton Russell, the man who transformed basketball and helped transform America’s social and civil rights stance.

Is he The One?
Those who saw the 1999 hit movie The Matrix will remember the premise of the story. Morpheus leader of the rebels was attempting to convince Neo in the early portion of the movie his belief that Neo was the One. The leader of the rebel group took him to the Oracle he was so convinced in his belief, as the story unfolds, we discover Neo is indeed who Morpheus believed him to be. By now your are scratching your head wondering "What is this movies connection to basketball?" Allow me to explain, since long-time coach Norm Stewart was forced into retirement (or fired depending on your view) the basketball program’s been on a roller-coaster. Athletic Directors over the years have hired coaches they believed would provide stability and continue winning. Sidebar here for fans especially those on the west side of State Line Road.

Despite what you might believe Norm Stewart was a successful basketball coach (731-375), naysayers love to point out he and successors have never won an NCAA Championship. Ponder this a moment, how many active coaches have an NCAA Championship on their resume? I’ll give you to the count of 20 to name them, the road to a championship is not as easy as might be perceived. In addition, the best team doesn’t always win the big game. Examples might be the 1983 North Carolina State win over the Houston Cougars or how about this one, in 1985 Villanova’s upset victory over the Georgetown Hoyas. In any event back to our account, has Mizzou AD Desiree Reed-Francois made a good hire in Dennis Gates? Is Gates similar to Neo The One Mizzou fans have waited since the departure of Stewart in 1999. I believe this to be true, Mizzou fans have been patient, they just want a winning coach and a winning program…is that too much to ask for? Most of Mizzou Nation hope Gates in the manner of Neo is The One.

Las Vegas is there…perhaps 
I missed this news release back in March of 2022. Tim Leiweke CEO of Oak View Group announced the purchase of 25 acres in Las Vegas and the intent is to build a $3 billion sports and entertainment district. Included in the plan is a 20,000-seat arena which might be the driving force for this project, this becomes a strong statement of fact. Why would any organization spend that amount of money without something pending?

NBA Commissioner Silver is keeping his cards close in order to keep us from seeing the hand he’s holding. He continues with the same statement, " There is no NBA expansion for the immediate future." On the other hand, the UNLV Rebels could have a second home i.e., a brand-new 20,000 seat arena. For those who might be unfamiliar with Oak View and Tim Leiweke this little note. Leiweke has long been associated with professional sports in a number of different settings over the years. This Las Vegas venture becomes one more project for the ever-resourceful Tim Leiweke and company.

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