Thursday, April 27, 2023

Published Monday thru Friday    

Basketball from a fans perspective

I missed this account
The Heat are about to send the Bucks home thanks to Jimmy Butler. The 6-foot 7 inch small forward led the way, scoring 56 points in a thrilling 119-114 victory. In Butler’s case it wasn’t just tossing up shots for his point total. He shot 67.9% from the floor (35% from 3) and 83.3% from the line. Butler’s game allowed the Heat to take a commanding 3 games to 1 lead, is this series over? We shall see, I believe the Bucks might have a degree of fight remaining in them. Enough fight to win 3 games in a row might be a monumental task on the part of the Bucks.

He said it
I read the headline on my television, “We haven’t lost a series PF and Kawhi were available” that was the quote attributed to Clipper coach Tyronn Lue. I like Lue; I’d mentioned from his sophomore year in high school it was the Kansas City metro where he fully developed his basketball skill. That was then this is now, in Tuesday night’s matchup there was no PG or Kawhi…both looked comfortable in civilian clothing on the Clipper bench. As for my Kansas City homie he might be correct, the Clippers might not have ever lost a playoff series.

The key problem is health, neither of the two can manage to avoid injury. Those who stood in the gap for the absent two, Powell, Batum, Westbrook and Gordon made a magnificent effort especially in the 4th quarter. The final score would read Suns 136 Clippers 130, I believe it is time for change with these Clippers.I remember what I wrote at the beginning of the NBA season. As a member of Laker Nation I reluctantly had to admit the Clippers were the best NBA team in Los Angeles. That is certainly not the case at least on April 26, 2023, no matter the outcome of last night’s Lakers-Grizzlies game. I’m borrowing this from a media member, “Kawhi Leonard might have reached a point (soon to be 32-years) he’s at the Brandon Roy stage.” Some of you may remember the talented Clipper guard, Roy, could not remain healthy enough to sustain his NBA career. After a number of starts and stops he would retire in 2013 at the age of 29. There are few instances I suggest a team trade a player, that is the case here.

The Clippers should make a trade and acquire whatever is possible in exchange for Kawhi Leonard. He’s been load managed all season and is still unable to see action come playoff time, the most critical period. This is year four for the PG-Kawhi tandem and they have little to show for it. What occurs next season for them, should both be retained? A friend made this statement to me, “They are always talking about Anthony Davis yet Kawhi is allowed to escape criticism.” As this account was completed came devastating news, Kawhi has sustained a torn meniscus in his right knee. More than likely rehab of this type probably entails half or maybe all of next season so he certainly cannot be traded. What a dilemma the Clippers face going into the season.

Everyone’s got an opinion 
This is certainly no intent on my part to speak for you…just a few random thoughts. The explosion of sports talk radio plus television in various forms dominates the airways of today. I’ve mentioned this is the past and it still remains, we are provided with a great deal of information divided in this manner. Roughly 10% of the information received on a daily basis is actual “news” the other 90% is strictly opinion. There are times when the opinion can be quite persuasive while offering us no real proof. These personalities are certainly entitled to their beliefs and to voice them, however this is a two-way street. Just because its expressed fails to take into account I must be forced to believe it.

In a manner of speaking I miss the old days of sports talk radio or television when hosts took telephone calls. Occasionally there would be a GOTCHA moment, that caller would be just as informed maybe more so than the host. Most often when bluster didn’t work the host often stated, “We must move on to other callers.” That is the problem today, the talk is all one-way…it’s outgoing with little if any pushback. This morning from a New York City television host, “Aaron Rogers is in New Jersey now, the best quarterback in the NFL.” Hey fella, I’d like to introduce you to Patrick Mahomes two-time Super Bowl Champion and two-time NFL MVP. I must figure out a method to extricate myself from this cycle of caw-caw.

No hate
It might appear in some circles I hate Charles Barkley, that is not the case. In fact I don’t even dislike him, my issue I believe he receives far more credit for stuff than is due him, allow me to cite an example. The afternoon local talk radio guy played one of the comments Barkley made during the prior evening NBA game. Barkley was pontifying on the NFL and the number of fans attending USFL and XFL games. “These folks don’t know 10 players on any of the teams” or similar words.

This radio guy was talking of Barkley in the manner he was an outstanding prophet, “He tells it like it is.” Well Barkley might just do that but this is my take. Barkley began by talking about the “great job the NFL had done in marketing itself.” True, there is no argument from me however the USFL and XFL is not the established NFL despite Barkley’s statement. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to acknowledge the NFL is the most favored sport in this nation. I’m just not sure why Barkley is credited with insight on a matter all of us can easily see.

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