Thursday, October 5, 2023

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Basketball from a fans perspective

“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen”

John Wooden      

I’m going to speculate
Cooper Flagg is the number one prospect in the Class of 2024, as you are aware a number of schools have offers for the 6-foot 8 200 pound small forward. Flagg’s been on their radar by Kansas basketball for some time now. Schools are hosting their “first practice” night for the student body and fans. “Late Night with the Phog” is an annual tradition at Allen Fieldhouse and almost always the top prospect Kansas basketball is recruiting attends Late Night. There will be an exception on October 7th…Flagg will not be in attendance.

His mother confirmed a report indicating her son would not be in Lawrence. Flagg’s visited UConn and had an unofficial visit to Duke earlier but also has an official one scheduled October 22-24. According to reports there is no intent to reschedule the Kansas visit so what does that entail? More than likely the 6 foot 8 Flagg has another location in mind the one he’s already visited and will do so for a second time. I realize many in Jayhawk Nation quit reading about 3-4 sentences ago but sometimes the truth hurts. It now appears the decision will lie between UConn and Duke, what are the odds? I believe there is a 75% chance the choice for Flagg will be Duke. On the other hand I could be wrong it’s occurred in the past.  

America’s Team?
We are accustomed to the nickname, the NFL Cowboys were dubbed America’s Team by the media years ago. We can argue yes or no on the question for one reason alone, when was the last time the Cowboys won a Super Bowl? I looked it up and the year was 1996, 27 years ago when the Cowboys won Super Bowl XXX. This is interesting, Stanley Johnson former Laker contends the Lakers are America’s NBA Team. There are arguments against this thought, asked the question Keenan shared his thoughts. He said, “It’s got to be the Knicks or the Celtics”, Charlie said “Madison Square Garden hinting at its history.” Kaleb named the Warriors during the time with Steph Curry while Gloria named the Bulls. Before I proceed allow me to impart the words of Keenan, he said “If any NFL team should be America’s team it should be the Patriots.”

Before I continue allow me to state there is no right or wrong answer, it’s just an opinion. Let’s check out each of the comments and determine which might fit your conviction. The Knicks and Celtics certainly have history behind their name. Both the Knicks and Celtics were original members of the Basketball Association of America playing their first season in the league’s inaugural year of 1946. As for the Lakers they began play as the Minneapolis Lakers in the National Basketball League in 1947. How about the arena’s, Madison Square Garden certainly has mystique but enough to make the Knicks America’s team. Besides the fact the present arena is not the original Madison Square Garden, MSG III was home from 1946-1968 and it’s been demolished and replaced by the present MSG. The original Boston Garden home of the Celtics was bulldozed by the wrecking ball quite a few years ago. Warriors were also mentioned especially with Steph Curry. That’s questionable, they have been must watch television for the last 10 years or so.

Also mentioned was the Bulls but is that claim really valid, the Jordan Bulls dominated the NBA but what have they accomplished since MJ retired? It’s my contention America’s NBA team is the Lakers, Gloria informed me “Of course you’d pick them because that’s your team.” Let’s check the record, the Lakers and Celtics are tied with 17 NBA Championships. The Lakers have won championships in the 1940’s, 1950’s, 1970’s, 1980’s plus the 2000’s, none of the franchises with the exception of the Celtics might be close. The Lakers dominate TNT and ABC/ESPN broadcast coverage even during those times the Laker haven’t been particularly good. One Charles Barkley complained about the number of games he and the crew were forced to “watch.” I don’t mind if you consider my intake bias…if it’s not the Lakers who else might fit the role as America’s NBA team.

How many…..a bunch
I actually begin this account in another direction but shifted the focus. How many college basketball coaches do you believe are presently serving, is the total number 600 or maybe it’s 900 or more? By the information I uncovered there are more than 1,300 men’s coaches across the landscape of the nation. Even more interesting, the most high-profile Division I programs are not the largest number. D-I is represented by Duke, UCLA, Kansas and others.

There are 362 coaches and programs at present at Division I. The next level is Division II, there are 304 coaches and programs, we have West Virginia State, Southern Nazarene, University of MO-St. Louis and more. This next level is what I found most surprising, Division III which I believe offers no scholarships total 424. Schools at this level are NYU, Randolph-Macon, Keene State and more the largest single number. There are 230 NAIA coaches and programs, examples at this level of competition are Arkansas Baptist, Baker University, Central Methodist University and more. 

An update
Avid readers of Off the Dribble are aware I have attempted to provide information on NBA arenas under construction as well as those planned for the future. This report is regarding Oklahoma City and its effort to replace Paycom Arena. There will be a vote in the city on December 12 on a 1% sales tax for six years which would fund a $900 million downtown arena. The Oklahoma City Council voted in favor of placing the proposal on the ballot with a 7-2 council vote.

The Thunder have made a pledge to contribute $50 million to the project. That’s the upside of this proposal, there is opposition to the project as might be expected but different from what exists in Philadelphia. If you remember in Philadelphia 76 Place was to be constructed with no public funds however its Chinatown location created a citizen firestorm. In Oklahoma City it’s a question of how much is paid by the NBA team. There is a belief the Thunder should be responsible for more than 5% of the total cost.

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