Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

The story…there is none to report   
As one might say there are too many moving parts to keep up with all the story’s circulating. The reference of course is the cloud of suspension hanging over Thunder guard Josh Giddey. It’s my understanding the investigation is ongoing but there is nothing to report those of you reading are unaware. Based on this it is my intention to cease writing anything about the alleged inquiry until there is an update from law enforcement.

As for the other portion of this story, the Stephen A. Smith/Malika Andrews tandem, I will leave that to you to draw your own conclusions. As I indicated Smith has been on my list for months now and Andrews just gained entry. For Smith I fixed my internet news feed to ignore news from him just in case you are wondering why now. A number of sources have mentioned Smith and come to the same conclusion I have. Smith wants to prove it's all about the story but in truth I believe it's all about him and the amount of clicks he can cultivate.

One more account    
Last Friday some of you were introduced to Kansas Citian Warren Jabali. After re-reading my account I thought perhaps there are a few who might have thought he chose the ABA because he wasn’t good enough to play in the NBA, that was hardly the case. The basketball landscape was different back then, Wichita State where he played was on the same level as a Texas or Kansas State. Jabali was a double-digit rebounder his sophomore and senior year, his junior year his total dipped to 8.6. His senior year at Wichita State saw him score at an 18.6 point 11.6 rebound and 7.5 assists a game. Those are outstanding numbers for a 6-foot 2-inch guard in anybody’s book.

In 1968 the Knicks picked Armstrong (Jabali) in the 4th round as the 44th pick in that year’s draft. This portion cannot be confirmed but I’m going to report it anyway. It was said Red Holtzman then Knicks coach did not want Armstrong on the team. It was never made clear why the coach didn’t want him, I’m going to take a privilege and make this prognosis. The Knicks had drafted Walt Frazier the previous year, they must have believed Frazier was the future rather than taking a chance on Armstrong (Jabali) who was described as a “hot head.” One of the issues to consider when evaluating him was the 1960’s a time of civil unrest and Jabali was tagged a black militant, which was not true.

Is he proving he can play
Emoni Bates is blowing up in the G-League, if you remember he was made a 2nd round draft pick by the Cavs in 2023. The Cavs are not loaded with veterans but it’s been difficult for the 6 foot 8 Bates to gain playing time. In order to allow him play the Cavs sent the youngster to their G-League team the Cleveland Charge. As this is written Bates is scoring at a 26.4 point a game clip along with 5 rebounds. Despite the astronomical promise once held for him we remain unsure if he is a legitimate NBA talent, you remember don’t you? Gatorade National Player of the Year as a high school sophomore.

I’m reminded over and over the words of one NBA scout. “If the NBA eliminates its age restriction Bates will be the first name drafted” or something along those lines. He changed high schools, then reclassified which saw him enrolled at Memphis as a 17-year-old. From there he transferred to Eastern Michigan played a season and then declared for the NBA draft. The road’s been quite bumpy at times for Bates but despite that fact someone in the Cavs organization believed he was worth a draft pick. What occurs from this point going forward is certainly an unknown. He could earn playing time with the A team or it might be play in Europe. He could have a pro career in Europe and earn a good salary if that is the case. I will continue to follow his progress wherever it might lead him.

The Denver thing
If you read this account to its conclusion you will understand the meaning of the headline. On Sunday I turned my television on to catch the Mizzou-Wichita State game, the Auburn-Appalachian State game had about 3 minutes or so remaining. The game was quite tight scoring and to my surprise Appalachian State was holding onto a slim lead. The game was not decided until there was a little under a minute remaining.

The Mountaineers won this match defeating Auburn 69-64, as for “The Denver thing” allow this brief explanation. An end zone television shot captured a sign which read Welcome to Holmes Convocation Center elevation 3,333. Appalachian State is located in Boone North Carolina and its one of the highest elevations in the nation for a college. Ball Arena in Denver home of the Nuggets is 5,280 feet above sea level so I’m guessing the Mountaineers just like the Nuggets desire visiting teams to realize the altitude is higher than they might be accustomed to.  

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