Sunday, May 26, 2024

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

109-108 Dallas
Despite having home court advantage the Wolves now find themselves down 0-2. Once again the Wolves managed to “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.” The final score appears close but it was more to the game than the score, the Wolves after clearly demonstrating they were the better team over the Nuggets have laid an egg. They managed once again to lose a game they could have won, not easily but a win. Luka Doncic of the walking wounded, there were apparently aches and pains all over his body.

At a point, the television camera caught him walking like a 70-year-old man during a time out. Despite the achiness of his body Luka would take a clutch 3-point shot which turned out to be the game winner. What I find most interesting with seconds remaining in the game this was the strategy. The Wolves decided in favor of having the 7-foot Defensive Player of the Year Rudy Gobert guard Luka. Luka took a few jab steps and then took the shot from the top of the key. The shot didn’t hit the rim and roll in, it didn’t bounce around and then drop. As they might say the shot was nothing but net. “He’s long (Gobert). He can’t move. I can’t move fast, but I can move faster than him.”

The Wolves Naz Reid emerged from the bench and played a brilliant game, despite this fact his desperation 3-point shot missed as time expired. As for Luka of the walking wounded it was 32 points, 13 assists and 10 rebounds as he “willed his Mavs team to the win.” This series is clearly not over but I am stunned, headed into the series I expressed my belief the Wolves were the better team. This was based on their performance against the Nuggets. At this point I am not so sure they are the better team.

I told you I was a bit confused
The landmark agreement reached late last week between the NCAA and the Power 5 Conferences. Rather than student/athletes the role will become that of an employee and employer. The portion most confusing to me the agreement was reached with the Power 5 Conferences. This is The Big Ten, SEC, Pac-12, Big 12 and ACC, the additional question does the Pac-12 actually exist? In any event the continued confusion for me, an athlete attending Ohio University or Montana State fails to qualify?

Those schools named and dozens of others are Division I programs however they don’t compete in Power 5 Conference programs. I will await “additional dust to settle” before I can comprehend how this works beyond the Big Boys and how Division II sports are impacted. I believe this next portion to be correct, Division III programs offer no scholarships so the guess is they may not be included in this agreement. The question is also asked regarding NAIA programs which do offer scholarships. Some of you will miss this next portion Google it, as Vinny Barbarino once said, “I’m so confused.”   

I’m sure there are folks who claim I’m a little weird, they haven’t made the statement directly to me but I’m sure it’s occurred. Allow me to touch on an issue I heard a local radio sports talk host admit recently. The discussion centered on Inside the NBA on TNT going away after the new television contract was in place. This proved quite interesting in more ways than one, rarely do I hear the NBA being discussed locally. That’s okay we don’t have an NBA team so it’s understandable. What the co-host next stated almost caused me to lose the grip on my steering wheel and drive upon the sidewalk. “I don’t watch the NBA but almost always watch Inside the NBA,” he went on to discuss the entertainment value of Barkley and crew.

All this time the wheels are turning for me, “He doesn’t watch the NBA yet admits he tunes into Inside the NBA, what is that all about? The program is a critique of the recently played game and the crew make it interesting BUT! How can he be entertained regarding something he didn’t see? The basis for Inside the NBA is due to its emphasis on basketball and the game just completed. I’ve seen it because my wife has turned to it while I was in the room. Entertainer Andy Cohen interviewing Real Housewives members, discussions are held regarding aspect of past programs including video. I’m listening to the debate and seeing video and am not quite sure what may have occurred. The same goes for Inside the NBA, how can you be entertained without being aware of all of the details of a subject?

The Lakers need a center
Anthony Davis made it known, he’d prefer to avoid playing center. If pressed by the coach he would do it although he’d rather not, this leaves me at a point of confusion. In 2021 the Lakers acquired Andre Drummond, 6 foot 11 and 279 pounds, they didn’t need him to score the basketball they had guys for that. They need a center to grab a few rebounds and play defense especially on Jokic. This would occur later, AD made it known Drummond inhibited his movement around the paint. Could these issues have been worked out in training camp, possibly but we never got the chance as Drummond was a free agent and left later in the summer.

The Lakers need a Jokic Stopper, someone who can bang with the Nuggets center and that ain’t AD. AD contributes to the Lakers in other areas, so how is this issue addressed? Look inward first, determine if present roster members are capable. On the roster as this is written is 6-foot 10 250-pound Colin Castleton, 7-foot 220-pound Jaxson Hayes. The Lakers staff needs to determine if either is capable of battling Jokic full time. There are a number of potential centers in the 2024 NBA draft, naturally the Lakers will not be in a position to draft all of them however the following are just a few names. The downside to drafting any name below requires time, they must become accustomed to the rugged play in the NBA.

Oso Ighoudaro 6-11 235 Marquette
N’Faly Dante 6-11 265 Oregon
Adem Bona 6-10 245 UCLA
Yves Missi 7-0 235 Baylor
Ulrich Chomehe 6-11 225 Cameroon
Zach Edey 7-4 300 Purdue  

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