Friday, June 10, 2011

Laker Coach Mike Brown states categorically the triangle offense left with Phil Jackson and staff, I'm taking a wait and see on this one for the following reasons. Phil Jackson would often "allow" Kobe Bryant to free-lance a great deal of the time. The triple post or triangle offense is troublesome and difficult for veterans. Artest, Blake and Barnes if they remain with the team will play much better with a less complicated offensive scheme. In fact a less complicated offensive scheme might aid everyone including Kobe Bryant. This is certainly not intended to knock Phil Jackson but he didn't play rookies or fully utilize his bench. I believe both of these areas will be addressed with a Brown team.

I'm guilty at times of looking at the potential of a player especially those in high school. So it goes with Fab Melo of Syracuse, you probably never heard of him although I did. I had read last summer about the 7-footer from Brazil who had scouts salivating, I know what you are saying "another foreign player." Well that's only partially true, Melo had arrived here in high school and played in Westin Florida. In any event he arrived on the campus of Syracuse as a highly recruited freshman. His season ending numbers were far from impressive and I'm sure the Syracuse faithful were expecting a little more than they witnessed. Melo was 2.3 points a game and 1.9 rebounds all this for a 7 foot 244 pound player.

Construction on the Barclays Center future home of the Brooklyn Nets is progressing quite nicely (see link). The arena is scheduled to open for the 2012-13 season which is good news in another area. It would be a shame if the arena were to open in November '11 and there was no basketball. Perhaps the timing is better based on the unresolved labor issues.

I guess we can expect almost any type of question from Jason Whitlock, afterall he's the guy who "believes" Jeff George can still play quarterback in the NFL at age 43. A couple of months back Jason Whitlock addressed a rather strange question to Kobe Bryant after the All-Star game. "Bryant spoke of the energy he gained when playing alongside young stars like Blake Griffin and Russell Westbrook. Fox Sports columnist Jason Whitlock found the comments interesting, so he asked Bryant if he was making subtle hints toward the Lakers organization. "Kobe," Whitlock said, "not to twist your words or read too much into what you said, but being around young players energized you -- that's not a statement about maybe you'd like to see some young players on your team?" The question was met with a drawn-out "Wowwwwww" from Bryant. "You know what, that's a Bikram Yoga stretch," Bryant said. "You stretched the hell out of that ... good job. Good job. I'm not even gonna answer that, that's just silly. Next." A day or so after this exchange Whitlock writes a scathing column hinting that Kobe was "over the hill" and this (2011) would be his last All-Star game. Check out this latest from Mr. Whitlock aimed at Mavs Coach Rick Calisle after game four and see what you think.

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
Albert Einstein

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