Monday, June 6, 2011

This really pains me to write this but I think the Heat are a better team than the Mavs. As this is written the Heat lead the series 2-1 with two games remaining in Dallas. The series is far from settled but the Mavs certainly don't look like the team that swept my Lakers nor beat the Thunder in five games. The speed game of the Heat seems to have caught the Mavs flat-footed. The morning after the Heat win in game one Dan Patrick had an interesting take on LeBron and the Heat. The shortened version of the story "no matter how many championships James wins he will never eclipse Michael Jordan!" Strong statement by Patrick but he further stated, "Jordan was a part of the Bulls and help make them a better team, he didn't need Johnson or Bird for the Bulls to become a championship team." The legacy of LeBron James was also one of the key topics of discussion at the barber shop. Ever how many championships the "chosen one" wins it will always be said "he left for another team, he didn't help the Cavs to a championship." Okay let's try the other argument, the Cavs front office failed to make moves that would have secured the Cavs better players around James. This is the position expressed by fans of James and is not without merit but there is a difference. Jordan remained, Kobe complained loudly but stayed. The Cavs didn't leave LeBron, LeBron left the Cavs, that is his true legacy.

Many NBA players are resolved to an NFL type lock-out June 30. Commissioner Stern continues to repeat his earlier statements, "only eight of the 30 league teams are economically solvent." A recent USA Today column provided an interesting read and certainly doesn't project the doom and gloom Stern and others are providing. Of course none of us are privy to any teams books so if they say they are losing money I guess we must believe them right? The other point, we have no method to verify the figures below but if correct the folks who say nobody is watching the NBA are way off-base.

• Total regular-season attendance rose 1% to 21.3 million, just shy of the league record 21.8 million for the 2006-07 season, before the economic downturn.

• NBA arenas were filled at or over 90% capacity for the seventh consecutive season. Average game attendance of 17,306 was the fifth highest. The record is 17,757 during 2006-07.

• TV partners TNT and ABC/ESPN saw audience gains of 42%, 38% and 28%, respectively.

From USA Today

Bill Plaschke, Los Angeles Times columnist and panel member of ESPN's Around the Horn wrote a "wouda, shouda, coulda" column the other day. It was titled "Shaquille O'Neal and Lakers could have done so much more." Plaschke went on and on about what could have been, he made valid points but at this stage my question is why? Whether we agree or disagree O'Neal managed to play the game in the manner he wanted. I wouda, shouda coulda been a millionaire I begin my adult life with the goal in the forefront, at this point I'm not laying awake at night saying I shouda. Could Shaq have won more NBA championships, no doubt but that ship has already sailed and from his comments the only career regret is the number of free throws he missed. He said "I coulda been close to 30,000 points if I had not missed so many free throws."

Should we believe Zeke based on his past statements regarding the Knicks? Last week Donnie Walsh indicated he would relinquish his role as president of the Knicks, the remainder of his contract would be fullfilled as a consultant. ESPN contacted Isiah Thomas due to his many comments on the Knicks. He once attempted to become become a consultant to the Knicks while still coaching Florida International. The commissioners office stepped in and informed he and the Knicks he couldn't hold this position. Funny thing, to my knowledge the NCAA said nothing about this arrangement. In another instance Thomas said and I'm paraphrasing the quote "I think about the Knicks all the time." He appears to have changed his tune with the Walsh development. This time when Thomas was questioned he told an ESPN reporter "I have no interest in returning to the Knicks, my only interest is Florida International basketball!"

Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.
James Baldwin, author

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