Wednesday, November 9, 2011

All the good names have been taken
It seems that way, Canton Ohio will have an team in the NBA Developmental League this season. Their colors are the same as the Cleveland Cavs who own the team. The nickname chosen Canton Charge, exactly what is a charge? The name was the choice of Canton but why not Bulldogs?  I know the name is more closely associated with football but the name Canton Bulldogs has history.  The name dates back to the founding days of the NFL in the 1920's, oh well just a thought!

I wonder
If Baron Davis has any gas left in the tank? Davis is now 32 and will have another birthday before the end of the season (if there is one). Davis has always intrigued me since I first began viewing his game while at UCLA. My renewed interest is based on this native of Los Angeles stating his desire to play for three teams, the Lakers being one of the three. The current stop in Cleveland is the fourth team in his NBA career and maybe he's looking ahead to retirement? Over the course of Davis's career he's demonstrated keen abilities as a point guard with crisp distribution of the ball and timely shooting. His career numbers 16.5 pts per game, 7.3 assists and 3.9 rebounds per game. He's also demonstrated an uncanny ability to feud with coaches and teammates at almost every stop.

Worth viewing
If you have an opportunity there are two documentaries worth your viewing time. HBO Sports is running "Prayer for a Perfect Season" the 2010-11 season run of St. Patrick basketball. St. Patrick located in Elizabeth New Jersey is a national boys power team. ESPN and NBA Entertainment produced "Once Brothers" which detailed the story of Drazen Petrovic and Vlade Divac. Civil war and ethnic differences caused the Yugoslav team and friendships to fracture, the late Drazen Petrovic was Croatian and Vlade Divac a Serb. "Once Brothers" told the story behind the story and was narrated by Vlade Divac. Both are well worth your time and the stories go far beyond basketball.

With no NBA games in sight Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy will begin announcing selected NCAA games. This is bad news for two reasons, although he certainly has the broadcast credentials Breen has never been one of my favorites. Number two, Jeff Van Gundy is the very worst analyst in the NBA can I say that again? JVG is the very worst NBA analyst working! JVG's jabbering on subjects often unrelated to the game in front of him drives me insane. JVG's inane comments and Breen's play by play have forced me to maintain the volume of my television at the mute level. Somebody convince me, why do we think just because this guy is a former NBA coach he knows the game? Give me Marv Albert and any analyst except JVG on any day of the week.

I admit
My view changed, for a long period of time I thought Mavs owner Mark Cuban was a hot dog. I've changed my opinion of him over the years as he has publically demonstrated his continued desire to build a successful team. All however was not rosy, Ross Perot Jr. former owner of the team had his attorneys file a lawsuit against Cuban over management of the Mavs. Although he sold the majority of shares Perot still retained 5% ownership of the team. The suit accusing Cuban of mismanaging of the team was filed last year. We must assume more than winning an NBA Championship must have entered into the judges decision. The Dallas judge ruled in favor of Cuban and denied all of Perot's claims.

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