Monday, November 14, 2011

Bulletin                                                    Bulletin                                                                                  Bulletin
We've reached the point I had hoped we wouldn't arrive. The NBAPA has rejected the latest offer from NBA owners. I'm not going to delve into the details of the rejection because it would require too much space.

Let us focus on Words eye view, my intent was to provide you stories I thought would be interesting to you the reader. I had hoped for a mix of NBA, Euro, Collegiate and high school ball stories. Unfortunately it appears the NBA portion will be missing, my initial thought was to close shop. I then thought basketball is bigger than the NBA.

I will continue Words but with little if any NBA news. I refused to focus on the back and forth dialogue between the NBAPA, the commissioner and owners.  We the fans are in the middle, at this point nobody is sure there will be a season this year. If that is indeed the case it will be an indictment on greed.                   

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