Friday, June 8, 2012

Thunder fans are probably still dancing in the streets, congratulations are certainly due this team and coach Scott Brooks. I didn't pick the Thunder to win but neither did 10 of the 14 ESPN experts. The difference between us, those guys get paid to be wrong I do it for free. We all figured this would be a short series after the Spurs took it to the Thunder in the first two games. This young team came roaring back and finished them with a 4-0 run. I don't know about the ESPN guys but I certainly was fooled, I thought the Spurs were going to ride into the sunset after last season. They exceeded my expectations in a lockout shortened season, in addition the oldsters had basically been replaced. Tim Duncan was playing limited minutes, Manu Ginobili was coming off the bench, maybe coach Pop has something going on here. In any event I've never been a Spurs fan and the one and only time I actually pick them to win a series they lose. The Spurs have been one of the NBA's most successful team for a number of years. Four NBA championships and we must go back to the 1996-97 for the last time this team failed to make the playoffs.

Whose number two, who is number two?
On June 28th commissioner will announce to all the Hornets have made Anthony Davis the number one pick in the 2012 NBA draft. How can we be be sure Davis is the choice? Slam Magazine has a photo of him in a Hornets uniform with the numeral 1 on the front. As for the number two pick the Bobcats have given no indication whom they might choose and the media is doing it's best guess effort. As an example says the pick will be power forward Thomas Robinson of Kansas, indicates the pick most likely will be small forward Harrison Barnes of North Carolina. Chad Ford of ESPN claims the player will be Kentucky small forward Michael Kidd-Gilchrist while's Jeff Goodman indicates he thinks the pick will be shooting guard Bradley Beal of Florida. The jury will be unable to render a verdict on the entire draft until April 2013 however early indications point to a deep, rich draft.

New and improved
Renovation of the house John Wooden and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar aided in being built is almost complete. Pauley Pavilion home court of the Bruins opened in 1965. The arena has undergone a massive upgrade and renewal to the tune of $136 million dollars. "New locker rooms, concession stands and video boards. Pauley Pavilion was constructed so that there would be some space between the crowds and the action on the court. Coach Wooden cited the example of the close quarters of Harmon Gym (now Haas Pavilion) where fans would pull leg hairs from his players' legs. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, then known as Lew Alcindor, was recruited to UCLA partly on the promise of playing in the new arena." UCLA basketball is certainly on the upswing again with the arrival of 6-6 shooting guard Shabazz Muhammad and 6-8 point guard Kyle Anderson, Rivals number one and number three players in the nation Class of 2012. A historical note, the first game in the refurbished building is scheduled for November 9 against Indiana State. Wooden coached Indiana State before arriving on the campus of UCLA in 1948. (

Say what?
I'm not an ESPN Insider so I was unable to read either of the stories posted on their website. Both could impact my Lakers so I thought I would cover them from my perspective. I must guess much of the detail so my view might be incorrect but here goes. First Chris "LeBron" Broussard and his proposed Bynum for Williams swap. As much as I'd like the Lakers with the addition of Deron Williams I'm unsure if I think this is a good trade. There is an age old adage that says "you don't trade a big man for a small man." I certainly could not argue with anyone who might say Bynum exhibited bouts of immaturity during the season despite his break-out year. I would guess Broussard is suggesting Bynum because Plainsboro Township New Jersey where he grew up is 60 miles from Brooklyn. Ric Bucher's proposal might be even more weird, his proposal is a Gasol for Pierce trade. Pierce is on the downhill side of his career, management is most likely preparing to hoist his jersey to the top of the TD Garden. Why would the Celtics even entertain trading this all-pro player to anyone? Bucher probably pointed out Pierce grew up in Los Angeles and rooted for the Lakers as a youth. Thomas Wolfe wrote a book, "You can't go home again" which might be true of Pierce. As for the Lakers Gasol I'm still in his corner unless there is an offer the Lakers can't afford to turn down. Gasol could have played better I cannot disagree with that view of anyone, I don't understand the critics who want to remold him into the player he never was. Gasol's game has always been one of finesse and not power.

The barber shop
My arrival time was much later in the day than normal. For that fact alone I missed most of the usual crowd, in fact the shop was basically empty. I had been prepared for them to give me the blues with the Lakers being eliminated. I probably generated more conversation on the misfortunate of the Lakers than any other. Finally my barber said, "why is Michael Jordan such a bad owner?" Those remaining answered in almost one voice, "he refuses to allow the basketball people to run the team." Curtis said "he's got Cho in place now and it will change." Cho's first name is Rich, he is approaching his first anniversary as general manager of the Bobcats. Cho has an interesting background, "born in Burma (also known as Myanmar) his family immigrated to the United States in 1968. He graduated from Washington State University with a degree in mechanical engineering and worked for Boeing Aircraft for five years. He became an intern for the Seattle Sonics while finishing a law degree at Pepperdine University." He served at general manager of the Blazers but was terminated after one year, in June of 2011 he was hired by the Bobcats as their general manager. The Bobcats have been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years perhaps Cho is the one to lead them to the promised land. (Wikipedia)

They continue to cast their nets out
The search for a general manager in Orlando certainly has taken a rather strange twist. At the beginning were stories indicating Shaquille O' Neal would interview for the job, I never read anything from the front office denying the story. I wrote at the time why would a Magic team hire an O' Neal who had no previous front office experience. I'm unsure how he handles all the various business ventures he's involved in but there is a difference. Those ventures only effect Shaquille O' Neal and family no one else. Decisions (good or bad) in the Magic front office might effect a number of individuals. I never believed this was a position he couldn't learn but it thought it was not a good first stop. Now comes word former coach Phil Jackson's name is linked to the GM position. PJ might want back in the NBA but this seems a little bit of a reach as well. I think we all could see him possibly return as the Magic coach but general manager? I even heard one bizarre story that would allow him to remain living in Los Angeles but venturing to Orlando a number of times during the year. In other words he would run the franchise from offices in Los Angeles? On the personal side, PJ and Lakers vice-president Jeannie Buss are still an item. Should PJ be hired would the NBA demand he and Jeannie cease dating due to a possible conflict of interest? If a trade can be vetoed by the league office couldn't a personal relationship also be vetoed? I don't make this stuff up it's real life.