Friday, June 22, 2012

Bad news for Kobe Bryant haters, you can stop reading at this point. The NBA released sales figures for player jerseys. The 2011-12 season Kobe Bryant's number 24 was the most popular jersey sold world-wide. In the U.S. the leader in jersey sales was the Bulls Derrick Rose.

This is news?
Did you know Kansas City has professional basketball? If you didn't know that's okay because most of Kansas City didn't know either. Last week the Kansas City Star ran a press release announcing the ABA Missouri Rhythm would hold tryouts in early July. My first thought, this must be an ABA expansion team? Not true, searching the ABA website I discovered the team played at least the 2011-12 season. It's possible they might have played even longer than last season, for reasons unknown nobody knows anything about the team. Further research pointed out the fact the Rhythm play their games at North Kansas City Community Center which really makes them minor league basketball.

The specialist
Ricardo Ratliffe Mizzou center's name is listed on several mock sites, he's listed as a potential second round pick power forward. I'm unsure if it was the coaching change or his adjustment from playing at the junior college level his senior year was light years ahead of the previous one. Ratliffe is undersized as an NBA power forward at 6-8 and 240. His shot of choice is a 5-10 foot jump hook which he was able to sink routinely. You think an opposing 6-10 or
7-foot NBA player will allow him to sink that shot as easily as we witnessed last winter and spring? DeJuan Blair of the Spurs has had moderate success at 6-7 but the guy weighs 270 pounds, probably few power forwards are able to push him off the block. The Jazz's Paul Milsap also might be considered undersized at 6-8 but he packs a great deal more weight than Ratliffe, Milsap weighs in a 253 pounds. I headlined this story specialist because unless I'm missing something that's most likely Ratliffe's possible future in the NBA. If he's drafted by the "right" team Ratliffe could have success in the NBA he certainly has the heart.

The Knicks
Don't know if you heard the news, coach Mike Woodson informed the N.Y. Post Jeremy Lin will be his starting point guard for know. One might assume Lin earns the job by default but if you check the guards behind him. Baron Davis will likely miss the entire 2012-13 season win an injury, at age 34 Mike Bibby's best days are in his rear view mirror. The other spot belongs to 26-year old Toney Douglas entering his fourth year, although Douglas has shown flashes it's yet to be proven either D'Antoni in the past or Woodson currently might consider him more than a backup at least for now. The Mavs Jason Kidd and the Suns Steve Nash will soon become free agents, both certainly would raise the level of play at the point. The question might be do the Knicks want to pay either at a reduced salary, they certainly wouldn't represent the future of this franchise?

The 3 Amigos
Have we seen the last of the 3 Amigos, i.e. Pierce, Allen and Garnett? Although the Celtics played well in spots they were unable to sustain leads even in the games they won. The Celtics faced injuries but that might be considered an excuse in some circles. This off-season will be interesting in Bean Town, we can assume Celtic for life Paul Pierce
(35-years old next season) will return. There are questions on 36-year old and injury plagued Ray Allen. Kevin Garnett also 36-years old was somewhat revitalized in the playoffs. With dependable relief (and lesser minutes) Garnett might be able to extend his career at least another couple of years if he desires.

A site dubbed 24/7 conducted a survey on average ticket prices of the four major sports. We'll look at the NBA only and the top 5 teams in reverse order:
5. Boston Celtics $99.43
4. Chicago Bulls 111.12
3. Miami Heat 123.35
2. New York Knicks 161.93
1. Los Angeles Lakers 169.80

NBA Champions
The Miami Heat are now champions of the NBA. Congratulations to them, LeBron, Wade and Bosh. Coach Eric deserves credit as well maligned by critics last season and this year.