Friday, August 16, 2013

Thanks Chris
I didn’t realize how swiftly time had passed until SI’s Chris Mannix reminded me in a story.  His beginning headline read; “6 weeks till NBA training camp open.” I had to stop and realize it is the middle of August, where has summer disappeared? Training camp indicates the beginning of the NBA season is on the horizon that excites me. 3 to 4 weeks later several schools schedule Midnight Madness and the collegiate season begins in earnest. For others of you there is the close of baseball and beginning of the NFL and college football. For those who share my passion there is only one season for us-----basketball season!

Nothing to see here move along
If there is no “news” why is it necessary to manufacture it? It seems in this Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Internet age many in the media are stumbling over one another. The media is often guilty of printing or reporting stories from reliable sources, they conduct business in this manner in an attempt to provide us with breaking news. I admit I read and hear so many stories I sometimes forget where I read a story. This is the example shortly after the MLB announced the suspension of A-Rod and 12 other baseball players I read a column. The headline read; “Why doesn’t the NBA admit its connection to the Biogenesis clinic.” Note other than the baseball players there had been no mention of any NBA names connected to the Miami clinic. On Tuesday Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver addressed the issue, he said briefly as far as he was aware there were no NBA players connected to this story. If there is a legitimate story even one that’s negative I might prefer to not write on it, most times I have no problem if the media chooses to cover it. I have a huge problem with fantasy writing which is what this appeared to be.

“Patience is a virtue”
My view on the above quote has always been a fix is not always in the works based on your timeframe. I wish I could impart that to my fellow Laker fans, I see an avalanche of complaints regarding Jimmy Buss, Mitch Kupchak, Phil Jackson and the maintenance staff at Staples. Okay I exaggerate on the Jackson maintenance staff part, I hope you see the direction I’m going with this. Your team trails the Celtics by one in NBA Championships won (16) and it’s difficult to be patient. It’s difficult if the Lakers appear to be treading water. The Lakers exceed the salary cap so a series of 1-year contracts is probably all they can manage at this point.

Fans must also consider the team is attempting to clear cap space for 2014 free agency.
In the last few weeks the Lakers have signed Robert Sacre, Chris Kaman, Jordan Farmar and Nick Young. This quartet all agreed to 1-year contracts which means they could all be gone after the 2014 season. The other issue I’m hearing from a number of Laker fans which seriously disturbs me, “the Lakers should tank the season.” The team loosing in order to qualify for the lottery is disgusting. As limited in talent as the 2013 draft was the ‘14 draft should be light years ahead. It doesn’t appear from their activity the Lakers intend to purposely lose. Laker fans have certainly been disappointed when their favorite team loses; I too suffer along with them. On the other hand I could not in good conscience root for any team I thought was losing on purpose.

CBS Sports Doug Gottlieb said; “Miami is the only (Eastern Conference) team I see that hasn’t improved in the off-season.” The Pacers, Bulls will have improved rosters in 2011-13 with the return of All-Pros Danny Granger and Derrick Rose. Another potential roadblock for the Heat might be the “old” but improved Nets, the Hawks might be a factor too. The playoff format will not force the Heat to play all of the teams mentioned however consider the following, the Heat were worn-down after experiencing tough playoff series against the Bulls and Pacers. This is not an indictment of the Heat it’s pronouncing an improved NBA Eastern Conference in 2013-14. The Heat will be forced through a “minefield” in an attempt to repeat as NBA Champs. Akron (OH) native LeBron James might find it attractive to direct the moving vans drive north after the 2014 season.

Somebody else must save the world
On August 1 Jason Whitlock wrote; “Is LeBron James on the verge of taking a new job that can save NBA?” The story indicated James was considering running for a high office in the players association. August 12 LeBron must have changed his mind, it’s now been reported James has decided against running for an office. Whitlock must now search elsewhere for someone to "save the NBA and the world."