Saturday, October 19, 2013

I was only joking
The Wiggins-Adidas shoe deal reported Friday is a story, a story in the manner of a fairy tale it turns out its untrue. All I can say is I just report the news.

Okay let’s blame Calipari for _________
There is a blank at the end of the headline, the idea is for you to consider a number of issues to blame on Kentucky’s John Calipari; just fill in the blank. In any event allow an explanation; Kelly Oubre made his college choice known recently. He’s a Rivals 5-star prospect and number 12 in the Class of 2014 would choose either Kentucky or Kansas. He visited Kansas over a weekend and cancelled his Lexington visit, the 6-7 200 pound shooting guard decided in favor of Kansas.

As for the headline, Kelly Oubre Sr. is reported to have guided his son to Kansas due to Calipari. The elder Oubre is reported to have stated; “Calipari forces his players to leave for the NBA in order to recruit more.” Think about the fathers statement a moment does it really make sense to force a player to leave school? A fan responded, I copied as is; “if oubre leaves after one year, does that mean self kicked him out? or he played himself into a draft?” Despite the lack of punctuation the writers point is clear, will Self be guilty of forcing Andrew Wiggins into the NBA draft? Calipari might be guilty of untold number of sins the statement by Oubre’s dad holds no merit with me, what about you?

Shocking, no surprised
At City Hall Plaza in Boston a statue honoring Celtic legend Bill Russell will be unveiled in the next two weeks. The question might be why did it take so long? Team sports no single player wins alone however one player can be key to a team’s success, which was Russell. The Celtics were a dominate franchise in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s. Years later Boston’s other sports teams are nowhere close to the Celtics in the number of championships.

The NFL Patriots have tasted success since 2002 winning several Super Bowls. The baseball Red Sox hadn’t won a World Series since 1918 when they finally broke through and won in 2004. As you can see the Celtics were winners before the Pats even existed; they were winners when the Red Sox were floundering around in the standings. Sports fans desiring to latch on to a winner could always turn to the Celtics and Bill Russell. Why did it take so long for Boston to fully appreciate Russell?

Allow me to reverse my position
A few weeks back I wrote the plight of Jason Collins, the fact that no NBA team appeared willing to extend a contract to him. Many including me believed his sexual orientation played a role. After further assessment I don’t believe the fact he is gay had anything to do with him sitting at home. The records paint a far different picture; Collins came into the NBA with limited skills. Although 7-feet tall and 255 pounds he’s been a reserve center throughout his 12-year NBA career. His scoring rebounding and defense have been average at best. At age 34 the limited skills he possesses have eroded over the course of time. You can argue I’m wrong however I believe Collins age and skill have been the key factors against him rather than his sexual orientation.

I checked the bio
The daughter of legendary Celtic coach and president Red Auerbach was questioned on the Celtics off-season moves. Randy Auerbach stated; “my father would not have traded Celtic Paul Pierce, and he probably wouldn’t have let Kevin Garnett go, either.” Our guess might be this was a slam at current Celtic president Danny Ainge. She is certainly entitled to voice her opinion but is her view anymore valid than yours? Her bio indicates employment in the private sector, there is no indication she worked in basketball in any capacity.

I hope this is not viewed as chauvinistic on my part; it’s a credibility issue for me. Was Randy asked for her thoughts because she is Auerbach’s daughter? That’s my belief but I could be in error. I would be more inclined to believe a statement by LaRita Barber vice-president of the Bobcats or Eve Wright vice-president of the Heat. How about Jeanie Buss vice-president of the Lakers? Jeanie serves as the teams Board of Governors representative. The three named and others have NBA careers and more creditability with me than Randy Auerbach.