Friday, October 4, 2013

Just a thought
This is a football tale but it just as easily could be basketball. There was question if the game would be available locally. On Wednesday The Kansas City Star reported the Saturday game between Mizzou-Vanderbilt would be telecast on the CBS affiliate. I can hear a chorus of grumbling in advance, “why are you interrupting my programs for a football game?” Games telecast on ESPN/Fox Sports or other sports channels generally avoid this type of controversy.

The pending season
The dawn of an NBA season is always full of optimism by fans of a number of teams. Coast to Coast north to south excitement is brewing and building for the upcoming season. Fans of the Knicks, Nets and Pacers believe their teams will successfully challenge the Heat for dominance in the NBA East. In the West the Thunder believe the Westbrook injury derailed their road to a championship. Everyone (including me) thought the Spurs were too old and too slow, all of us were mistaken.

There were a few teams last season exceeding expectations of their fans; we could count the Warriors in that group. We could also include the Clippers who for the first time in their history finished above their city rivals the Lakers. Who did I forget you ask? I fail to mention the team nobody thought would be good, the team that will exceed expectations. Which team you ask, I have no idea? It’s my belief there is one or two NBA teams that will surprise---no shock us by exceeding expectations.

Lately it seems I must always place a disclaimer on my thoughts, this time its Doc Rivers Clippers coach. My partiality for Rivers goes back to the days he played for the Hawks; I’ve always thought (and still do) he’s an excellent coach. With that said allow me to briefly discuss his new team the Clippers. I’m fond of the expression; “I’m from Missouri you’ve got to show me” which applies to Doc’s new team. No doubt in my mind he will point the way----will the Clippers be able to follow his lead to an NBA championship?

That question and many more remain unanswered at this point. Cynics claim a number of Laker fans are arrogant if this sounds arrogant so be it. Despite Matt Barnes view Los Angeles and Southern California will always be Laker country. The media is talking a great deal of smack on this Clipper team, a team that’s won exactly two (2) playoff series in its 30 year Los Angeles history. It would be foolish for me to state they are not a good team, this edition of the Clippers are very good. Are they a championship team remains unanswered at this point in time?

They know how to do it
I’m viewing the 2016 NBA All-Star game announcement on NBA TV. For those who might have missed the news the game will be held in Toronto, the first time the game has been held outside the US. Unlike the NCAA the NBA feels no need to host a premium game in a football stadium. Dome stadiums have long been a complaint of mine. To be fair the NBA did award the game to a dome stadium, in 2010 the game was played in Cowboys (now AT&T) Stadium. There are mixed feelings regarding domes, a number of athletes’ claim no shooting issues while others state the opposite. Everything is financially driven, if the NCAA is worried about revenue why not just raise the price of a ticket and forget the football aspect.

Gasol at center
If you read the headline you might assume the reference is Grizzly center Marc Gasol. It actually it’s meant to reflect older brother Laker power forward/center Pau. I’ve been a long-time fan of Pau so don’t expect this to be critical, I’ve always seen him as a finesse player not a center. He stated on Lakers media day he would be comfortable if Coach D'Antoni asked him to play center. With the retirement of Shaquille O’Neal is there really a dominant center in the NBA anymore? If we compiled list of top centers Dwight Howard must be at the top of the list, I question if he is considered a dominant center.

Pau Gasol is average rebounding the ball but so is fellow 7-footer Brook Lopez (6.9). 7-2 Pacer Roy Hibbert’s game has grown over time, outstanding defensively he’s only an average (11.9) on the offensive side. In an injury plagued year Gasol averaged 13.7 below his 18.4 career average and his career rebound average of 9.2. Gasol was the point of discussion recently on Time Warner Cable Sportsnet. ESPN LosAngeles columnist Beto Duran was a panel member and made this statement. Duran said; “he (Gasol) is the best big man in the NBA to run your offense through.” I certainly agree with that statement there is no 7-footer who passes the ball as good as Gasol. Can he play center in today’s NBA I think so; today’s centers play a great deal of their game on the perimeter.