Monday, January 6, 2014

As usual this is no prediction of future success just a footnote. Guess who is leading the Western Athletic Conference early? The University of Missouri-Kansas City (2-0) is ahead in the standings of New Mexico State, Seattle and Cal State-Bakersfield. I’m making this statement without checking the records I don’t believe the Kangaroos were ever 2-0 in the Summit League.  Despite numerous past missteps they have finally hired the right coach hopefully in Kareem Richardson.

I wonder IF
The IF in the above headline is all caps because there are a number of variables that must take place, in addition there are no guarantees this will work in the manner I’m projecting. In addition I have no idea what occurred in last night’s game, this is written after Friday night’s Laker victory but prior to last night’s game. Laker fans were pleased the six game losing streak came to an end but the seismic shock (for me at least) was Kendall Marshall. Having no point guard can take a toll on any team and it certainly did with the Lakers.

Inserted into the starting lineup Marshall produced 15 assists and scored 20 points while grabbing 6 rebounds. Did I mention he was 8 for 12 from the floor and only had a single turnover? Was this an anomaly are can he play near this level consistently? The question remains unanswered I know this I think he’s a keeper. The Lakers will be over loaded at the point once the walking wounded return, Nash, Blake, Farmar and now Kendall Marshall. It would be interesting if D’Antoni with a “healthy” lineup tinkers with the backcourt until Kobe returns.

The networks made a choice
It’s reported ESPN and Turner Sports are dropping NASCAR after next season; this is news on several levels. The NBA intends to begin negotiations on it’s soon to expire television contracts. I have no personal insight into the decision making of ESPN or Turner however I have a theory. Rising broadcast fees for both sports may have contributed to a change in the thought process. The networks might believe “we cannot afford to telecast both; we must choose one over the other.”

The question becomes which sport would return the greatest amount of revenue? Surveys are certainly un-scientific however I remember several years back reading a story regarding which sports most fans followed. Interestingly enough more respondents claimed an allegiance to NASCAR over the NBA. It seems strange now after reading the ESPN/Turner story. If you are a fan of NASCAR don’t shed any tears it’s not going away. Racing will simply change networks and just not be available on ESPN or Turner Sports.

This is no prediction on anything

Have you checked the NBA standings recently? If you haven’t you might be somewhat surprised, the defending champion Heat have four teams in front of them in the won-loss column on January 3. The best record is held by the Pacers 25-6, next up are the Blazers at 26-7 followed by the Thunder 25-7 and the Spurs 25-8. The two-time NBA Champion Heat is 24-8. If you’ve followed the NBA for any length of time you realize there are two seasons, regular and playoff that’s why this is no prediction. Just as surprising the Nets, Bulls and Knicks all teams expected to contend are all below .500. Of course injuries to Rose, Lopez and others have played a role in the record of these teams. Based on the stretch run made last season by the Lakers I don’t believe we could exclude the Nets, Bulls or Knicks in early January.

In a related story
The calendar had to read 2014 before the Knicks and Nets managed to win on the same evening. Even more interesting both teams managed to win on the road and they managed to beat teams sitting higher in the standings. Last Thursday the Knicks beat the Spurs, the Nets managed to squeak out a win over the Thunder.