Monday, May 12, 2014

He did it
Thunder point guard Russell Westbrook is talented; I hope I’ve made that clear in the past. My main complaint is game decisions, it appears at times he‘s more concerned with his stats than his team. My other complaint his wardrobe styling’s but that’s another story for another time. Friday night Westbrook had a “Chris Paul” game as he aided his team earn a 118-112 win over the Clippers. The Westbrook numbers 23 points, 13 assists and 8 rebounds while shooting 7-14 from the floor. Maybe the most important component of his game only had 2 turnovers in 37 minutes of action. Now to discuss Westbrook’s wardrobe------on second thought the time is not right.

The departed
The above title has no connection whatsoever with the movie of the same name.  It’s an explanation why an athlete left the program. Although they didn’t advance very far in the NCAA’s Kansas basketball was successful this past season. The only evident weakness was a reliable point guard. The number of point guards Coach Self utilized all had “holes” in their game. None was truer than that of Naadir Tharpe; his three years were filled with uneven play on both ends of the court during his term.

Most likely Tharpe’s actions off the court probably caused the greatest concern for Self. The university recently announced Tharpe was not returning to school for his senior year. He would be transferring to be nearer his infant daughter who is ill in Massachusetts. One door closes another one opens, Kansas announces Devonte Graham made a commitment to attend Kansas. Graham is a 6-2 175 pound point guard and a 4-star Rivals prospect.

I’m not a hater are you?
A number of Heat fans have accused me of being a hater; this is partially based on a recent story written on the Heat. The abysmal season the Lakers have suffered has been covered often by me over this past season. During much of the glory years of the Lakers I heard plenty of commentary “I hate the Lakers” which is the PG version. I don‘t ever remember attaching Laker Hater to someone making critical remarks about my team.

I‘ve acknowledged the Heat as NBA Champions without getting excited about the accomplishment, I‘m not a fan of the team. Why must I be forced to be a fan because the Heat is your favorite team? I believe the Heat may or may not win the championship this year; they may or may not win in 2015-16. It’s my belief the 2015-16 season will conclude their championship run, I could be wrong but I could be correct.

This is an interesting take
It appears the NBA is not for everyone even 7-footers. Frank Kamisky had originally indicated he was an early entry candidate for the NBA; he removed his name and will return to Wisconsin for his senior year. Kamisky said; “The NBA looks boring” he went on to add additional detail further expanding his belief. He’s not going to read this however I wish I could say this short statement. “Frank despite what you might perceive the best basketball (boring or not) is still played in the NBA.”

Help wanted!
In the “not surprise” news Rick Adelman will not return to coach the Wolves. His wife is ill and it was reported several weeks ago he might retire. Also in the “not surprise” news the Knicks terminated Coach Mike Woodson. As Phil Jackson stated one person cannot be blamed for the Knicks season. He’s correct; unfortunately the finger is always pointed at the coach. In “surprise” news Ty Corbin will not return as coach of the Jazz, those of us outside of Utah heard no rumblings.

Perhaps the 25-57 season may have been the basis for Corbin wanting out. As for the Lakers everything is quiet so far, I titled the moves not surprise and surprise. I must add “shocked and surprised” if D’Antoni opens training camp in the fall. ADDENDUM: I wrote of the Lakers coach prior to his resignation. I cannot really consider Mark Jackson being fired a surprise. Rumors had been circulating since January he was on the hot seat.