Friday, February 6, 2015

There is a distinction between lack of talent and lack of effort!
-------Larry Laker

714 home runs was a significant number established by Yankee great Babe Ruth. He hit that final home run in 1935. The record remained until May 1974 when the Braves Hank Aaron hit number 715. The LeBron led Heat didn’t exceed the 33 game win streak of the Lakers but came close in 2013 with 27. 600 is not a record because the number should be exceeded in two days. This Words eye edition is the 600th publication since it was first begun.

Thank you for continuing to read about basketball written from a fans perspective, I couldn’t have accomplished this feat without loyal and dedicated readers. As I’ve often stated I’ve never believed my opinion is the only one out there and the only valid one. At the same time I enjoy researching the history of the game I believe many are unaware of the historical ramifications of the game. Thank you, thank you and if you enjoy pass Words on to your friends, family and acquaintances who love basketball.

Surprise, surprise
Unlike TV’s Gomer Pyle this was no surprise. Stories have circulated for awhile the Magic intended to terminate the contract of head coach Jacque Vaughn. Several news agencies are reporting it was done on Thursday. Vaughn was on the staff of Gregg Popovich for years so he had plenty of time to prepare for the role of head coach. We are unable to determine at this stage if Vaughn is head coach material, perhaps he’ll get another opportunity somewhere.

Love versus Wiggins
ESPN wanted to take note of Kevin Love’s first visit to Minnesota as the enemy. If I was forced to vote which team gained the most from the trade currently I’d say it’s even. If you remember Love had indicated since last season he wanted out of the Twin Cities. After LeBron James signed with the Cavs he placed the general managers hat on and “indicated he’d like the Cavs to acquire Love.” The Wolves were not going to allow Love to simply walk as free agent they wanted compensation in return. The compensation turned out to be Andrew Wiggins. If we are to determine which team gained an advantage let’s consider age first Andrew Wiggins is 19 years old while Love turned 26 last fall the advantage must be in the Wolves favor. As for the balance of the intangibles I believe the two teams are even.

Love has scored at a 17 point a game clip while snatching down 10 rebounds, as for Wiggins he’s at nearly 16 points a game 4 rebounds and nearly 2 assists a game. With the Bucks Jabari Parker sidelined with an injury it’s like the 6-8 Wiggins will be named Rookie of the Year. The Wolves Andrew Wiggins is clearly the leader for NBA Rookie of the Year. You remember me; I’m the guy who pronounced Jabari Parker the winner. Parker then went out and injured himself, he may have done it on purpose to prove me wrong. As this is written Wiggins has scored in double figures in 21 consecutive games pretty darn good for a rookie. The Cavs are certainly better than the Wolves at this point but will it remain so? A studio host said; “Who would the Cavs prefer to have Wiggins or Love for the next 15 years?”

He’s the reason
There have been other athletes prior to Mike Conley Jr., those whom I misjudged their ability. I believed Conley Jr. was not ready for the NBA after but one year of college play. My eyes (and NBA scouts) were focused on his Ohio State teammate Greg Oden. Oden possessed all the skills that appeared lacking in Conley Jr. It didn’t hurt that Oden stood 7 feet tall and was a solid 250 pounds of muscle. One scout even went so far as to compare his game to that of the legendary Bill Russell.

We know the balance of the Oden story continuing injuries have forced him to the sidelines he is no longer in the league. As for Conley Jr. his game and skill as a points guard continue to develop. Note I’ve borrowed the Dan Patrick for this new generation of guards who develop as much skill shooting as distributing the basketball. Conley Jr. is in his 8th year in the NBA and no one will ever mistake him for Derrick Rose or Chris Paul. He’s not flashy but manages to get the job done for his Grizzlies team who this year is at the top of the NBA.

Bits n Pieces
I’ve learned the Heat will have no advantage in signing Hassan Whiteside in 2016, I won’t go into complete detail just follow this brief explanation. Most times a host team can reward its free agent at a greater sum than teams bidding for that player services. The contract Whiteside signed with the Heat and the two years playing for the Kings brought about this strange and unusual occurrence.

Jordan Hill hinted he would have left if the Lakers had kept Mike D’Antoni. Despite the down year the team is experiencing Hill was having a career year. A hip injury will keep him out of the lineup for the next two weeks. The numbers are not eye-popping however Jordan was expected to play defense, rebound and block shots. He’s scoring 12.3 points and grabbing 8 rebounds a game.

Friends and acquaintances say I should turn off sports talk radio and maybe they are correct. Yesterday the host (and one of the station owners) made an incredibly stupid proclamation. This host said; “Lon Kruger (Oklahoma coach) is satisfied finishing behind the Kansas Jayhawks every season. His teams are successful enough he makes the NCAA every season.” How could this host twist his lips to state a coach of any team would be satisfied with a second place finish?

An addendum to the above, one more sign of the forthcoming Apocalypse I agree with Skip Bayless. In his point-counterpoint debate with Stephen A. Smith he made the following statement which I’ll paraphrase. He said; “Russell Westbrook is a talent however he’s unsure if the Thunder can win with him vying for shots with Kevin Durant.” Its not lack of talent for either it appears point guard Westbrook wants to lead the team in assists and scoring.