Friday, May 29, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective

The stage is set
We are set, LeBron’s Cavs versus Steph’s Warriors playing for the 2015 NBA Championship crown. I’m not sure which team has come further the Cavs or the Warriors. Consider this fact the Cavs went into the toilet after LeBron left for South Beach, since his return they have returned to the top at least playing for an NBA Championship. The figures below only reflect averages.  The last time the Warriors last appeared in an NBA Finals was 1975. 

Warrior fans attending the game filled their vehicle with gasoline and paid 57 cents a gallon.
They drove to the game in a ‘75 vehicle that was purchased for $3,800.00. Al Gore hadn’t invented the internet yet so rather than call your buddy on the phone you mailed him a letter.  You paid 10 cents for the stamp you attached to the letter. It might be easier for you to remember back to the 2007 series and provide names for the Cavs-Spurs. Can you name any participant in the 1975 NBA series for the Warriors or the Bullets (Wizards)?

NBA officiating deserves a boo today, we cannot determine intent. The Hawks Al Horford is tangled with the Cavs Matthew Dellavedova and both fall to the floor. Horford “appears” to elbow Dellavedova, Horford is given a technical foul two and is ejected from the game later it was determined Horford would not be suspended. The Rockets Dwight Howard gets tangled with the Warriors Andrew Bogut. Howard lands a glancing blow on Bogut however he remains in the game. He too would not miss any time as the NBA decided to not suspend him. I realize if you didn’t see either game my description probably doesn’t provide enough insight for you to make a judgement. My concern is equal justice across the line which I don’t believe was done by the NBA in both occurances.

Shout out
This is a shout out for the Cleveland Cavaliers and especially LeBron James. There is a belief in some circles I despise LeBron James which is far from the truth. He certainly should be commended for leading his team to the Eastern Conference Championship. At this point we have no idea if the Cavs win the 2015 NBA Championship. It’s amazing to date no Kevin Love, Kyrie Irving playing on one leg and the Cavs still win thanks largely to LeBron. He provided the leadership, scoring and assists but had help. Tristan Thompson, Iman Shumpert and J.R. Smith all contributed to the teams’ success to date. I almost forgot the team’s “pit bull” Matthew Dellavedova; he provided a vital spark off the bench offensively and defensively.

I didn’t forget
On Wednesday I wrote of NBA owners always good for a quote or seeking the glare of publicity. I left two owners off the list because they don’t seek attention but would have difficulty defending their record as owners. James Dolan remember him, Knicks, Liberty, MSG and Cablevision owner. It was reported a season ticket holder complained to Dolan about the poor record of the Knicks. Dolan’s response; “You should become a fan of the Nets.” Time and space will not permit the litany of mistakes however we can say Isiah Thomas and leave it there.

On the west coach its Jimmy Buss who is pulling the strings for the Lakers. Deciding between a re-hire of Phil Jackson Buss chose Mike Brown, we know where that went. He compounded his management style by signing off on Mike “No D” Antoni. In the case of Buss we do have a deadline; he claimed he’d turn over operations of the team to sister Jeannie Buss if he couldn’t turn the team around in three years. We are now in year two of the “Jimmy Plan” let’s see if he’s a man of his word.

St. Louis
As I’ve mentioned previously the best high school talent comes from the east side of the state. As a life-long resident of Kansas City this is bothersome on a number of levels. A local sports radio host contends Mizzou has failed to adequately recruit St. Louis, he‘s not completely correct. Mizzou has recruited St. Louis talent however the prospects left the state rather than chose Mizzou as their destination. Just a few talents, Ben McLemore Kansas (St. Louis), Otto Porter Georgetown (St. Louis) Bradley Beal (St. Louis) and Larry Hughes St Louis University (St. Louis)

Simply hiring an assistant coach with St. Louis connections is not going to address the problem but it certainly can’t hurt especially if he can recruit. Mizzou hired Corey Tate earlier this month, he played at Mizzou during the same time period head coach Kim Anderson served as an assistant. The last 11 years Tate’s coached Mineral Area College a two year institution in Park Hills (MO) about 70 miles south of St. Louis. As for his St. Louis connections he serves as coach of a St. Louis area AAU team a role he must relinquish in June.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective

Let’s re-visit an old story, should we presume there will be a summit conference soon? A meeting might be in order to divide boundaries between the two. In this instance I’m not speaking of a world leaders meeting I’m referring to Isiah Thomas soon to become President of the Liberty (?) and Phil Jackson President of the Knicks. James Dolan owns both teams plus Madison Square Garden and Cablevision. We recognize Thomas has far more knowledge on men’s basketball than the women’s game. Its likely PJ has probably had little if any input on workings of the Liberty. Will the same scenario play out with Thomas?

Although there still may have been controversy hiring Thomas for a position with the Knicks it would have been a far different story. Stephen A. Smith defending Thomas claimed “he wasn’t guilty of anything.” Smith is only partially correct although he was included as part of the lawsuit he was not found guilty in the final judgment. I’d like to pose this question to Smith since neither of us has a law degree. Guilty or not as president of the Knicks “his company was responsible for creating a hostile work environment.” I placed a question mark behind president of the Liberty, the WNBA must vote to affirm Thomas.

Bits n Pieces
Conspiracy theorists are questioning how the Lakers received the number two pick in the 2015 draft. I can hear them loudly proclaim; “The fix must be in they (whoever they are) want the Lakers to become good again.” Funny we didn’t hear from these same folks four years ago when the Lakers acquired Chris Paul. You remember they traded for Paul then a member of the Hornets (Pelicans) and the commissioner voided the trade. David Stern claimed he “vetoed the trade in the best interest of the NBA.” Paul would have teamed with Kobe Bryant, Paul Gasol and Ron Artest.

The other day I mentioned ESPN’s Mike Greenberg proposal to “fix” the NBA Draft. Instead of the Wolves receiving the number one pick under his proposal that pick would be awarded to either the Thunder or Pacers. Greenberg’s fix is to award the number one choice to the top team failing to qualify for the playoffs. The Thunder won 45 games barely missing the playoffs while the Wolves only won 16 games. Before he offers to fix the NBA Draft maybe he should delve into its history to understand why the lottery was implemented in the first place.

I’ve been viewing the weekend baseball series between the Royals and the Cardinals of St. Louis and I had a thought. In a perfect world Kansas City and St. Louis both would have NBA teams; the two cities are located a short 249 miles apart and would be perfect rivals. No rivalry really exists currently in baseball the Royals and Cardinals play in two different leagues in football its two different conferences (AFC and NFC). In basketball it’s likely they would compete in the same conference of the same division. Just a thought, thanks for taking the time to indulge my fantasy.

I wonder if it’s true about Bulls management. Reports are circulating everywhere they are waiting for all the coaching positions to be filled and then fire Tom Thibodeau. We’ve know for quite awhile Thibodeau was a “dead man walking” but this might be a new low for the Bulls if true. I guess if you ask Phil Jackson to leave after winning championships Thibodeau doesn’t stand much of a chance to remain head coach.

Stephen A.
Sometimes commentary of Stephen A. Smith requires more than a simple response, I promise this to be the last. Smith of ESPN and Knicks fan appeared to explode with rage regarding the NBA Draft Lottery. Smith might give us the impression Duke’s Jahlil Okafor and Kentucky’s Karl-Anthony Towns were the only two talents eligible for the 2015 draft. “His” Knicks landing in fourth place in the lottery will likely miss the opportunity to draft either player. Hey Stephen A. the NBA Draft as in the past will contains more than just two players. I’ve only seen Emmanuel Mudiay in clips however Larry Brown at SMU claims “He’s the most talented player for his age I’ve ever seen.” A firm statement by a 74-year old basketball coach. Brown certainly has seen his share of basketball talent over the course of his playing and coaching career.

How about DeAngelo Russell from Ohio State also 6-5 and he a point guard too. Also available is Justise Winslow who came on strong for Duke this past season. Much of the success this past season for Wisconsin was attributed to 6-9 small forward Sam Dekker. How about the potential defensive prowess of Willie Cauley-Stein, he comes into the draft after his junior year. These are but a few of the athletes who could wear the jersey of the Knicks if they choose to draft one of them in the four spot. It’s not the end of the world as Smith would have us believe there is talent aplenty to be chosen. There is no prediction of future success for either the Wolves or the Lakers of their picks having a successful NBA career.

A number of sports owners could walk in the door and we wouldn’t recognize them. They prefer to remain in the background and allow personnel who work for them liberty of directions. On the other hand there are owners who seem to always be in the news. Is it ego driven we are not sure but I shared this story previously. At the time Charles Finley owned the A’s in Kansas City he once said; “The O in my middle name stands for owner.” You know them; they often become a portion of the story rather than the story itself. Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is a member of this team, in addition there are several in the NBA.
Remember the Mavs owner declaring his team was better than the Rockets? 

Mark Cuban said; “There offense is predictable although James Harden is a good player.” We know the results of the series, Rockets win. Cuban later tweeted “I was in error and congratulated the Rockets.” Cavs owner Sam Gilbert may have turned in his membership. After LeBron James returned his quotes have been conspicuously absent in the news in recent months. Ted Stepian owned the Cavs from 1981-83 and was beyond a doubt one of the worst owners in sports and NBA history. His headlines are far too many to include in this short account. I could say one positive the Lakers owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Stepian. His team always terrible negotiated a trade with the Lakers for a draft choice. The Cavs would receive the number one pick and which became Laker great James “Big Game” Worthy.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective

People of the now
David Letterman retired from his late night talk show after 30+ years. His retirement prompted reflections from many regarding Letterman’s greatness. Listen to the words of Tony Kornheiser co-host of Pardon the Interruption and Letterman’s age said; “We are a people of the now. He went on the state; “In 20 or 30 years much of the same type of admiration showered on Letterman will be granted Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon.” After his recent boxing match in which Floyd Mayweather defeated Manny Pacquiao pronounced himself “better than Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson.” 

Whether its bravado or age Mayweather believes his statement.  As for Kornheiser he didn’t deny the talent of LeBron James but pronounced Wilt Chamberlain the best basketball player he’d ever seen. Kornheister is 66 years old, Stephen A. Smith is 47 years old a product of the Michael Jordan/LeBron James generation. Smith and others  near his age or younger only know what they read, video fails to give Chamberlain or anyone else of the period justice. There is absolutely nothing wrong with referring to LeBron James as the world’s best but keep in mind other talented players preceeded him. Do think I’m picking on LeBron the same goes for Kobe.

His choice?
Once upon time 6-6 small forward and 4-star prospect Tevin Mack was headed to VCU, he was headed there until Shaka Smart took the job at Texas. Mack de-committed and opened the recruitment process all over. This South Carolina native indicates he’s reduced his choice of schools to Georgia and Texas. This is written prior to his Tuesday afternoon announcement on a destination, where do you suppose he’s headed to school?

Mack’s home state of South Carolina shares a portion of its border with Georgia one of his possible destinations. If I were a betting person I’d say Mack is headed to Texas, we shall see the outcome shortly. NOTE: Trust me, I know every time folks say trust me you immediately become suspicious. I wrote the foundation of this article this morning. I checked the net about 3:15 p.m. Central Time and discovered Mack committed to Texas.

Exceeded expectations
The NBA announced its 2015 NBA Rookie teams. At the beginning of the season you may have penciled in Andrew Wiggins name despite being traded. I would have included my personal choice for Rookie of the Year Jabari Parker. Of course we know he went down with a season ending injury in December and certainly could not be included. The first team is Wiggins and includes Nikola Mirotic, Nerlens Noel, and Elfrid Payton. Certainly not expected to be selected was 2nd round draft pick Jordan Clarkson.

Clarkson was behind Steve Nash, Jeremy Lin and Ronnie Price on the depth chart at the beginning of the season. Injuries allowed Clarkson in January to move into the starting lineup. He finished the season scoring nearly 12 points a game while dishing out nearly 4 assists. Clarkson was the one bright star in an otherwise dreary Laker season. It’s unclear if the Lakers intend for Clarkson to remain at the point or move over to the two guard slot. This is no declaration of a stellar NBA career however it does point out a second round choice can have a livelihood in the NBA. Laker GM Mitch Kupchak believes the Lakers “can get better quickly.” Bet Clarkson will be one of those guys to make them better.

Further proof
You might want to check a story written on May 13, I pointed out it was the coach and not the school that is often the driving force in recruiting players. Noah Dickerson a 6-8 245 power forward committed to Florida until. Dickerson was listed as Rivals number 81 in the Class of 2015 and was on his was to play for Billy Donovan. Of course we are aware Donovan left the Gators for the NBA Thunder. Dickerson changed his mind; he asked and received his release from Florida. Now the recruitment process begins over again.

This side of the state only
The only reason we are discussing the Mizzou-Kansas rivalry is for an update. An acquaintance of mine (a KU fan) informed me emphatically Kansas had no interest in playing Mizzou ever again. I was ready to leave the subject alone however Mizzou’s new athletic director believes he can re-start this 100 year rivalry. Mizzou’s AD has contacted his counterpart on the Kansas side to discuss renewing the series. 

I’m unsure if I mentioned this but the rivalry might exist on the Kansas-Missouri border only.
Recently I listened to the question posed to a St. Louis sports radio host. He said; “In football of course, basketball is another story.” Of course he was referring to the poor play of Kansas football compared to its basketball program. It’s been mentioned previously the deficient Mizzou basketball record of this past season. St. Louis is a distant 300 mile drive to Lawrence (KS), for us in Kansas City (MO) it’s less than 50 miles.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective

Academics and basketball
The NCAA applauded two universities for its athlete’s academic work in the classroom. Duke one of the two schools’ mentioned was not surprising. The other school might have caused shock waves across the country, the second Kentucky. Anybody besides me remember a few years back former Coach Bobby Knight and television analyst stated; “Kentucky players were only attending classes during the fall semester.” Knight had been critical of the school based on the number of one and done players emerging from Kentucky. Later it was proven Knight’s comments were off-base and lacked merit. We live in a world where cheating occurs don’t misunderstand my take. Knight and anyone else needs to check their sources before announcing an outcome.

The NBA Lottery
Leading up to Tuesday evening it was my belief the Lakers would land in a spot that would leave them either Emmanuel Mudiay or DeAngelo Russell. I had little belief they would lose the pick to the 76ers based on the Steve Nash trade. The point guards might yet become Lakers and I would be okay however I doubt it will occur at this juncture. After the terrible season the Lakers experienced the ping-pong balls bounced in the Lakers favor and they were awarded the second pick in the 2015 NBA Draft. So its likely it will be either 6-11 265 pound Jahlil Okafor or 7 foot 250 pound Karl-Anthony Towns.  

Doesn’t matter which of the two is actually picked in the June draft I have no visions of them dominating play in their rookie year. It takes a big man more time to adjust to play at the NBA level.  The Lakers will also have the 27th pick in the first round and the fourth pick in the second round. The return of rookie Julius Randle and second year man Jordan Clarkson you might envision why Laker fans are so optimistic. At the same time the Lakers will be an extremely young team, other than the 76ers they might be the second youngest in the league. 37-year old Kobe Bryant will return however expect him to be more a teacher than a shooter. We haven‘t taken into consideration the prospect of free agency which changes the landscape considerably next season. I ain’t saying an NBA Championship but it could be the playoffs (hopefully).

If you believe the old story Kobe ran Shaq out of town, Kobe was reported to have been upset with Shaq’s work ethic. In essence the ego of these Laker teammates boiled over and one had to leave town. Believe it or not teammates butting heads might be more common than many of us might think. This was evident after the Clippers and Bulls were eliminated from the playoffs stories of turmoil in the locker room surfaced. The Clippers DeAndre Jordan and Blake Griffin were reported to have problems with Chris Paul. It was reported Paul was upset with Jordan’s poor free-throw shooting (40%) and the fact that Jordan didn’t work at improving it. As for Griffin it was simply Paul barking at him regularly.

In Chicago the report was “passive-aggressive.” That’s the term used by Derrick Rose when describing his relationship with teammate Jimmy Butler. The Bulls appeared to offer Butler more shots from the floor over Rose. Consider this fact DeAndre Jordan and Jimmy Butler will become both free agents this summer. At this point in time we have no idea if one or both walk away from their respective teams. In addition we really don’t know the accuracy of these reports. This we know given a summer break the volcano’s in Los Angeles and Chicago may subside and Jordan remains with the Clippers. As for Blake he’s under contract unless he’s traded he’s there too. In Chicago Rose will make adjustments to his game in order to accommodate the talent of both he and teammate Butler.

Speaking of the lottery
I listen to Stephen A. Smith of ESPN, on occasion I have agreed with him on his basketball observations. This is one of those occasions he appears extremely juvenile and small-minded. Example the recently completed 2015 lottery offered one more opportunity for Smith to criticize Phil Jackson. Stephen A. I got news for you; the Knicks were a bad team (37-45) before PJ arrived. Did you really expect him to fix the Knicks in one short season? You questioned the player moves during this season and even criticized him for not accomplishing duties as president. The mess the Knicks have become did not occur in one year, the number one pick wouldn’t have made them a championship contender. I’m sure the studio crew had to turn down your mike as you continued to elevate your voice sharply. You loudly complained about the two game winning streak at the end of the season.

In the next sentence you discuss “tanking” and I suppose if the Knicks had admitted it you would be at the front of the line criticizing them for losing on purpose. The number four pick for the Knicks could be Emmanuel Mudiay or DeAngelo Russell two players the scouts rate considerably high. How bout this little tidbit just gaining the number one position or even two is guarantee of future success. Oh while I’m at it “your brother from another mother” is complacent as well. I’m referring to Mike Greenberg, he doesn’t like the structure of the NBA Lottery and has proposed the ’Greenberg fix” for it. The only problem he can’t get any guest on his program attached to the NBA person to agree with him. He asked former coach and ESPN analyst P.J. Carlesimo if the lottery needed change. Don’t get me wrong if those connected directly with the NBA propose a change I’ll buy into it. Needless to say Carlesimo didn’t agree with him on change.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective

L.A. Story

L.A. Story the title of a 1991 movie starring Steve Martin and a cast of thousands. If you didn’t see the movie briefly it told the story of a TV weatherman (Martin) and a highway billboard sign that talked to him alone guiding his decisions. No talking billboard only Clippers Coach Doc Rivers talking to himself after his teams’ loss in game 7 against the Rockets. A number in the media claim the coach was only part of the problem. I disagree Doc has got to be 60-75% of the problem. The coach was hired on the basis of producing a championship team in Boston. You now have a unique distinction, you are the first coach in NBA history to lose a series after leading 3-1. Allow me to return briefly to the past, Doc you inherited a playoff team from Vinny Del Negro. The Clippers won 56 games under Del Negro which would clearly indicate they were a good team maybe lacking direction among other issues. The Del Negro Clippers in 2012-13 made the playoffs but lost in the first round.

Doc’s 2013-14 team won 57 games but lost in the conference semi-finals. This year’s team won 56 games but lost once again in the semis. It was clear to many the Clippers needed increased production from the bench. Rivers solution as general manager was to engineer a trade for Austin Rivers. Unfortunately young Rivers proved why he was a reserve with the Pelicans providing little help, the jury is still out as to whether he is an NBA player. During the long NBA season a teams “warts” can be disguised in the playoffs it’s a far different story. In conclusion Staples Center was built specifically for the Lakers the Clippers became tenants after the fact. With that said you were the only coach who decided to cover Laker banners during Clipper games. Did you really believe just covering them would allow you team to play championship basketball? 

Lakers 16 championships, Clippers 0

Conspiracy theorist
You might believe I hate Mike Greenberg of Mike & Mike, it’s really not true. My issue is he often generates conversation which don’t make a great deal of sense. As I’ve often state with media people I’m unsure if the opinions actually belong to them or an effort to solicit viewers or a call-in response. An example, the NBA Draft Lottery was held last night.

Tuesday morning Greenberg calls a former NBA coach on the telephone and says; “teams lose on purpose in order to gain more balls in the lottery.” That’s not exactly his statement but close. Fortunately this former coach dispels his statement completely. “He said (and I paraphrase) other than possibly the 76ers who loses on purpose. There is no guarantee you will improve your draft position. As the NBA season nears an end it’s difficult for a coach to inspire a losing team.” Sorry Greenberg you need to put this theory to sleep.

Never afraid
Phil Jackson president of the Knicks will forever remain the guy who “marches to the beat of his own drum.” He’s never been afraid to provide us his view of the basketball world. Once upon a time P.J. used the media to dispense his words of wisdom now he uses social media an example. Recently he tweeted criticism of jump shooting teams a reference probably aimed at the Warriors. Naturally the media jumped all over this tweet considering the Knicks horrendous 17-65 record this past season.

It doesn’t end there earlier P.J. had tweeted his dissapointment in the teams play. He ended it by stating he believed the Knicks were not that far from being a good team with a choice lottery pick. Again this tweet solicited plenty of negative commentary from the media and especially Knick fans. I believe there is no wasted effort in anything P.J. does, he always has a purpose with his commentary. This is a gigantic experiment on owner James Dolan, P.J. has never ever been in this position, building a team.

In the shadow no longer
Gregg Marshall coached in the shadow of Bill Self and Kansas basketball. Self has a national reputation and Kansas competes in the Big 12. As for Marshall he coaches at Wichita State in what many consider a mid-major the Missouri Valley Conference. Marshall had worked in relative obscurity even in the State of Kansas. In an earlier time Wichita State was one of the most successful programs in the Missouri Valley and had a national presence. Under a succession of coaches the school’s record was up and down until the arrival of Mark Turgeon. Wichita State tasted success under Turgeon however he departed in 2007 for Texas A&M.

Marshall’s 2007-08 Shocker team finished the season 11-20, his second year they were
17-17. From the 2009-10 season on it’s been nothing but a steady upward accession to the top of the Missouri Valley and establishing a national footprint. The last three years the Shockers have won nearly 100 games. Last season Marshall’s team was undefeated until they reached the NCAA tourney, they finished the season 35-1. I wrote last season I believed the best college basketball team in the State of Kansas was located in Wichita and not Lawrence. After the Shockers 76-65 win over their Kansas rivals it’s clear they may not be the best basketball team in the nation but they certainly are in Kansas.

Monday, May 18, 2015

The William Shatner Star Trek movie and the villain Khan played by the late Ricardo Montalban. Khan had vowed revenge against Captain Kirk and the line he uttered in the movie is classic. 1. “Revenge is a dish best served cold.-suggesting that emotional detachment and planning (“cold blooded“) are best for taking revenge.” Who is planning on taking revenge you might ask, how about the Kansas Jayhawks.

The conference challenge next season has the SEC matched against the Big 12. This sets up a Kansas and Kentucky re-match. You might remember last season Kentucky totally destroyed Kansas 72-40 on a neutral court. This time they get Kentucky at their home Allen Fieldhouse, should we suppose the results might be somewhat different this time.

1 Yahoo

I hope this doesn’t sound as if I’m a hater; I apologized earlier to the Clippers, Doc Rivers and Austin. Last week I wrote the fat lady was tuning up; the Clippers held a 3-1 lead over the Rockets. I changed a line in the story before publication since the Clippers won making a 3-2 lead. I went to bed on Thursday night with the Clippers holding a 19 point lead in the third quarter, imagine my shock when I checked the score on Friday. Final score Rockets 119 Clippers 107, the Rockets scored 40 points to the Clippers 15 in the fourth quarter. This is written Friday so I don’t know who won last night this I do know. I have less confidence now in the Clippers than I did last week. If the Clippers won I seriously doubt they can get pass the Warriors or the Grizzlies. .

If you thought you knew Allen Iverson you might have been mistaken. Prior to the Showtime documentary few if any people knew the “real” Allen Iverson. Iverson has been retired from the NBA for several years and why now ’m not sure why. Spoiler alert, I’m only going to detail one portion of the documentary. It told the story of how talented an athlete Iverson was, I’ve said it before and I will repeat it pound for pound Iverson may have been the toughest player to ever play in the NBA. His player profile indicates he stood 6 feet tall and weighed 165 pounds, if he’d been a boxer that would have made him a middleweight.

Iverson played as if he were a heavyweight or at least cruiserweight (200+ pounds). On the basketball court he feared no one no matter how tall or how much they weighed. Iverson was All-State in high school in two sports football and basketball; he may have been the best all-around athlete to come out of the State of Virginia. His height and weight say he should have been a point guard but his personality would not allow it, let’s just say he was a player. Pat Croce former 76er VP used another word he said; “We wanted Allen for one reason he was a warrior.”.

The chronicle continues
Thon Maker the 7-1 high school phenom made news once again, he’s reduced the number of schools he’s considering. The list includes Indiana, Kentucky, Kansas and Arizona State with none reported rated higher than another. Reports had surfaced Maker would follow the route of Emmanuel Mudiay and play overseas but that proved erroneous. Adding to the continuing confusion Maker is said to enrolling in school for the spring semester. This is the first of many unusual moves in his brief 18 years of age. Maker left South Sudan for Australia where he lived for a period of time. He then moved across the Pacific to the U.S. first to Louisiana and later Virginia. Last year he moved to Canada where he enrolled at the Athletic Institute in Metro Toronto.

Missing In Action
Rookie of the Year Jabari Parker was sidelined last December; he went down with an ACL injury and was lost to the Bucks for the season. Parker is expected to make a complete recovery so that is certainly good news. As for the Rookie of the Year Parker has not been accorded that honor that was Larry Laker checking the field and making the pronouncement before the season.

The 6-8 240 pound Parkers’ numbers were not eye-popping but given an entire season it’s likely they might have improved. All we need is to check the current Rookie of the Year Andrew Wiggins. Wiggins scored at a 16.9 ppg clip but in November when both were in action they were at nearly the same 12 ppg pace. The spotlight has shown brilliantly on Wiggins and that’s okay I maintain it may have shown just as bright on Parker if not for the injury.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Cloud of suspension
We often discuss legacy and its meaning, let’s check the dictionary. One of the definitions from says; “Anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.” That’s would certainly be North Carolina basketball with its rich history. Frank McGuire would win the 1957 NCAA Championship over a Wilt Chamberlain Kansas team. McGuire left in 1961 and was replaced by Dean Smith who would continue the legacy of Tarheel basketball. After Smith retired the long-time assistant Bill Guthridge (who died recently) guided the program for three years before retiring himself. He was replaced as coach by former player Matt Doherty but only lasted three seasons.

Roy Williams would become head coach in 2003. Big Blue Nation was in the heart of Williams having played and later graduated from the school. Williams served as an assistant coach on Dean Smith’s staff before heading west to become head coach at Kansas. Carolina continued winning with Williams as coach culminating in the 2005 and 2009 NCAA Championship. Without detailing individual instances news reports began circulating, stories of bogus classes and other improprieties at Carolina. Why is this this a concern you ask? Recruiting is being impacted by the academic investigation hanging over the program. Until the report is completed a cloud of suspension hangs over Tarheel basketball.

Stories continue to circulate the Bulls will dump Tom Thibodeau regardless of the playoff outcome. This guy is one of the best defensive minds going but he’s got one problem. This issue I’ve heard and read since his first year at the helm. Pat Riley was accused of running brutal practices and the Lakers eventually rebelled. They didn’t protest too loudly when Riley relinquished the coaching reins. With Thibodeau its not practice its in game, he’s been accused of playing Derrick Rose and others far too many minutes. Pat Riley certainly was a successful coach at the Lakers, Knicks and Heat. If Thibodeau is a “clone” of Riley maybe you take your chances if you are the Pelicans.

Like father like son---maybe
Earlier this spring we heard from LeBron James stating he wanted colleges to stop recruiting his 10-year old son. We are unsure if the same story exists for another son of a former player. This youngster wears the same jersey number of his dad 34. He’s not as tall or as heavy as his more famous dad he only “stands 6-8 “. At the same time he just finished play in his freshman year and is likely he‘s still growing at age 15.

I remember reading his father‘s bio and he stood about the same height his freshman year in high school. His name Shareef O’ Neal and he plays at Windward High School in Los Angeles. Of course his dad is Shaquille O’ Neal and even more interesting Shareef hits his free-throws. Naturally with any youngster this certainly no declaration of a college or NBA career just an interesting story on the another son of an NBA player.

Better in the NBA

Better in the NBA
A number of players have been better suited for the association than college. It might be the teams’ offensive scheme or maybe it’s the coach. You may have heard the statement; “Who was responsible for holding Michael Jordan under 20 points“, the answer his coach Dean Smith. Of course Jordan was blessed with talent at North Carolina he raised that play to a new level once he began play for the Bulls. The same statement could be made regarding Victor Oladipo at Indiana. Cody Zeller was the “big man” on that Indiana team. This is not intended as a criticism of Zeller to date who’s had the better NBA career Zeller or Victor Oladipo? Oladipo’s athleticism and skill have blossomed for the Magic.

Some might remember the conversation I mentioned with one of the barbers in the shop last year. He’s a big Kansas fan and said to me; “Andrew Wiggins is playing to not get hurt.” Was that truly the case or did Bill Self’s offense collar his game? Again Wiggins arrived in Lawrence a one of the most talented freshman in the nation. The problem was he didn’t always exhibit that in his one season at Kansas. If he’d remained with the Cavs would he named 2015 NBA Rookie of the Year? Damian Lillard might have arrived in the NBA with a chip on his shoulder. Arriving from Weber State he said he felt disrespected, in any event his 3 year numbers for the Blazers are higher than those registered at Weber State.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

“Hired to be fired! “
Those of you older might be familiar with the headline. It refers to the fact that managers and coaches in all sports are hired to be fired. Cavs Coach David Blattt might be fired because there might be problems with LeBron. Bulls Coach David Thibodeau has been rumored on the hot seat since the beginning of the season. Question do you fire a guy who might lead your team to the NBA Championship? You can if you are the Bulls who have history of terminating coaches-----remember a guy by the name of Phil Jackson?

Monty Williams actually did get fired by the Pelicans after five seasons. NBA analyst Tim Legler questions why now and I agree. Monty Williams is not the second coming of any front-line coach we might believe. Despite this fact he managed to lead his Pelican squad into the playoffs in the tough Western Conference. His team’s record was on an upward trend, last season it was 45 wins the year before 34. In 2012-13 the win total was 27. Pelicans owner Tom Benson must have a little known motive not fully elaborated.

Made me eat my words
The Clippers may not win an NBA Championship this season but they managed to shut me up. A number of you might remember I’ve written several disparaging columns regarding the Clippers in the past. To my surprise the series with the Rockets is over, they lead 3-2 (as this is written) and the fat lady is tuning up. I’m quite sure not a single Clippers player (including Austin Rivers) used Words eye view as a basis for raising their level of play. From this point on I’ll be careful writing anything negative regarding the Clippers.

Don’t’ kid yourself
Are you one of the folks that still believe it’s the school rather than the coach? Forget about responding it’s the coach, don’t believe me? The latest example might be Brandon Sampson Rivals number 42 who committed to St. John’s. Coach Steve Lavin and St. John’s agreed to part ways and you know what comes next. The 6-4 shooting guard from Baton Rogue decided it might be best to remain at home. He’s headed to LSU and will join Rivals number two prospect power forward Ben Simmons and number 13 prospect shooting guard Antonio Blakeley.

This might appear a problem Sampson and Blakeley play the same position. Bet Coach Johnny Jones and staff will manage to accommodate the talent of both. Expected to be foundations were sophomores Jarell Martin and Jordan Mickey who declared for the NBA Draft. Despite the loss of these players the incoming crop of talent should continue producing winning basketball for LSU. Is the trio plus returnees talented enough to give Kentucky a run for the SEC dominance?

NBA Draft Combine
I don’t follow the NFL to the degree I do the NBA, I believe its incumbent for NFL prospects to attend the draft combine. I’m unsure if the same situation exists for the NBA Draft Combine. Several of the likely lottery picks have indicated they do not plan on attending. This is not the first instance of potential lottery picks by-passing the combine. If you follow any mock draft sites the absentees are likely familiar to you. They are; Karl-Anthony Towns, Jahlil Okafor, Kristaps Porzingis, Mario Hezonja and Emmauel Mudiay. It’s highly likely the agents for these athletes have informed them “All indications are you are a lottery pick no need to risk injury during workouts. “

Speaking of the draft
The legend that will never fade away, I speak of Patrick Ewing and the bent card. For those who might be unaware of this course allow me to explain. On the ESPN NBA page I paraphrase; “30 years ago today (Tuesday) the NBA Lottery was held where the Knicks chose the card that allowed them to draft Patrick Ewing from Georgetown.” This is proof positive we are generations from the event yet the story will never ever go away. This is my view of that lottery, the Knicks an original NBA franchise had fallen on hard times. Several other teams had also suffered through poor seasons as well. If the Pacers, Clippers or Sonics had chosen “that” bent or frozen card the myth would never have existed.

That’s funny
Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich always with the last word. We recognize Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker are playing on very old legs and bodies. Khawi Leonard, Danny Green and Patty Mills and others are likely to return so the roster is not exactly decimated. We can speculate day and night but really have no idea the composition of the Spurs next season. If the three main stays return they will come back a year older. Popovich was questioned about 2015-16 in the post-game press conference. The coach said; "It's all psycho babble. I have no clue. We'll probably come back. Paycheck is pretty good. You think I‘m lying."

Monday, May 11, 2015

A follow up
Several might believe I was too tough on former Knicks Coach Isiah Thomas last Friday. I said at the beginning “everyone deserves a second chance,” that extends to Thomas as well. Knicks owner James Dolan is the person responsible for hiring Thomas as president of the WNBA Liberty. Dolan is responsible for much of backlash on this hiring he is guilty of being insensitive and certainly his decision was not fully thought out. We live in an age that says we cannot conduct business in the same old manner; there are repercussions even for a private business. I’d like to pose a further question; “Why is Dolan the only NBA owner willing to hire Thomas a Hall of Fame member in any capacity? “

They returned to graduate
We hear so much junk about college players leaving after their freshmen year. You’ve heard the same line I’ve heard; “They are not going to college for an education they are only going so they can declare for the NBA.” A portion of that statement might be correct but not completely there are always exceptions. Over the years a number of players have returned to college to secure a degree. All are not one and done a number played through their senior year but were hours short of a degree. Just this spring the Blazers Damian Lillard and former NBA veteran Derrick Coleman became the latest to receive undergraduate degrees. A number of present and former NBA players returned to gain their degree.

Vince Carter
Shaquille O’ Neal
Nate “Tiny” Archibald
Antawn Jamison
Damon Stoudamire
Jeff Green
Jerry Stackhouse
Juwan Howard
Michael Jordan
Don Nelson
Royal Ivey

This list of present and former players isn’t intended to be complete. There are a few who might have been omitted by chance.

I didn’t realize
You need to check out SEC Storied on ESPN, the program was titled Shaq & Dale, the documentary dealt with the relationship between Shaquille O’ Neal and his former coach at LSU Dale Brown. I’ll point out what I thought most interesting and didn’t realize. Coach said; “Hack-Shaq didn’t originate in the NBA it was at LSU. Shaq stated a fight during a game after he was fouled hard; naturally he was ejected and suspended for the next game. In his post-game conference Brown said; “If (SEC) doesn’t do something about fouling Shaquille I’m going to recommend to his parents he should head to the NBA.” Shaq also said; “The coach always had my back, I had two father figures the one who raised me and Coach Brown.”

Seismic shift
Okay maybe I’m exaggerating the significance of the announcement. The dictionary definition of seismic is; “Pertaining to, of the nature of, or caused by an earthquake or vibration of the earth, whether due to natural or artificial causes.” Well this wasn’t an earthquake however fo many Mizzou fans we might consider it in that category. Mizzou announced K.J. Walton a 6-3 shooting guard announced he’s decided to become a Tiger. This Rivals 4-star prospect made Mizzou his choice despite last season’s poor record that’s the most exciting portion of this announcement. In addition Mizzou secured the services of this Indiana native over Xavier, Indiana, Illinois State and several other schools.

The Glove II?
He's a point guard as well; he’s playing at the same school of his father. I’m referring to Gary Payton a.k.a. “The Glove. “ The Glove had a long and successful NBA career culminated with an NBA Championship. Once he arrived in the NBA in addition to scoring he became an expert defensive player hence the nickname “The Glove. “ Gary Payton II is exhibiting the same skills of his dad for the Oregon State Beavers.

GP II’s numbers 13.4 ppg, 7.5 rebounds and 3.2 assists per game, the numbers don’t provide us an indication of his defensive skill. GP II excels at ball thievery; he managed to lead the PAC-12 in steals for the 2014-15 season. If he makes it to the NBA he will not become “The Glove II” as his mother has already provided his nickname, she refers to to her son as “The Thief.”

They moved fast
At times news moves faster than expected, I’d written a story on the coaching hire for Florida. Mike White’s name was included along with several others believed under consideration. I had to discard the story since Florida announced the hire of White before I could publish my story. Who is Mike White many of you might ask? Louisiana Tech is his first head coaching job, he’s served there for the last four seasons. White is a youthful 38 years old so he should be able to relate to his players.

White’s first year (2011-12) they finished 18-16 since then it’s been all up hill. His last three teams have won 27, 29 and 27 games while competing in the post-season. Florida remains a football school thanks to Donovan the level of basketball has been raised considerably. In my view Florida is right up there with California, Texas and other states. There is considerable talent available so White should have no difficulty recruiting. Good luck coach.

Friday, May 8, 2015

To the surprise of no one Steph Curry was named 2014-15 NBA MVP. No time in recent memory have there been so many names tossed about for the honor. I have no argument against Curry but it seemed across the board there was a difference of opinion. Many in the media believed LeBron James deserved his 5th MVP award as he returned and led the Cavs into the playoffs. A number of others were saying no it belongs to last year’s winner Kevin Durant. Of course that talk changed when Durant succumbed to a season ending injury.

Who would step up for the Thunder in the absence of Durant? How bout Russell Westbrook. He recorded an unbelievable 23 triple-doubles during the season. We could add the name of James “The Beard” Harden. Harden who finished second in the voting became the go to guy for the Rockets. We may have believed in the past this was Howard’s team but not now. Harden has clearly come to the front of the class for the Rockets. We arrive at Anthony Davis the 6-10 Pelican power forward. Davis also had a breakout year; he extended his shooting rage out to the 3-point line. So there just one man’s view of the 2014-15 MVP race.

Everyone deserves a second opportunity even Isiah “Zeke” Thomas but is this latest hire the best move? I was curious to hear from him rather than depend on news sources. By now you are familiar James Dolan Knicks owner reached out and hired him to run the WNBA Liberty. The difficulty has always been separating the athlete Thomas from his front-office role. Thomas was a call-in guest on the Dan Patrick Show. After a brief few questions Patrick asked the question on most minds----the sexual harassment law suit. Thomas maintains he was innocent despite the court decision. He said; “I wished MSG had fought rather than settle the suit.” The judgment was rendered in 2007 so I researched the case to become acquainted with the facts again. The following is portions of the New York Times October 2, 2007 edition.

A jury ruled today that Isiah Thomas the coach of the New York Knicks, sexually harassed a former team executive and that Madison Square Garden, the owner of the team, improperly fired her for complaining about the unwanted advances. The jurors were not able to decide whether Ms. Browne Sanders should be paid damages by Mr. Thomas, so on that matter, the judge ruled a mistrial, a partial victory for the coach. Of that figure, ($11.6 million) $6 million was awarded because of the hostile work environment Mr. Thomas was found to have created, and $5.6 million because Ms. Browne Sanders was fired for complaining about it. Mr. Dolan’s share is $3 million; the Garden is liable for the rest.” Thomas is correct in a sense however I would hardly call him “innocent” the courts charged him with “creating a hostile work environment.”

NFL Draft
A local radio host was discussing the recent NFL draft, he was very critical indicating it was boring stretching it out over three nights. I haven’t read anything but he claimed viewer numbers were down as well. I wondered if anyone called in to compare the NBA draft to the NFL. On the surface it’s not a fair comparison, NFL teams must draft more players than an NBA team. In addition with only two rounds the NBA draft concludes before the 10:00 p.m. news. I was unable to locate any history of the draft however it appears the NBA has conducted its draft on television far longer than the NFL. Imagine an NBA draft and the number one and two prospects sitting at home. This particular scene played out in the recent NFL draft. The NFL has a larger fan base following and continues to be more popular than the NBA. My intent was to point out the NFL falls short in some areas.

Permission to laugh at me
Steve Nash and Dwight Howard arrived in Lakerland at nearly the same time. Naturally as a fan I was excited about the prospects of both playing alongside Kobe and Gasol.  I debated; “whose jersey should hang on my wall Howard’s number 12 or Nash‘s number 10?” I believed at the time and still do an older Nash would still bring more to the table than Howard. The decision was finalized I purchased jersey 10 which still hangs on my wall. It‘s a reminder to me what might have been with a healthy Nash playing alongside Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol.

We know why
I’ve discussed previously the number of NAIA, Division II and III athletes in the NBA have dwindled down to nothing. I read an article by Evin Demiral in Sheridan Hoops which shed light on the subject matter. “An influx of foreign players in the last 30 years is a big reason, says John McCarthy, director of the NAIA’s Division I Men’s Basketball National Championship.” That one factor alone is small by comparison to the lure of financial reward. During this same time-period a significant number of historically black colleges seeing the economic reward have decided in favor of competing at the Division I level. I hope this isn’t taken as a negative toward the addition of Euro players financial reward has been a key factor in many of the former historically black colleges moving to Division I.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What the --------
I have no difficulty if Knicks owner James Dolan considers Isiah Thomas a friend. I have no issue if he utilizes Zeke’s basketball knowledge on an unofficial basis. I do have a problem with Dolan hiring a man the court found guilty of sexual harassment. A man who received $11.6 million based on the court judgment. Thomas has become part owner and president of the WNBA’s New York Liberty. Several years ago owner Dolan attempted to return Thomas to the Knicks in an advisory role. The Knick fan base rose in opposition to the reported hire. Most of the opposition was not based on the sexual harassment law suit but the terrible job Thomas performed while president and coach of the Knicks. Oh well another strange move by James Dolan.

Metro Kansas City basketball fans are familiar with the Rush name. The oldest brother Jaron along with his brother Kareem led Pembroke School to multiple state championships. After graduation the 6-6 205 pound Jaron would attend UCLA but leave early declaring for the NBA draft. Although talented every NBA team passed on Jaron in the 2000 draft. Jaron would toil in the D-League however personal problems would derail his pro career. Jaron eventually returned to Kansas City never rising to the level many believed. His younger brother Kareem a 6-5 200 pound guard enrolled at Mizzou where he remained through his junior year. Kareem was the 20th pick in the 2002 by the Raptors but his rights were traded to the Lakers. Kareem would go to play for the Lakers and several other NBA teams before retiring in 2014. 

The youngest of the three Brandon played at Westport High School and Mount Zion Christian Academy. He enrolled at Kansas where he too remained through his junior season. 6-6 225 pound Brandon was the 13th pick in the first round of the 2008 NBA draft by the Blazers. Like his older brother his draft rights were traded to the Pacers. He’s played for two other NBA teams but is now on the roster of the Warriors. Now the first of the off-spring of the brothers is Shea the son of the eldest brother Jaron. Shea plays at Barstow a prep school in Kansas City. The son has similar build to that of his dad at 6-6 and 200 pound. The younger Rush was a key member of his Barstow team winning the 2015 Missouri State 3A Championship.

I guess I’m a hater
Often it’s difficult to admit a negative about you; I’ve come to that conclusion. I hate the Clippers, I hate the Yankees and I hate Jeff Van Gundy. Allow me to clarify hate is a strong word lets just say I strongly dislike. The Clippers and their Lob City proclamation a team that’s failed to win anything. They have never played for an NBA Championship in fact they have never played for a Western Division Championship. Hey Clippers win something and shut me up. The Yankees are not a championship team now but once upon a time.

The Yankees back in the day would beat my Royals like a drum especially in the
post-season. As for Van Gundy after the Thunder hired Billy Donovan Van Gundy’s name surfaced once again. Someone (don’t remember who) said; “Van Gundy’s still out there but he doesn’t want to leave television broadcasts.” Makes sense to me Van Gundy hasn’t coached since the Rockets fired him in 2007. He should remain in place annoying me and others who believe his basketball knowledge is overrated. If you are one who appreciates Van Gundy so be it.

Okay but what you say?
I attempt to write Words in common usage words, I have actually changed words thinking “that might sound too uppity.” The John Calipari sentence came across the bottom portion of my television screen and I thought what? The first portion of his sentence was easy, “If you ask me if I’m ever going to platoon again the answer is NO

Caliplari wrote on “Last season was an absolute outlier.” I hope you are familiar with outlier because I certainly wasn’t. contains five definitions for the word outlier. I believe Coach Cal is using; “Someone who stands apart from other of his or her group, as by differing behavior, beliefs, or religious practices.” Come on coach say what you mean to clear up possible confusion.

Give ‘em credit
Reading the above you realize I’m no fan of the Clippers. With that said allow me to congratulate them. No Chris Paul, playing on the road they performed a beat-down on the Rockets. As for the Rockets perhaps many of them believed “No Chris Paul” we can mail this one in.” The Rockets discovered regardless who is on the floor you must play 48 minutes of basketball Final score Clippers 117 Rockets 101. As for the evenings other action do you continue to question Kevin Love’s value to the Cavs?

Mike Miller’s 110 years old he can’t replace Love offensively or defensively. If you checked the final score (99-92) you might be led to believe the game was close it wasn’t. The Bulls are deep and with the return of Derrick Rose even better. At one point it seemed Pau Gasol hit 6 or 7 shots in a row. With this said I’m not calling either series yet for two reasons. The Clippers are not going very far with no Paul. Despite his rather average game LeBron will play better.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Who am I?
I’m the only man to play professionally in the NFL and NBA; I was a three sport star at the University of Minnesota. I played football, basketball and baseball for my alma mater. I was a member of the Minneapolis Lakers from 1949-51 and on the 1950 NBA Championship team. I went on to play for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1951-1952 as a defensive end and wide receiver. Later (1953-56) I was a receiver for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the Canadian Football League.

After my playing career concluded I became a coach with the Bombers before becoming head coach of the NFL Vikings. I served as head coach of the Vikings from 1967-1983, I returned in 1985 for one more season. I was coach of the team leading them to the Super Bowl. There are enough hints thrown out, see if you can figure out who I am. I’ll help you my name it might be backwards, it could be first name last your duty is to unscramble it.  

tnarg dub

Bio Wikipedia

The new and improved
My reference to the new and improved refers to Dwight Howard of the Rockets. I admit I’ve been highly critical of Howard in the past, a portion due to him “walking” away from my team (Lakers). His free-throw percentage is still terrible but other portions of his game have improved since his almost season long injury. Maybe we just misunderstood Howard perhaps he never wanted to be the Alpha Dog with the Lakers or Rockets.

An injury kept him out of the lineup for a major portion of the regular season. Would he be the same player when he returned? Would he adjust to the offense running through “The Beard”? Well Howard managed to surprise me (and others) especially in their series against the Mavs. He averaged a low 16.6 ppg while grabbing nearly 14 rebounds along with 3 block shots. Despite his early Superman persona with the Magic perhaps its okay for him to play second fiddle as long as he wins.

Bud Grant, long-time coach of the NFL Vikings. Grant remains one of a few athletes to play professionally in two different sports.

Brown’s coaching tree
We hear all the time about the Spurs Gregg Popovich’s coaching tree. A further reminder was provided at the time Hawks Coach Mike Budenholzer was named NBA Coach of the Year. I checked and Larry Brown currently coaching SMU also has an extensive coaching tree. Truth is Popovich actually served one-year as an unpaid assistant while Brown was head coach at Kansas. Below is a partial list of assistants who served as head coaches or in a team’s front office. The list is comprised of Brown’s former players or coaching assistants it’s likely I missed names but you get the idea.

Alvin Gentry - Current assistant, ex-head coach
R.C. Buford - Spurs general manager
Gregg Popovich - Spurs coach
John Calipari - Kentucky head coach
Mark Turgeon - Maryland head coach
Tad Boyle - Colorado head coach
Danny Manning - Wake Forest head coach
Mike Woodson - Ex-Hawks coach
Kevin Pritchard - Former interim coach/general manager Blazers

The ESPN headline read; “Austin Rivers still stuck in dad’s shadow”. I thought for a moment what has he accomplished to escape his father’s shadow? Before you decide I’m a hater I don’t dislike him I resent the fact he’s not very good. I resent the fact if not for his dad he might be in the D-League or somewhere else. How did we arrive at this point you might ask? After an outstanding high school career young Rivers enrolled at Duke. Rivers averaged nearly 16 ppg shooting .433 from the floor then declared for the NBA after his freshman season. Rivers would be drafted by the Hornets/Pelicans but in nearly three years in New Orleans he spent most of his time in a reserve role.

January 2015 Doc Rivers replaced his coaching hat with his president of basketball operations hat. The younger Rivers had been traded to the Celtics but never had an opportunity to suit up in a green jersey; three days after the trade president of basketball operations acquire Rivers for the Clippers. Sound a little like nepotism; I’ve never forgotten an NBA scout’s assessment of Rivers prior to the NBA Draft. The scout said; “He (Rivers) thinks he’s Kobe Bryant”. Someone might state Rivers view of himself expresses tremendous confidence on his part. I can agree with that view however it’s time for Rivers to prove he belongs in the NBA and not merely “hanging on” due to his coach/dad.

I’m curious
One by one the prospects in the Class of 2015 have made their decisions known. There are 150 prospects on Rivals list, as this is written only six remain uncommitted not counting Thon Make, he‘s the number 9 prospect. If you remember his story Maker was counted as a Class of 2016 prospect but reclassified to 2015. Even more interesting Maker’s list consists of 18 schools. We’d figure by early May he would have trimmed the list to a manageable number. Even stranger Maker has failed to visit a single school on his list according to all the information I could uncover. Maker is not listed on ESPNU’s Top 100 list, my guess Maker spent this past season playing in Canada.

Bits n Pieces
I’m borrowing this I didn’t originate it but thought it worthy enough to be shared. The statement was made in defense of former Thunder Coach Scott Brooks. “If Sam Presti (Thunder GM) is so smart why did he trade James Harden?” Harden remains MVP with a number of folks but will not win the honor.

It appears the NBA is going to seriously discuss eliminating Hack-a-Shaq. We realize coaches are only using the rules in place but the games become become difficult to watch. Dwight Howard, Josh Smith and Rajon Rondo are just a few of the players the Hack a rule has been used against.

This could be considered a coup d’état for Cal and Coach Cuzono Martin. They managed to secure the commitment of 5-star and Rivals number three prospect Jaylen Brown. The 6-7 200 pound wing passed on North Carolina, Kansas, Kentucky, Arizona and Ohio State to name just a few. Last month Cal secured the services of 6-11 220 pound Ivan Rabb. Rabb also a 5-star prospect is listed as Rivals number 7 in the nation.

Friday, May 1, 2015

There is a distinction between lack of talent and lack of effort!
-------Larry Laker

On second thought
This is a follow up to a report written last week regarding college coaches’ in the NBA. Nothing is ever set in stone just because college coaches have not been successful doesn’t say it will never occur. Billy Donovan has agreed to become coach of the Thunder. He certainly has the coaching resume to back up the hire and I will adopt a wait and see. Last week when mentioning coaches I forgot Brad Stevens of the Celtics.

Stevens left Butler and took over a Celtic team in the process of rebuilding after Rivers left to take the Clippers job. The first season under Stevens (2013-14) the Celtics finished 25-57. In his second year they finished 40-42 finishing second in the Atlantic Division and gained a playoff spot. No shame in them being eliminated by the Cavs after all the Celtics were in their first playoff run. The future looks bright for Stevens and the Celtics they have young team and a number of upcoming draft picks.

What do you think?
The final score read Spurs 111 Clippers 107, advantage Spurs 3 games to 2. This upfront disclaimer I didn’t see the game so my observations might not be correct. At the same time this is no declaration of an eventual winner this series could become tied once again. Wednesday morning I read Doc Rivers complaints regarding officiating of the game. I almost fell off my chair with laughter when he said “I don’t complain much. “ Coaches have complained about officiating since the Jurassic period, Rivers has never been bashful about voicing his objections to officiating.

For him to say he doesn’t complain is certainly erroneous. Let’s see what the box score reveals. Doc’s team was losers by 4 points; they shot 26-42 from the free throw line a sparkling 61.9%. As for the Spurs they went to the line 37 times and made 28 of them for 75.7%. I heard an ESPN reporter state “The Clippers have one of the best starting fives in the NBA but their bench betrays them.” To back the statement up the box score for the bench reads Spurs 48 Clippers 17. Perhaps someone should tap Rivers on the shoulder and point out it was his team and not the officials that cost them the game.

Bits n Pieces
I’ve said previously I’m no fan of the Cavs but I hate that Kevin Love is injured. I believe the Cavs can still go deep into the playoffs, is an NBA Championship in their future? I’m not going to go there let’s just wait for completion of the playoffs.

Who does Florida hire as a replacement for Billy Donovan? Florida has always been a football first school, Donovan is to be applauded for he managed to raise the level of play during his 19 years especially winning back to back NCAA Championships. Donovan replaced Lon Kruger who only experienced moderate success.

To no one’s surprise Andrew Wiggins was named 2015 NBA Rookie of the Year. Wiggins averaged nearly 17 ppg and close to 5 rebounds a game for the Wolves. Bulls power forward Nikola Mirotic finished a distant second. I can only speculate at this point however the Cavs might wind up losers, giving up Wiggins to acquire Kevin Love. The Love injury only adds to the speculation whether he stays or goes.

Recruiting news
Attention Duke Haters; Coach K. has struck gold once again. Brandon Ingram a 6-8 200 pound wing announced he’s head to Durham. Rivals list him as the number four prospect in the nation and a 5-star prospect. If you are wondering about Ingram’s height versus weight forget about it, he’ll be in the weight room Duke bulking up soon. Kansas basketball fans have been downtrodden losing to Wichita State. They can finally smile again, 6-9 220 pound power forward Cheick Diallo made his choice known.

Rivals have Diallo as the number 5 five prospect in the nation and a 5-star player. The native of Mali in West African played his high school ball in Centereach New York. This next report is surprising Kentucky traveled the junior college route on a prospect. Mychal Mulder a 6-4 shooting guard from Vincennes University chose Kentucky over Wichita State, Creighton and Indiana. Mulder scored at nearly 16 points a game and snatched 6.4 rebounds a game. Mulder will have two years of eligibility remaining at Kentucky.