Friday, May 29, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective

The stage is set
We are set, LeBron’s Cavs versus Steph’s Warriors playing for the 2015 NBA Championship crown. I’m not sure which team has come further the Cavs or the Warriors. Consider this fact the Cavs went into the toilet after LeBron left for South Beach, since his return they have returned to the top at least playing for an NBA Championship. The figures below only reflect averages.  The last time the Warriors last appeared in an NBA Finals was 1975. 

Warrior fans attending the game filled their vehicle with gasoline and paid 57 cents a gallon.
They drove to the game in a ‘75 vehicle that was purchased for $3,800.00. Al Gore hadn’t invented the internet yet so rather than call your buddy on the phone you mailed him a letter.  You paid 10 cents for the stamp you attached to the letter. It might be easier for you to remember back to the 2007 series and provide names for the Cavs-Spurs. Can you name any participant in the 1975 NBA series for the Warriors or the Bullets (Wizards)?

NBA officiating deserves a boo today, we cannot determine intent. The Hawks Al Horford is tangled with the Cavs Matthew Dellavedova and both fall to the floor. Horford “appears” to elbow Dellavedova, Horford is given a technical foul two and is ejected from the game later it was determined Horford would not be suspended. The Rockets Dwight Howard gets tangled with the Warriors Andrew Bogut. Howard lands a glancing blow on Bogut however he remains in the game. He too would not miss any time as the NBA decided to not suspend him. I realize if you didn’t see either game my description probably doesn’t provide enough insight for you to make a judgement. My concern is equal justice across the line which I don’t believe was done by the NBA in both occurances.

Shout out
This is a shout out for the Cleveland Cavaliers and especially LeBron James. There is a belief in some circles I despise LeBron James which is far from the truth. He certainly should be commended for leading his team to the Eastern Conference Championship. At this point we have no idea if the Cavs win the 2015 NBA Championship. It’s amazing to date no Kevin Love, Kyrie Irving playing on one leg and the Cavs still win thanks largely to LeBron. He provided the leadership, scoring and assists but had help. Tristan Thompson, Iman Shumpert and J.R. Smith all contributed to the teams’ success to date. I almost forgot the team’s “pit bull” Matthew Dellavedova; he provided a vital spark off the bench offensively and defensively.

I didn’t forget
On Wednesday I wrote of NBA owners always good for a quote or seeking the glare of publicity. I left two owners off the list because they don’t seek attention but would have difficulty defending their record as owners. James Dolan remember him, Knicks, Liberty, MSG and Cablevision owner. It was reported a season ticket holder complained to Dolan about the poor record of the Knicks. Dolan’s response; “You should become a fan of the Nets.” Time and space will not permit the litany of mistakes however we can say Isiah Thomas and leave it there.

On the west coach its Jimmy Buss who is pulling the strings for the Lakers. Deciding between a re-hire of Phil Jackson Buss chose Mike Brown, we know where that went. He compounded his management style by signing off on Mike “No D” Antoni. In the case of Buss we do have a deadline; he claimed he’d turn over operations of the team to sister Jeannie Buss if he couldn’t turn the team around in three years. We are now in year two of the “Jimmy Plan” let’s see if he’s a man of his word.

St. Louis
As I’ve mentioned previously the best high school talent comes from the east side of the state. As a life-long resident of Kansas City this is bothersome on a number of levels. A local sports radio host contends Mizzou has failed to adequately recruit St. Louis, he‘s not completely correct. Mizzou has recruited St. Louis talent however the prospects left the state rather than chose Mizzou as their destination. Just a few talents, Ben McLemore Kansas (St. Louis), Otto Porter Georgetown (St. Louis) Bradley Beal (St. Louis) and Larry Hughes St Louis University (St. Louis)

Simply hiring an assistant coach with St. Louis connections is not going to address the problem but it certainly can’t hurt especially if he can recruit. Mizzou hired Corey Tate earlier this month, he played at Mizzou during the same time period head coach Kim Anderson served as an assistant. The last 11 years Tate’s coached Mineral Area College a two year institution in Park Hills (MO) about 70 miles south of St. Louis. As for his St. Louis connections he serves as coach of a St. Louis area AAU team a role he must relinquish in June.