Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective

It's over

Congratulations are extended to the Golden State Warriors.  They become the 2015 NBA Champions beating the Cleveland Cavaliers 105-97 and winning the series 4 games to 2.  LeBron James had an outstanding series considering both Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love were missing due to injury.  Cleveland fans believed the return of LeBron James would provide the city it's first championship since 1964.  Losing hurts for awhile Cleveland rest assured your Cavs will be the Eastern Conference favorites next season. 

Inquiring minds
Today’s question to consider, why does the NBA measure basketball players’ height without shoes? Consider this fact a man’s dress shoe with a heel generally adds a little less than 2 inches to ones’ height. The bottom portion of a basketball shoe is virtually flat and cannot add much above ½ inch to anybodies height. I’m unsure if high schools or colleges’ measure without shoes but the NBA has long adopted this policy. The NBA Draft Combine held last month always utilizes the no shoes height measurement.

I was curious why the NBA adopted this procedure therefore I checked four basketball sites on the World Wide Web. I discovered none were able to offer an explanation how the process came about or its ‘purpose. I stopped searching believing I’d located as much information as possible and none were able to offer enlightenment. One site even claimed the NBA was the only professional league that practiced this process. So there you have the answer for inquiring minds who want to know, there is no explanation.

Arrogance--your opinion
Much has been made by Kobe Bryant’s arrogance by his critics. I held a conversation with a friend the other day, I told him the difference I believed in Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. Kobe plain doesn’t care what you say about him while LeBron seems to be affected by negative commentary. I’d mentioned Jared Dudley and the entertainer Nelly both claimed “nobody wants to play with Kobe.” You have an idea how Kobe feels regarding his arrogance. He tweeted out; “People who call me arrogant should count to 5“ a reference to his 5 NBA Championships. It’s likely there will be no more championships for Kobe as a player, how many athletes should we suppose can count even one championship on their bio. We could begin our count with Charles Barkley’s name, a number of former NBA greats living and deceased retired ring less.

Bits n Pieces
If you have this information already that’s good I didn’t. I believe all of us were knowledgeable college coaches couldn’t contact prospects before a certain date. The date probably changes on a year to year basis. For the Class of 2017 the contact date is June 15, 2015. Prospects should be prepared for a bombardment of phone calls and text messages.

Benjamin Franklin was an “author, printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman and diplomat” Wikipedia. Franklin lived from 1706-1790 roughly 200 some years before basketball was invented. The 76ers Franklin’s home town unveiled their new logo for next season. Ben dressed in clothing of the era is shown dribbling a basketball. Okay Philadelphia, Liberty Bell, and Ben Franklin we get it but basketball?

An arena is in the works for Seattle, even more interesting the NHL might play in the arena before an NBA basketball team. The multi-purpose Seattle Arena will accommodate 18,000-20,000 spectators for sporting events. The NBA has expressed no interest in expansion at the present time in Seattle or anywhere else. Unlike his predecessor Adam Silver has made no mention of Euro NBA expansion. Apparently the NHL is anxious to have a presence in the Emerald City.

This is bothersome on several levels, remember 76er Joel Embiid? He was the third pick in the first round of the 2014 NBA Draft. He’d miss the season due to injury; despite this fact the 76ers still chose the 7-footer believing he was a top prospect. Now comes words his foot has not sufficiently healed. He’s going to miss NBA Summer League will he be ready for the 2015-16 season? His former college coach Bill Self says “He hasn’t re-injured anything.”

The draft
I fell into the trap as usual so I guess I’m the dummy. I mentioned previously Mike Greenberg’s proposed “fix” for the NBA Draft. This ESPN host seems to believe (as do others) the draft lottery is out-dated. Don’t misunderstand my intent if there is a method of addressing change that’s credible it should be accomplished. Change for change sakes without providing a reason I fail to understand. Greenberg proposes the top team failing to make the playoffs would receive the number one draft pick. As the draft is structured currently the team with the poorest record doesn’t always win the pick but generally finishes in the top five. If Greenberg would offer research rather than just offer his opinion he might discover interesting facts. As an example NBA TV recently profiled this years Warriors team.

Keep in mind as this is written they haven’t won anything but they are playing for an NBA Championship. Let’s check them out, with the exception of reserves Andre Iguodala and Leandro Barbosa and starter Andrew Bogut the Warriors have been built almost exclusively through the draft. As for the Warriors Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, Draymond Green, Harrison Barnes and reserve Fetus Ezeli are all draft choices. How bout last seasons Spurs champion team you ask. Tim Duncan was a number one pick however Khawi Leonard was 15, Tony Parker 28. Manu Ginobili who was a key participant last year and in the past was a number 57 pick. Building a successful team is often slow and uncertain but don’t tell me a team cannot be built or re-built through the draft as it‘s currently structured.