Monday, June 15, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective
The Media
It’s funny to me and maybe only me. Have you noticed those in the media that have swung back and forth? After the Warriors win they declare almost in the same voice; “The Cavs are done, Warriors win the championship.” The next game the Cavs win and then we hear this; “LeBron, Shumpert and J.R. have the Warriors number.” Those are not the exact words we’ve heard but certainly something quite similar. I’m just going to continue viewing the series whether it goes six or seven games. I declare the winner to be _____________.

Which one to chose
As a Laker fan I can hardly wait for the next two weeks, will my team chose Towns or Okafor? One mock draft site indicates the Lakers will choose Ohio State’s DeAngelo Russell. That sounds totally insane to me, how do you chose a 6-4 guard when you have an opportunity to chose a 6-10 (or 11) center? This is no knock on Russell whom I believe is talented nor is there a guarantee Okafor is the real deal. The question who is chosen will soon be answered. Should I base my preference on the player they should chose based on a work-out or potential? Of the two Okafor is the only one who’s managed a workout for the Lakers.

This next statement I found interesting for the legion of Kobe haters. “Hopefully (Kobe) He’d be Super Hard On Me’” Okafor indicated if the Lakers chose to draft him. We realize there have been a significant number of draft bust Michael Olowokandi, Adam Morrison, Kwame Brown to name just a few. They were drafted with the belief they were diamonds in the rough. Unfortunately ability and in some instance injury prevented them from reaching the potential envisioned by many. We all could be surprised but I believe Commissioner Silver will march to the podium and say; “With the second pick in the 2015 draft the Los Angeles Lakers chose Jahlil Okafor of Duke University.”

Deja vu all over again
As Yogi Berra might say the Kyrie injury may have caused me and ESPN to say; its “Déjà vu all over again.” The headline read;”It will be the fourth game in NBA Finals history where a team is playing without 2 of its top 3 scorers. Each of the previous 3 teams lost the game, and the series.” One of those times was the 1989 NBA Finals; the Pistons were matched against the Lakers. Shooting guard Byron Scott suffered a severe hamstring in practice; he would be unable to play in game one Pistons 109 Lakers 97. Missing Scott the Lakers managed to play better in game two until minutes left in the third quarter.

Magic Johnson suffered a hamstring injury and was unable to finish the game Pistons 108 Lakers 105. Magic attempted to play in Game Three but could not make a go of it. Pistons 114 Lakers 110. The Laker backcourt in Game Four consisted of reserves backing other reserves, Piston 105, Lakers 97. A 4-game sweep by the Pistons, they may have beaten the Lakers anyway but fans would like to believe a healthy backcourt would have made a difference. This is not intended as a doom and gloom report, just to state it’s difficult for a team to win at this level without being 100% healthy.

Second guessing
I wonder if those folks critical of David Blatt truly understand the game, they complain about Blatt’s player rotation. They point to the fact LeBron and other starters have been forced to play heavy minutes. Perhaps James Jones, Shawn Marion and Mike Miller no longer have it. The three veterans are likely to retire after the season regardless of the series outcome. Jones is 34-years old with 12 NBA seasons under his belt. Marion is 37-years old with 16 years while Miller is 35 and 15 years, Kendrick Perkins is only 30 years old but rarely plays. The injury to Kevin Love and later Kyrie Irving has impacted this series in a negative manner for the Cavs.

health issue
7-footer Robert Upshaw was projected to be a first round draft choice. He would come into the NBA with “baggage” having been shown the door at Fresno State and then Washington. Many were salivating with what they believed was the NBA potential of Upshaw. In addition to the maturity issues a more serious issue is health. NBA workouts have detected a heart issue. My thought immediately went back to the 2014 draft and Isaiah Austin.

Austin a highly touted player from Baylor also had high aspirations until it was discovered a heart problem meant the end of his potential NBA career. As for Upshaw his agent indicates the family has known about his heart problems for years. I have no medical training or background so I’ll pose the question. Hank Gaithers and Reggie Lewis with heart problems, both would die before their time. Will Upshaw be drafted with the prospect of a lingering health issue? We shall wait and see. 

Series final MVP
No one can deny LeBron James play has been outstanding during his teams play against the Warriors. Several in the media have suggested LeBron should be named series MVP regardless of the outcome. Let’s study this question from a historical perspective. In 1958 and 1959 the late Ernie Banks of the Cubs was named MVP despite the fact his team never came close to qualifying for post-season play. The Lakers Jerry West was named series MVP in 1969; he the winner despite the Celtics had beaten the Lakers four games to three to win the NBA Championship. I’m sorry LeBron fans it’s my belief the only way he wins is to lead the Cavs to the championship. If the Cavs win no argument from me it belongs to LeBron, no way he wins if they lose.