Friday, August 7, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective

I ain’t mad at him
The Bulls Derrick Rose is skipping the Team USA trials this year; after missing parts of four seasons can you really blame him?  I’m sure there are some folks upset with him but don’t include me in the count.

His announcement
Kameron McGusty is a 6-5 guard and Rivals number 36 prospect in the Class of 2016.  A few details regarding this youngster, he’s from Katy (TX) 30 some miles from downtown Houston.  Oklahoma might have been his choice all along however it was a little surprising.  I believed with Shaka Smart at Texas the new coach would not permit talent from the State of Texas to “escape.”  McGusty announced his college choice in a tweet today’s method of communication by this generation.

They don’t hold bitterness
November 23rd Mizzou will face-off against Kansas State in the CBE Classic, last season Oklahoma State met Mizzou in Sprint Center.  Where am I going with this account you ask?  Former Big 12 rivals have no problems competing against SEC Mizzou.  Interesting in that Kansas appears to be the only Big 12 school with a problem playing their former rival.  I guess it’s not important there was a Colorado-Kansas in 2013 despite the fact Colorado left the Big 12 a year before Mizzou.  Was the match against Colorado due to Tad Boyle’s connection to Kansas?

I cannot answer the question I can only state its apparent Bill Self continues to hold a grudge against Mizzou.  Even more interesting it was revealed recently Kansas too was exploring leaving the Big 12 as late as 2010.  For those unfamiliar with the geography Kansas and Missouri share a border, the rivalry is ancient and it goes far beyond basketball and football.  Mizzou along with Texas A&M, Nebraska and Colorado made moves that benefited their institutions financially.  If the roles had been reversed you suppose Self would continue his same stance?

Shhhhhh please---don’t tell anyone
Years ago I purchased an Andrew Bynum jersey 17 to add to my collection of Laker
memorabilia.  Of course in 2012 Bynum was traded to the 76ers along with a number of other players.  Although he’d played well the Lakers believed the opportunity to obtain Dwight Howard was an overwhelming factor.  I refused to throw the Bynum jersey in the trash I paid nearly $100.00 for it.  It remained in the closet although Jeremy Lin wore the number when he played last year.  Somehow I felt the Lin move might not be permanent and I was proven correct.  The alternative it would remain in the back of my closet, it would never see the light of day again or at least that’s what I believed.  In July the Lakers acquired Roy Hibbert in a trade with the Pacers.

For his brief NBA career the only jersey I’d seen Hibbert wear was number 55, I guessed he would wear that same number with the Lakers since it wasn’t retired or in use I believed.  Imagine my surprise when the Lakers held the introductory press conference for Hibbert, Lou Williams and Brandon Bass a photo was provided with each displaying their jerseys.  There stood Hibbert all 7 feet 2 inches of him holding a Laker jersey with number “17” across the front.  I thought immediately “I’ve got a number 17 Laker jersey in the back of my closet.”  Bynum’s name is on the back of the jersey however I could display it from the front and no one will be the wiser.  If visitors inquire about the jersey I can state with a degree of confidence; “I’ve got a Roy Hibbert jersey.”  There’s only one problem you can’t tell anyone the truth you are sworn to keep my secret.

Talent escaping
Jayson Tatum Rivals number three prospect in the Class of 2016 made his intentions known.  The 6-8 205 pound 5-star prospect from St. Louis decided on Duke as his school of choice.  Michael Porter from Columbia (MO) is the number two prospect in the Class of 2017; and is also a 5-star recruit.  The slim 6-8 prospect remains uncommitted as this is written however his younger brother is a different matter.  Jontay Porter a 6-9 sophomore power forward announced his intention to head to the Pacific Northwest.

The younger Porter intends to play for Lorenzo Romar at Washington.  Three years is plenty of time for Jontay to change his mind but the chief concern talent escaping from Missouri.  I was critical of a local sports talk show host when he indicated Mizzou had done a poor job of in-state recruiting.  The disclaimer says there is no guarantee these athletes are guaranteed success at the next level but you hate to see them leave the state.  It seems high profile athletes want to get away.