Monday, August 24, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective

I believe him
Seth Curry is now sporting a Kings jersey after an extended journey through the NBA and D-League.  To date Seth’s been unable to emulate the success of his older brother thus the number of stops in his pro career.  He hopes Sacramento will be his last stop, according to Google Maps point to point Sacramento and Oakland are approximately 100 miles apart.  That’s certainly close enough for the teams to be rivals and now the added ingredient sibling rivalry?  Someone must have posed the question to Steph regarding his brother; “I’d have no problem dropping 50 on him.”  Somehow I have no difficulty believing Steph’s assertion.  This upcoming NBA season should prove interesting in Northern California.    

Most overused phrase
You can stop reading if you’ve heard the sentence; “He (or she) has a high basketball IQ.”  I’m unsure when I first heard the phrase used can you?  I’ve come to the conclusion this might be the most overused sports cliché in existence at the current time.  The explanation is simple and easy to comprehend but what not use a simpler example.  Wouldn’t it be easier to say “________ understands all phases of the game?  He‘s always thinking ahead of the next move” or a similar type of pronouncement.  Maybe using IQ in the sentence makes the person described appear smarter or more into the game.  Who knows the true answer; I just want broadcasters, analysts and others to quit using the phrase.  This is just my desire ain’t gonna change anytime soon.

What do you think?
Michael Jordan is suing a grocery store chain in Chicago; they used his image without securing permission.  According to Forbes Magazine Jordan is now a billionaire which places him in exclusive company.  He and media mogul Oprah Winfrey are the only black billionaires in the nation.  An economist testifying for the Jordan side claimed in his testimony; “The fair market value of Jordan’s image in advertising is at least $10 million dollars.”  Finance is most likely the basis for the suit but just as important the fact management failed to secure permission.

Understand this Jordan’s agent testified his client’s net worth has increased since his retirement.  Bear in mind almost weekly we read or hear stories of pirated music and complaints from those in the music industry.  Artists have filed similar lawsuits to Jordan so he’s certainly not unique in that regard.  I’m not claiming my view is correct just my observation.  NOTE:  Prior to publication of this account the trial concluded with a judgment in favor of Michael Jordan, he was awarded $8.9 million dollars in damages.  

Renaissance Man
Webster’s Dictionary defines Renaissance Man “A man who has wide interests and is expert in several areas.”  That definition certainly fits former NBA player Bob Lanier.  An outstanding pro career with the Pistons and Bucks led his election to the Naismith Hall of Fame.  Prior to the hall selection at the time Lanier retired in 1984 he invested $50,000 and formed Bob Lanier Enterprises a promotional marketing company.  His marketing company continues to operate to date.  Lanier also found time to serve as head of NBA Cares which is the leagues global initiative focusing on education, youth and family development plus health and wellness.  This account is far too brief to address that Lanier is a diverse man involved in several enterprises and a True Renaissance Man.

Bits n Pieces
I guess by now you realize Kentucky and John Calipari might be my second favorite college team, as for the news of the day an earlier report has been confirmed.  7-foot 245 pound Isaac Humphries by way of Australia is officially a Wildcat.  He’s in the Class of 2015 which means he’ll join the crop of talented remaining roster members.  

I ain’t mad at J.R. Smith; he tried to maximize himself in free-agency.  He discovered there were no takers at the amount of money he was asking.  Smith announced on Instagram he was re-signing with the Cavs.  Without checking I believe Smith won’t be receiving the money he first requested.

Remember the 1993 movie Rudy; it conveyed the story of a good high school football player at Notre Dame not good enough to play.  In the closing scene of the movie his teammates determined to get Rudy in the game they violated the coaches play book.    Although supposedly a true story parts of it are disputed.  Before he died in 2002 Coach Dan Devine (1975-1980 at Notre Dame) claimed he didn’t remember the events depicted in the movie.  In a scene from the movie events paralleled the movie.  Casey Perrin a 5-9 walk on at Campbell University appears before his teammates and the coach announces he will receive a scholarship for his senior year.  He’s mobbed by his teammates who appreciate their teammate who’s scored only nine points in three years.