Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective

Bits n Pieces
"I will not go gentle into the night" with apologies to Dylan Thomas Welsh Poet I took liberty with his villanelle.  Kobe Bryant talking real world said; "I don't know what I will do without basketball."  At the same time he made no acknowledgement he would retire despite entering his 20th season in the NBA and the injuries the last three seasons.  A friend the other day said; "Phil (Jackson) is trying to get him to New York."  Try as Phil might I don't believe this will occur, Kobe will retire as a Laker, I can't guarantee it I just believe it. 

Despite what we often read about the excesses of NBA players a number have a community mind set.  True a number have a ME only complex but others understand and give back.  Wizard John Wall gave a Washington D.C. Daycare $400,00 just the other day.  Former Laker Devean George is building affordable housing for low-income residents in Minneapolis.  LeBron James is known in the community as much as the basketball court for his efforts to better the community.  There are a significant number of NBA players I've failed to mention but my desire was to bring to your attention all are not self-serving.

I'm still a fan of Larry Brown despite the recent news.  A writer at SI and one at USA Today both believe Brown should be fired.  The NCAA ruled his Southern Methodist University team is ineligible for post-season play.  We must guess not on the NCAA tourney but the NIT as well, in addition the coach is suspended for 30%  or 9 games this season.  I'm guessing the games missed will be those of his choice.  The NCAA believes there is lack of head coach control.  An indictment by the NCAA is always suspect to me even if it involves one of my favorite coaches. 

Some how I missed the Deron Williams story, I remember writing an account earlier in which I stated his game had soured.  Over the last few years as a member of the Nets less injury he never duplicated his days with the Jazz.  In June Williams and the Nets agreed to a buy-out later in the middle of July Williams agreed to an offer with the Mavs.  Williams is returning home in a sense having attended high school in the Dallas area.  Perhaps with the Mavs and playing in from of his family he will be able to resume his All-Star numbers again. 

The count is unofficial on my part so I'm not claiming it's accurate, I discussed the fact Kim Anderson recruits are now filtering into the Mizzou program.  6 Anderson recruits arrived with the beginning of the fall semester next year the two recruits committing this month will arrive.  Athletes sometimes fall into difficulties with coaches just having your recruits is no guarantee for success.  What do I expect you ask, I certainly expect more than a repeat of the 9-23 record of last season.     

UCLA no longer dominates the basketball landscape as it did during the '60's and '70's.  During a portion of those years Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Bill Walton were roaming the paint an explanation as to why UCLA was a beast on the basketball court.  The two former Bruin centers have a problem with the current state of Bruin basketball and Coach Steve Alford.  Kareem was a 3-time NCAA Championship team, much later Walton's team would win 88-consecutive games.  The two giants believe UCLA should play at a much higher level than it has under Alford's tenure.