Friday, September 4, 2015

Basketball from a fans perspective

My Bad

I’m guilty of the same offense as Rockets center Dwight Howard, Wednesday I wrote of my objection Howard indicated his teammate James Harden was the best lefty ever in the game. I wrote of legendary Celtic great Bill Russell winner of 11 NBA Championships and a lefty. I forgot a lefty of more recent vintage, “The Admiral” David Robinson. The former Annapolis graduate and navy officer was required to fulfill his military commitment before beginning his NBA career. By the way Robinson stood 6-6 when he entered the academy the maximum height for a midshipman.

I’m sure the navy had no idea Robinson would grow to 7-1 by his senior year, even fewer might have foreseen the NBA in his future. His NBA career a regular season MVP, 2X NBA Champion is just a few of many honors. Robinson’s scored at a 21.1 ppg clip and grabbed 10.6 rebounds while a member of the Spurs. Despite beginning his NBA two years later than his graduating class his managed to play from 1989-2003. Did I mention David Robinson was also left-handed? I’m not going to take a chance this time I hope I haven’t omitted other successful lefties in NBA history.

Frank Jackson and Jabari Parker now with the NBA Bucks share several life moments. Both emerged from high school as highly talented basketball players Jackson from Utah and Parker from Illinois, both are/were 5-star prospects in high school. They share Mormonism a religion very few black families embrace. Brigham Young University in Utah is a Mormon affiliated institution, Parker was “supposed” to be headed to BYU. We know the history he enrolled at Duke leaving after his freshman year for the NBA.  6-4 Frank Jackson is from Highland Utah, reports indicate this youngster is skilled enough to play both guard positions. Jackson committed to BYU and then

de-committed while he searched for a school. He’s finally come to a decision; Jackson will head east for the campus at Durham (NC) to play basketball for Coach K. It should also be mentioned after losing a host of players to the NBA Duke has reloaded. ESPNU rates Duke’s incoming class number one in the nation. It appears the “Big Boys” continue to win the recruiting wars.

Remembering the past
I repeat a statement from previous I must be the last angry man in America. I tire of today’s media completely trashing records and exploits of past teams and individuals. A part of this has to do with now, “I can only see what’s in front of me. No disrespect to __________ (team/individual) but I believe _________ (team/individual) should be considered.” We didn’t witness giants of the past Shakespeare or Da Vinci toil in pursuit of excellence; do we disregard their greatness because we didn’t live at the time? In the NBA we have two legends playing for different teams who are legacy connected. LeBron James has switched back to jersey 23 since his return to Cleveland. You remember he changed to jersey 6 on his arrival in South Beach. He did it with the announcement; “In honor of Michael Jordan (23) the number should be retired.”

LeBron failed to take into consideration the great Bill Russell wore number 6 in those 11 NBA Championships in his 13 year Celtic career.  The NBA logo is the outline of former Laker great Jerry West who played from 1960 to 1974. Despite a brilliant playing career that saw him a 14X All Star he managed to win only won one NBA Championship. His Laker team was matched against Bill Russell’s Celtic team each and every time. In a discussion on Michael Jordan/LeBron James Stephen A. Smith said he believed Jordan should replace West as the NBA Logo.  Smith decided this and I quote; “West lost numerous NBA Championships” without discussing the fact each loss was his team facing the Russell led Celtics. Neither LeBron nor Smith were incorrect they were only viewing issues without bothering to research. I believe given time and research they may have come to an entirely different conclusion.